blob: 66ba79cd7a2b81957a50af30170f6f4809248593 [file] [log] [blame]
//! This module provides two utility macros for testing custom derives. They can
//! be used together to eliminate some of the boilerplate required in order to
//! declare and test custom derive implementations.
// Re-exports used by the decl_derive! and test_derive!
pub use proc_macro::TokenStream;
pub use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2;
pub use syn::{parse, parse_str, DeriveInput};
/// The `decl_derive!` macro declares a custom derive wrapper. It will parse the
/// incoming `TokenStream` into a `synstructure::Structure` object, and pass it
/// into the inner function.
/// Your inner function should take a `synstructure::Structure` by value, and
/// return a type implementing `synstructure::MacroResult`, for example:
/// ```
/// fn derive_simple(input: synstructure::Structure) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
/// unimplemented!()
/// }
/// fn derive_result(input: synstructure::Structure)
/// -> syn::Result<proc_macro2::TokenStream>
/// {
/// unimplemented!()
/// }
/// ```
/// # Usage
/// ### Without Attributes
/// ```
/// fn derive_interesting(_input: synstructure::Structure) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
/// quote::quote! { ... }
/// }
/// # const _IGNORE: &'static str = stringify! {
/// decl_derive!([Interesting] => derive_interesting);
/// # };
/// ```
/// ### With Attributes
/// ```
/// # fn main() {}
/// fn derive_interesting(_input: synstructure::Structure) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
/// quote::quote! { ... }
/// }
/// # const _IGNORE: &'static str = stringify! {
/// decl_derive!([Interesting, attributes(interesting_ignore)] => derive_interesting);
/// # };
/// ```
macro_rules! decl_derive {
// XXX: Switch to using this variant everywhere?
([$derives:ident $($derive_t:tt)*] => $inner:path) => {
#[proc_macro_derive($derives $($derive_t)*)]
pub fn $derives(
i: $crate::macros::TokenStream
) -> $crate::macros::TokenStream {
match $crate::macros::parse::<$crate::macros::DeriveInput>(i) {
Ok(p) => {
match $crate::Structure::try_new(&p) {
Ok(s) => $crate::MacroResult::into_stream($inner(s)),
Err(e) => e.to_compile_error().into(),
Err(e) => e.to_compile_error().into(),
/// The `decl_attribute!` macro declares a custom attribute wrapper. It will
/// parse the incoming `TokenStream` into a `synstructure::Structure` object,
/// and pass it into the inner function.
/// Your inner function should have the following type:
/// ```
/// fn attribute(
/// attr: proc_macro2::TokenStream,
/// structure: synstructure::Structure,
/// ) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
/// unimplemented!()
/// }
/// ```
/// # Usage
/// ```
/// fn attribute_interesting(
/// _attr: proc_macro2::TokenStream,
/// _structure: synstructure::Structure,
/// ) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
/// quote::quote! { ... }
/// }
/// # const _IGNORE: &'static str = stringify! {
/// decl_attribute!([interesting] => attribute_interesting);
/// # };
/// ```
/// ```
macro_rules! decl_attribute {
([$attribute:ident] => $inner:path) => {
pub fn $attribute(
attr: $crate::macros::TokenStream,
i: $crate::macros::TokenStream,
) -> $crate::macros::TokenStream {
match $crate::macros::parse::<$crate::macros::DeriveInput>(i) {
Ok(p) => match $crate::Structure::try_new(&p) {
Ok(s) => $crate::MacroResult::into_stream($inner(attr.into(), s)),
Err(e) => e.to_compile_error().into(),
Err(e) => e.to_compile_error().into(),
/// Run a test on a custom derive. This macro expands both the original struct
/// and the expansion to ensure that they compile correctly, and confirms that
/// feeding the original struct into the named derive will produce the written
/// output.
/// You can add `no_build` to the end of the macro invocation to disable
/// checking that the written code compiles. This is useful in contexts where
/// the procedural macro cannot depend on the crate where it is used during
/// tests.
/// # Usage
/// ```
/// fn test_derive_example(_s: synstructure::Structure)
/// -> Result<proc_macro2::TokenStream, syn::Error>
/// {
/// Ok(quote::quote! { const YOUR_OUTPUT: &'static str = "here"; })
/// }
/// fn main() {
/// synstructure::test_derive!{
/// test_derive_example {
/// struct A;
/// }
/// expands to {
/// const YOUR_OUTPUT: &'static str = "here";
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! test_derive {
($name:path { $($i:tt)* } expands to { $($o:tt)* }) => {
fn ensure_compiles() {
$crate::test_derive!($name { $($i)* } expands to { $($o)* } no_build);
($name:path { $($i:tt)* } expands to { $($o:tt)* } no_build) => {
let i = stringify!( $($i)* );
let parsed = $crate::macros::parse_str::<$crate::macros::DeriveInput>(i)
"Failed to parse input to `#[derive(",
let raw_res = $name($crate::Structure::new(&parsed));
let res = $crate::MacroResult::into_result(raw_res)
"Procedural macro failed for `#[derive(",
let expected = stringify!( $($o)* )
.expect("output should be a valid TokenStream");
let mut expected_toks = $crate::macros::TokenStream2::from(expected);
if res.to_string() != expected_toks.to_string() {
test_derive failed: