blob: d39f2c1fe277e115d3899de51bb435ed47dae1e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Check that `const extern fn` and `const unsafe extern fn` are feature-gated.
#[cfg(FALSE)] const extern fn foo1() {} //~ ERROR `const extern fn` definitions are unstable
#[cfg(FALSE)] const extern "C" fn foo2() {} //~ ERROR `const extern fn` definitions are unstable
#[cfg(FALSE)] const extern "Rust" fn foo3() {} //~ ERROR `const extern fn` definitions are unstable
#[cfg(FALSE)] const unsafe extern fn bar1() {} //~ ERROR `const extern fn` definitions are unstable
#[cfg(FALSE)] const unsafe extern "C" fn bar2() {}
//~^ ERROR `const extern fn` definitions are unstable
#[cfg(FALSE)] const unsafe extern "Rust" fn bar3() {}
//~^ ERROR `const extern fn` definitions are unstable
fn main() {}