blob: 419ee195c603a35710bce100ebd6aa7c2714ae04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
use winapi::shared::minwindef::FILETIME;
use winapi::um::winnt::LPWSTR;
use std::time::SystemTime;
pub(crate) fn filetime_to_u64(f: FILETIME) -> u64 {
(f.dwHighDateTime as u64) << 32 | (f.dwLowDateTime as u64)
pub(crate) fn get_now() -> u64 {
.map(|n| n.as_secs())
pub(crate) unsafe fn to_str(p: LPWSTR) -> String {
let mut i = 0;
loop {
let c = *p.offset(i);
if c == 0 {
i += 1;
let s = std::slice::from_raw_parts(p, i as _);
String::from_utf16(s).unwrap_or_else(|_e| {
sysinfo_debug!("Failed to convert to UTF-16 string: {}", _e);