blob: f57fcd6044ffa886de2bd65260941b98cf0d057d [file] [log] [blame]
// ignore-tidy-linelength
// revisions: riscv32 riscv64
// [riscv32] needs-llvm-components: riscv
// [riscv32] compile-flags: --target=riscv32i-unknown-none-elf -C target-feature=-unaligned-scalar-mem --crate-type=rlib
// [riscv64] needs-llvm-components: riscv
// [riscv64] compile-flags: --target=riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf -C target-feature=-unaligned-scalar-mem --crate-type=rlib
#[lang = "sized"]
trait Sized {}
extern "riscv-interrupt" fn isr() {}
//~^ ERROR invalid ABI
//~^^ NOTE invalid ABI
//~^^^ NOTE invoke `rustc --print=calling-conventions` for a full list of supported calling conventions
//~^^^^ NOTE please use one of riscv-interrupt-m or riscv-interrupt-s
extern "riscv-interrupt-u" fn isr_U() {}
//~^ ERROR invalid ABI
//~^^ NOTE invalid ABI
//~^^^ NOTE invoke `rustc --print=calling-conventions` for a full list of supported calling conventions
//~^^^^ NOTE user-mode interrupt handlers have been removed from LLVM pending standardization