blob: 0e41174040b684b34f2e14b516c75a317fa57538 [file] [log] [blame]
//===------- AArch32Tests.cpp - Unit tests for the AArch32 backend --------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h>
#include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/aarch32.h>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::jitlink;
using namespace llvm::jitlink::aarch32;
using namespace llvm::support;
using namespace llvm::support::endian;
struct MutableHalfWords {
MutableHalfWords(HalfWords Preset) : Hi(Preset.Hi), Lo(Preset.Lo) {}
void patch(HalfWords Value, HalfWords Mask) {
Hi = (Hi & ~Mask.Hi) | Value.Hi;
Lo = (Lo & ~Mask.Lo) | Value.Lo;
uint16_t Hi; // First halfword
uint16_t Lo; // Second halfword
namespace llvm {
namespace jitlink {
Expected<aarch32::EdgeKind_aarch32> getJITLinkEdgeKind(uint32_t ELFType);
Expected<uint32_t> getELFRelocationType(Edge::Kind Kind);
} // namespace jitlink
} // namespace llvm
TEST(AArch32_ELF, EdgeKinds) {
// Fails: Invalid ELF type -> JITLink kind
Expected<uint32_t> ErrKind = getJITLinkEdgeKind(ELF::R_ARM_NONE);
// Fails: Invalid JITLink kind -> ELF type
Expected<uint32_t> ErrType = getELFRelocationType(Edge::Invalid);
for (Edge::Kind K = FirstDataRelocation; K < LastThumbRelocation; K += 1) {
Expected<uint32_t> ELFType = getELFRelocationType(K);
<< "Failed to translate JITLink kind -> ELF type";
Expected<Edge::Kind> JITLinkKind = getJITLinkEdgeKind(*ELFType);
<< "Failed to translate ELF type -> JITLink kind";
EXPECT_EQ(*JITLinkKind, K) << "Round-trip value inconsistent?";
namespace llvm {
namespace jitlink {
namespace aarch32 {
HalfWords encodeImmBT4BlT1BlxT2(int64_t Value);
HalfWords encodeImmBT4BlT1BlxT2_J1J2(int64_t Value);
HalfWords encodeImmMovtT1MovwT3(uint16_t Value);
HalfWords encodeRegMovtT1MovwT3(int64_t Value);
int64_t decodeImmBT4BlT1BlxT2(uint32_t Hi, uint32_t Lo);
int64_t decodeImmBT4BlT1BlxT2_J1J2(uint32_t Hi, uint32_t Lo);
uint16_t decodeImmMovtT1MovwT3(uint32_t Hi, uint32_t Lo);
int64_t decodeRegMovtT1MovwT3(uint32_t Hi, uint32_t Lo);
} // namespace aarch32
} // namespace jitlink
} // namespace llvm
// Big-endian for v7 and v8 (and v6 unless in legacy backwards compatible mode
// be32) have little-endian instructions and big-endian data. In ELF relocatable
// objects big-endian instructions may still be encountered. A be8 supporting
// linker is expected to endian-reverse instructions for the executable.
template <endianness Endian>
static HalfWords makeHalfWords(std::array<uint8_t, 4> Mem) {
return HalfWords{read16<Endian>(, read16<Endian>( + 2)};
/// 25-bit branch with link (with J1J2 range extension)
TEST(AArch32_Relocations, Thumb_Call_J1J2) {
static_assert(isInt<25>(16777215), "Max value");
static_assert(isInt<25>(-16777215), "Min value");
static_assert(!isInt<25>(16777217), "First overflow");
static_assert(!isInt<25>(-16777217), "First underflow");
constexpr HalfWords ImmMask = FixupInfo<Thumb_Call>::ImmMask;
static std::array<HalfWords, 3> MemPresets{
makeHalfWords<little>({0xff, 0xf7, 0xfe, 0xef}), // common
makeHalfWords<little>({0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}), // zeros
makeHalfWords<little>({0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}), // ones
auto EncodeDecode = [ImmMask](int64_t In, MutableHalfWords &Mem) {
Mem.patch(encodeImmBT4BlT1BlxT2_J1J2(In), ImmMask);
return decodeImmBT4BlT1BlxT2_J1J2(Mem.Hi, Mem.Lo);
for (MutableHalfWords Mem : MemPresets) {
HalfWords UnaffectedBits(Mem.Hi & ~ImmMask.Hi, Mem.Lo & ~ImmMask.Lo);
EXPECT_EQ(EncodeDecode(1, Mem), 0); // Zero value
EXPECT_EQ(EncodeDecode(0x41, Mem), 0x40); // Common value
EXPECT_EQ(EncodeDecode(16777215, Mem), 16777214); // Maximum value
EXPECT_EQ(EncodeDecode(-16777215, Mem), -16777216); // Minimum value
EXPECT_NE(EncodeDecode(16777217, Mem), 16777217); // First overflow
EXPECT_NE(EncodeDecode(-16777217, Mem), -16777217); // First underflow
EXPECT_TRUE(UnaffectedBits.Hi == (Mem.Hi & ~ImmMask.Hi) &&
UnaffectedBits.Lo == (Mem.Lo & ~ImmMask.Lo))
<< "Diff outside immediate field";
/// 22-bit branch with link (without J1J2 range extension)
TEST(AArch32_Relocations, Thumb_Call_Bare) {
static_assert(isInt<22>(2097151), "Max value");
static_assert(isInt<22>(-2097151), "Min value");
static_assert(!isInt<22>(2097153), "First overflow");
static_assert(!isInt<22>(-2097153), "First underflow");
constexpr HalfWords ImmMask = FixupInfo<Thumb_Call>::ImmMask;
static std::array<HalfWords, 3> MemPresets{
makeHalfWords<little>({0xff, 0xf7, 0xfe, 0xef}), // common
makeHalfWords<little>({0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}), // zeros
makeHalfWords<little>({0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}), // ones
auto EncodeDecode = [ImmMask](int64_t In, MutableHalfWords &Mem) {
Mem.patch(encodeImmBT4BlT1BlxT2_J1J2(In), ImmMask);
return decodeImmBT4BlT1BlxT2_J1J2(Mem.Hi, Mem.Lo);
for (MutableHalfWords Mem : MemPresets) {
HalfWords UnaffectedBits(Mem.Hi & ~ImmMask.Hi, Mem.Lo & ~ImmMask.Lo);
EXPECT_EQ(EncodeDecode(1, Mem), 0); // Zero value
EXPECT_EQ(EncodeDecode(0x41, Mem), 0x40); // Common value
EXPECT_EQ(EncodeDecode(2097151, Mem), 2097150); // Maximum value
EXPECT_EQ(EncodeDecode(-2097151, Mem), -2097152); // Minimum value
EXPECT_NE(EncodeDecode(2097153, Mem), 2097153); // First overflow
EXPECT_NE(EncodeDecode(-2097153, Mem), -2097153); // First underflow
EXPECT_TRUE(UnaffectedBits.Hi == (Mem.Hi & ~ImmMask.Hi) &&
UnaffectedBits.Lo == (Mem.Lo & ~ImmMask.Lo))
<< "Diff outside immediate field";
/// Write immediate value to the top halfword of the destination register
TEST(AArch32_Relocations, Thumb_MovtAbs) {
static_assert(isUInt<16>(65535), "Max value");
static_assert(!isUInt<16>(65536), "First overflow");
constexpr HalfWords ImmMask = FixupInfo<Thumb_MovtAbs>::ImmMask;
constexpr HalfWords RegMask = FixupInfo<Thumb_MovtAbs>::RegMask;
static std::array<uint8_t, 3> Registers{0, 5, 12};
static std::array<HalfWords, 3> MemPresets{
makeHalfWords<little>({0xff, 0xf7, 0xfe, 0xef}), // common
makeHalfWords<little>({0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}), // zeros
makeHalfWords<little>({0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}), // ones
auto EncodeDecode = [ImmMask](uint32_t In, MutableHalfWords &Mem) {
Mem.patch(encodeImmMovtT1MovwT3(In), ImmMask);
return decodeImmMovtT1MovwT3(Mem.Hi, Mem.Lo);
for (MutableHalfWords Mem : MemPresets) {
for (uint8_t Reg : Registers) {
HalfWords UnaffectedBits(Mem.Hi & ~(ImmMask.Hi | RegMask.Hi),
Mem.Lo & ~(ImmMask.Lo | RegMask.Lo));
Mem.patch(encodeRegMovtT1MovwT3(Reg), RegMask);
EXPECT_EQ(EncodeDecode(0x76bb, Mem), 0x76bb); // Common value
EXPECT_EQ(EncodeDecode(0, Mem), 0); // Minimum value
EXPECT_EQ(EncodeDecode(0xffff, Mem), 0xffff); // Maximum value
EXPECT_NE(EncodeDecode(0x10000, Mem), 0x10000); // First overflow
// Destination register as well as unaffacted bits should be intact
EXPECT_EQ(decodeRegMovtT1MovwT3(Mem.Hi, Mem.Lo), Reg);
EXPECT_TRUE(UnaffectedBits.Hi == (Mem.Hi & ~(ImmMask.Hi | RegMask.Hi)) &&
UnaffectedBits.Lo == (Mem.Lo & ~(ImmMask.Lo | RegMask.Lo)))
<< "Diff outside immediate/register field";