blob: d3d463e792984d5d3ef7e6c3e8348a0c6c7cda97 [file] [log] [blame]
//! An enum with a primitive repr should have exactly the size of that primitive.
#![crate_type = "lib"]
mod assert {
use std::mem::{Assume, BikeshedIntrinsicFrom};
pub fn is_transmutable<Src, Dst>()
Dst: BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<Src, {
Assume {
alignment: true,
lifetimes: true,
safety: true,
validity: true,
struct Zst;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
#[repr(i8)] enum V0i8 { V }
#[repr(u8)] enum V0u8 { V }
#[repr(i16)] enum V0i16 { V }
#[repr(u16)] enum V0u16 { V }
#[repr(i32)] enum V0i32 { V }
#[repr(u32)] enum V0u32 { V }
#[repr(i64)] enum V0i64 { V }
#[repr(u64)] enum V0u64 { V }
#[repr(isize)] enum V0isize { V }
#[repr(usize)] enum V0usize { V }
fn n8() {
type Smaller = Zst;
type Analog = u8;
type Larger = u16;
fn i_should_have_correct_length() {
type Current = V0i8;
assert::is_transmutable::<Smaller, Current>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Analog>();
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Larger>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
fn u_should_have_correct_length() {
type Current = V0u8;
assert::is_transmutable::<Smaller, Current>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Analog>();
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Larger>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
fn n16() {
type Smaller = u8;
type Analog = u16;
type Larger = u32;
fn i_should_have_correct_length() {
type Current = V0i16;
assert::is_transmutable::<Smaller, Current>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Analog>();
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Larger>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
fn u_should_have_correct_length() {
type Current = V0u16;
assert::is_transmutable::<Smaller, Current>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Analog>();
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Larger>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
fn n32() {
type Smaller = u16;
type Analog = u32;
type Larger = u64;
fn i_should_have_correct_length() {
type Current = V0i32;
assert::is_transmutable::<Smaller, Current>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Analog>();
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Larger>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
fn u_should_have_correct_length() {
type Current = V0u32;
assert::is_transmutable::<Smaller, Current>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Analog>();
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Larger>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
fn n64() {
type Smaller = u32;
type Analog = u64;
type Larger = u128;
fn i_should_have_correct_length() {
type Current = V0i64;
assert::is_transmutable::<Smaller, Current>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Analog>();
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Larger>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
fn u_should_have_correct_length() {
type Current = V0u64;
assert::is_transmutable::<Smaller, Current>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Analog>();
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Larger>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
fn nsize() {
type Smaller = u8;
type Analog = usize;
type Larger = [usize; 2];
fn i_should_have_correct_length() {
type Current = V0isize;
assert::is_transmutable::<Smaller, Current>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Analog>();
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Larger>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
fn u_should_have_correct_length() {
type Current = V0usize;
assert::is_transmutable::<Smaller, Current>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Analog>();
assert::is_transmutable::<Current, Larger>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted