blob: 98f0d811a47be2697bca9ecec07565886256df0c [file] [log] [blame]
//@ revisions: current next
//@ ignore-compare-mode-next-solver (explicit revisions)
//@[next] compile-flags: -Znext-solver
type Loop = Loop; //[current]~ ERROR overflow normalizing the type alias `Loop`
impl Loop {}
//[current]~^ ERROR overflow normalizing the type alias `Loop`
//[next]~^^ ERROR overflow evaluating the requirement `Loop == _`
type Poly0<T> = Poly1<(T,)>;
//[current]~^ ERROR overflow normalizing the type alias `Poly0<(((((((...,),),),),),),)>`
//[next]~^^ ERROR type parameter `T` is never used
type Poly1<T> = Poly0<(T,)>;
//[current]~^ ERROR overflow normalizing the type alias `Poly1<(((((((...,),),),),),),)>`
//[next]~^^ ERROR type parameter `T` is never used
impl Poly0<()> {}
//[current]~^ ERROR overflow normalizing the type alias `Poly1<(((((((...,),),),),),),)>`
//[next]~^^ ERROR overflow evaluating the requirement `Poly0<()> == _`
fn main() {}