blob: 804801ed591b4ae6a82e140b040a9d9db377c3b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Check that we imply outlives-bounds on lazy type aliases.
//@ revisions: pos neg
//@[pos] check-pass
type TypeOutlives<'a, T> = &'a T;
type RegionOutlives<'a, 'b> = &'a &'b ();
// Ensure that we imply bounds from the explicit bounds of weak aliases.
struct Outer0<'a, T>(ExplicitTypeOutlives<'a, T>);
type ExplicitTypeOutlives<'a, T: 'a> = (&'a (), T);
// Ensure that we imply bounds from the implied bounds of weak aliases.
type Outer1<'b, U> = TypeOutlives<'b, U>;
fn env0<'any>() {
let _: TypeOutlives<'static, &'any ()>; //[neg]~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
fn env1<'any>() {
let _: RegionOutlives<'static, 'any>; //[neg]~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
fn env2<'any>() {
let _: Outer0<'static, &'any ()>; //[neg]~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
fn env3<'any>() {
let _: Outer1<'static, &'any ()>; //[neg]~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
fn main() {}