blob: 420d4074907972b3b673500f8abc4ef0113b2249 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Tidy check to ensure below in UI test directories:
//! - the number of entries in each directory must be less than `ENTRY_LIMIT`
//! - there are no stray `.stderr` files
use ignore::Walk;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use regex::Regex;
use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap};
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fs;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
// FIXME: GitHub's UI truncates file lists that exceed 1000 entries, so these
// should all be 1000 or lower. Limits significantly smaller than 1000 are also
// desirable, because large numbers of files are unwieldy in general. See issue
// #73494.
const ENTRY_LIMIT: usize = 900;
// FIXME: The following limits should be reduced eventually.
const ISSUES_ENTRY_LIMIT: usize = 1750;
const ROOT_ENTRY_LIMIT: usize = 866;
"rs", // test source files
"stderr", // expected stderr file, corresponds to a rs file
"svg", // expected svg file, corresponds to a rs file, equivalent to stderr
"stdout", // expected stdout file, corresponds to a rs file
"fixed", // expected source file after applying fixes
"md", // test directory descriptions
"ftl", // translation tests
"tests/ui/asm/named-asm-labels.s", // loading an external asm file to test named labels lint
"tests/ui/codegen/mismatched-data-layout.json", // testing mismatched data layout w/ custom targets
"tests/ui/check-cfg/my-awesome-platform.json", // testing custom targets with cfgs
"tests/ui/argfile/commandline-argfile-badutf8.args", // passing args via a file
"tests/ui/argfile/commandline-argfile.args", // passing args via a file
"tests/ui/crate-loading/auxiliary/libfoo.rlib", // testing loading a manually created rlib
"tests/ui/include-macros/data.bin", // testing including data with the include macros
"tests/ui/include-macros/file.txt", // testing including data with the include macros
"tests/ui/macros/macro-expanded-include/file.txt", // testing including data with the include macros
"tests/ui/macros/not-utf8.bin", // testing including data with the include macros
"tests/ui/macros/syntax-extension-source-utils-files/includeme.fragment", // more include
"tests/ui/proc-macro/auxiliary/included-file.txt", // more include
"tests/ui/invalid/foo.natvis.xml", // sample debugger visualizer
"tests/ui/sanitizer/dataflow-abilist.txt", // dataflow sanitizer ABI list file
"tests/ui/shell-argfiles/shell-argfiles.args", // passing args via a file
"tests/ui/shell-argfiles/shell-argfiles-badquotes.args", // passing args via a file
"tests/ui/shell-argfiles/shell-argfiles-via-argfile-shell.args", // passing args via a file
"tests/ui/shell-argfiles/shell-argfiles-via-argfile.args", // passing args via a file
"tests/ui/std/windows-bat-args1.bat", // tests escaping arguments through batch files
"tests/ui/std/windows-bat-args2.bat", // tests escaping arguments through batch files
"tests/ui/std/windows-bat-args3.bat", // tests escaping arguments through batch files
fn check_entries(tests_path: &Path, bad: &mut bool) {
let mut directories: HashMap<PathBuf, usize> = HashMap::new();
for dir in Walk::new(&tests_path.join("ui")) {
if let Ok(entry) = dir {
let parent = entry.path().parent().unwrap().to_path_buf();
*directories.entry(parent).or_default() += 1;
let (mut max, mut max_root, mut max_issues) = (0usize, 0usize, 0usize);
for (dir_path, count) in directories {
// Use special values for these dirs.
let is_root = tests_path.join("ui") == dir_path;
let is_issues_dir = tests_path.join("ui/issues") == dir_path;
let (limit, maxcnt) = if is_root {
(ROOT_ENTRY_LIMIT, &mut max_root)
} else if is_issues_dir {
(ISSUES_ENTRY_LIMIT, &mut max_issues)
} else {
(ENTRY_LIMIT, &mut max)
*maxcnt = (*maxcnt).max(count);
if count > limit {
"following path contains more than {} entries, \
you should move the test to some relevant subdirectory (current: {}): {}",
if ROOT_ENTRY_LIMIT > max_root {
"`ROOT_ENTRY_LIMIT` is too high (is {ROOT_ENTRY_LIMIT}, should be {max_root})"
if ISSUES_ENTRY_LIMIT > max_issues {
"`ISSUES_ENTRY_LIMIT` is too high (is {ISSUES_ENTRY_LIMIT}, should be {max_issues})"
pub fn check(root_path: &Path, bless: bool, bad: &mut bool) {
let path = &root_path.join("tests");
check_entries(&path, bad);
// the list of files in ui tests that are allowed to start with `issue-XXXX`
// BTreeSet because we would like a stable ordering so --bless works
let issues_list =
include!("issues.txt").map(|path| path.replace("/", std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR_STR));
let issues: Vec<String> = Vec::from(issues_list.clone());
let is_sorted =|w| w[0] < w[1]);
if !is_sorted && !bless {
"`src/tools/tidy/src/issues.txt` is not in order, mostly because you modified it manually,
please only update it with command `x test tidy --bless`"
let allowed_issue_names = BTreeSet::from(issues_list);
let mut remaining_issue_names: BTreeSet<String> = allowed_issue_names.clone();
let (ui, ui_fulldeps) = (path.join("ui"), path.join("ui-fulldeps"));
let paths = [ui.as_path(), ui_fulldeps.as_path()];
crate::walk::walk_no_read(&paths, |_, _| false, &mut |entry| {
let file_path = entry.path();
if let Some(ext) = file_path.extension().and_then(OsStr::to_str) {
// files that are neither an expected extension or an exception should not exist
// they're probably typos or not meant to exist
|| EXTENSION_EXCEPTION_PATHS.iter().any(|path| file_path.ends_with(path)))
tidy_error!(bad, "file {} has unexpected extension {}", file_path.display(), ext);
// NB: We do not use file_stem() as some file names have multiple `.`s and we
// must strip all of them.
let testname =
if ext == "stderr" || ext == "stdout" || ext == "fixed" {
// Test output filenames have one of the formats:
// ```
// $testname.stderr
// $testname.$mode.stderr
// $testname.$revision.stderr
// $testname.$revision.$mode.stderr
// ```
// For now, just make sure that there is a corresponding
// `$` file.
if !file_path.with_file_name(testname).with_extension("rs").exists()
&& !testname.contains("ignore-tidy")
tidy_error!(bad, "Stray file with UI testing output: {:?}", file_path);
if let Ok(metadata) = fs::metadata(file_path) {
if metadata.len() == 0 {
tidy_error!(bad, "Empty file with UI testing output: {:?}", file_path);
if ext == "rs" {
lazy_static! {
static ref ISSUE_NAME_REGEX: Regex =
if let Some(test_name) = ISSUE_NAME_REGEX.captures(testname) {
// these paths are always relative to the passed `path` and always UTF8
let stripped_path = file_path.strip_prefix(path).unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
if !remaining_issue_names.remove(stripped_path) {
"file `tests/{stripped_path}` must begin with a descriptive name, consider `{{reason}}-issue-{issue_n}.rs`",
issue_n = &test_name[1],
// if an excluded file is renamed, it must be removed from this list
// do this automatically on bless, otherwise issue a tidy error
if bless {
let issues_txt_header = r#"
let tidy_src = root_path.join("src/tools/tidy/src");
// instead of overwriting the file, recreate it and use an "atomic rename"
// so we don't bork things on panic or a contributor using Ctrl+C
let blessed_issues_path = tidy_src.join("issues_blessed.txt");
let mut blessed_issues_txt = fs::File::create(&blessed_issues_path).unwrap();
// If we changed paths to use the OS separator, reassert Unix chauvinism for blessing.
for filename in allowed_issue_names
.map(|s| s.replace(std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR_STR, "/"))
write!(blessed_issues_txt, "\"{filename}\",\n").unwrap();
write!(blessed_issues_txt, "]\n").unwrap();
let old_issues_path = tidy_src.join("issues.txt");
fs::rename(blessed_issues_path, old_issues_path).unwrap();
} else {
for file_name in remaining_issue_names {
let mut p = PathBuf::from(path);
"file `{}` no longer exists and should be removed from the exclusions in `src/tools/tidy/src/issues.txt`",