blob: 4bc4758feef6af5349670af53a3a60ea9bc5b2e7 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::dep_cache::RegistryQueryer;
use super::errors::ActivateResult;
use super::types::{ConflictMap, ConflictReason, FeaturesSet, ResolveOpts};
use super::RequestedFeatures;
use crate::core::{Dependency, PackageId, SourceId, Summary};
use crate::util::interning::InternedString;
use crate::util::Graph;
use anyhow::format_err;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::num::NonZeroU64;
use tracing::debug;
// A `Context` is basically a bunch of local resolution information which is
// kept around for all `BacktrackFrame` instances. As a result, this runs the
// risk of being cloned *a lot* so we want to make this as cheap to clone as
// possible.
pub struct ResolverContext {
pub age: ContextAge,
pub activations: Activations,
/// list the features that are activated for each package
pub resolve_features: im_rc::HashMap<PackageId, FeaturesSet>,
/// get the package that will be linking to a native library by its links attribute
pub links: im_rc::HashMap<InternedString, PackageId>,
/// a way to look up for a package in activations what packages required it
/// and all of the exact deps that it fulfilled.
pub parents: Graph<PackageId, im_rc::HashSet<Dependency>>,
/// When backtracking it can be useful to know how far back to go.
/// The `ContextAge` of a `Context` is a monotonically increasing counter of the number
/// of decisions made to get to this state.
/// Several structures store the `ContextAge` when it was added,
/// to be used in `find_candidate` for backtracking.
pub type ContextAge = usize;
/// Find the activated version of a crate based on the name, source, and semver compatibility.
/// By storing this in a hash map we ensure that there is only one
/// semver compatible version of each crate.
/// This all so stores the `ContextAge`.
pub type ActivationsKey = (InternedString, SourceId, SemverCompatibility);
pub type Activations = im_rc::HashMap<ActivationsKey, (Summary, ContextAge)>;
/// A type that represents when cargo treats two Versions as compatible.
/// Versions `a` and `b` are compatible if their left-most nonzero digit is the
/// same.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum SemverCompatibility {
impl From<&semver::Version> for SemverCompatibility {
fn from(ver: &semver::Version) -> Self {
if let Some(m) = NonZeroU64::new(ver.major) {
return SemverCompatibility::Major(m);
if let Some(m) = NonZeroU64::new(ver.minor) {
return SemverCompatibility::Minor(m);
impl PackageId {
pub fn as_activations_key(self) -> ActivationsKey {
(, self.source_id(), self.version().into())
impl ResolverContext {
pub fn new() -> ResolverContext {
ResolverContext {
age: 0,
resolve_features: im_rc::HashMap::new(),
links: im_rc::HashMap::new(),
parents: Graph::new(),
activations: im_rc::HashMap::new(),
/// Activate this summary by inserting it into our list of known activations.
/// The `parent` passed in here is the parent summary/dependency edge which
/// cased `summary` to get activated. This may not be present for the root
/// crate, for example.
/// Returns `true` if this summary with the given features is already activated.
pub fn flag_activated(
&mut self,
summary: &Summary,
opts: &ResolveOpts,
parent: Option<(&Summary, &Dependency)>,
) -> ActivateResult<bool> {
let id = summary.package_id();
let age: ContextAge = self.age;
match self.activations.entry(id.as_activations_key()) {
im_rc::hashmap::Entry::Occupied(o) => {
"cargo does not allow two semver compatible versions"
im_rc::hashmap::Entry::Vacant(v) => {
if let Some(link) = summary.links() {
if self.links.insert(link, id).is_some() {
return Err(format_err!(
"Attempting to resolve a dependency with more than \
one crate with links={}.\nThis will not build as \
is. Consider rebuilding the .lock file.",
v.insert((summary.clone(), age));
// If we've got a parent dependency which activated us, *and*
// the dependency has a different source id listed than the
// `summary` itself, then things get interesting. This basically
// means that a `[patch]` was used to augment `dep.source_id()`
// with `summary`.
// In this scenario we want to consider the activation key, as
// viewed from the perspective of `dep.source_id()`, as being
// fulfilled. This means that we need to add a second entry in
// the activations map for the source that was patched, in
// addition to the source of the actual `summary` itself.
// Without this it would be possible to have both 1.0.0 and
// 1.1.0 "from" in a dependency graph if one of those
// versions came from a `[patch]` source.
if let Some((_, dep)) = parent {
if dep.source_id() != id.source_id() {
let key = (, dep.source_id(), id.version().into());
let prev = self.activations.insert(key, (summary.clone(), age));
if let Some((previous_summary, _)) = prev {
return Err(
(previous_summary.package_id(), ConflictReason::Semver).into()
return Ok(false);
debug!("checking if {} is already activated", summary.package_id());
match &opts.features {
// This returns `false` for CliFeatures just for simplicity. It
// would take a bit of work to compare since they are not in the
// same format as DepFeatures (and that may be expensive
// performance-wise). Also, it should only occur once for a root
// package. The only drawback is that it may re-activate a root
// package again, which should only affect performance, but that
// should be rare. Cycles should still be detected since those
// will have `DepFeatures` edges.
RequestedFeatures::CliFeatures(_) => Ok(false),
RequestedFeatures::DepFeatures {
} => {
let has_default_feature = summary.features().contains_key("default");
Ok(match self.resolve_features.get(&id) {
Some(prev) => {
&& (!uses_default_features
|| prev.contains("default")
|| !has_default_feature)
None => features.is_empty() && (!uses_default_features || !has_default_feature),
/// If the package is active returns the `ContextAge` when it was added
pub fn is_active(&self, id: PackageId) -> Option<ContextAge> {
.and_then(|(s, l)| if s.package_id() == id { Some(*l) } else { None })
/// Checks whether all of `parent` and the keys of `conflicting activations`
/// are still active.
/// If so returns the `ContextAge` when the newest one was added.
pub fn is_conflicting(
parent: Option<PackageId>,
conflicting_activations: &ConflictMap,
) -> Option<usize> {
let mut max = 0;
if let Some(parent) = parent {
max = std::cmp::max(max, self.is_active(parent)?);
for id in conflicting_activations.keys() {
max = std::cmp::max(max, self.is_active(*id)?);
pub fn resolve_replacements(
registry: &RegistryQueryer<'_>,
) -> HashMap<PackageId, PackageId> {
.filter_map(|(s, _)| registry.used_replacement_for(s.package_id()))
pub fn graph(&self) -> Graph<PackageId, std::collections::HashSet<Dependency>> {
let mut graph: Graph<PackageId, std::collections::HashSet<Dependency>> = Graph::new();
.for_each(|(r, _)| graph.add(r.package_id()));
for i in self.parents.iter() {
for (o, e) in self.parents.edges(i) {
let old_link =*o, *i);
*old_link = e.iter().cloned().collect();