blob: 2bd940581913e69704735f7efb32ccfce374ff70 [file] [log] [blame]
if (current_toolchain == host_toolchain) {
copy("ignorelist") {
sources = [ "asan_ignorelist.txt" ]
outputs = [ "$clang_resource_dir/share/{{source_target_relative}}" ]
} else {
asan_sources = [
if (target_os != "mac" && target_os != "win") {
asan_sources += [ "asan_interceptors_vfork.S" ]
config("asan_config") {
cflags = []
if (target_os != "win") {
cflags += [ "-ftls-model=initial-exec" ]
# FIXME: link rt dl m pthread log
# FIXME: dep on libcxx-headers?
# FIXME: add_sanitizer_rt_version_list (cf hwasan)
# FIXME: need libclang_rt.asan*.a.syms?
if (target_os == "android") {
ldflags = [ "-Wl,-z,global" ]
if (target_os == "mac") {
# The -U flags below correspond to the add_weak_symbols() calls in CMake.
ldflags = [
# asan
# lsan
# ubsan
# sanitizer_common
# xray
# FIXME: better
# FIXME: -Wl,-rpath
# FIXME: codesign (??)
source_set("cxx_sources") {
configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:llvm_code" ]
configs += [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:crt_code" ]
sources = [ "asan_new_delete.cpp" ]
source_set("static_sources") {
configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:llvm_code" ]
configs += [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:crt_code" ]
sources = [ "asan_rtl_static.cpp" ]
if (target_os != "mac" && target_os != "win") {
sources += [ "asan_rtl_x86_64.S" ]
source_set("preinit_sources") {
configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:llvm_code" ]
configs += [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:crt_code" ]
sources = [ "asan_preinit.cpp" ]
source_set("weak_interception") {
configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:llvm_code" ]
configs += [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:crt_code" ]
sources = [ "asan_win_weak_interception.cpp" ]
defines = [ "SANITIZER_DYNAMIC" ]
shared_library("asan_shared_library") {
output_dir = crt_current_out_dir
if (current_os == "mac") {
output_name = "clang_rt.asan_osx_dynamic"
} else if (current_os == "win") {
output_name = "clang_rt.asan_dynamic$crt_current_target_suffix"
} else {
output_name = "clang_rt.asan$crt_current_target_suffix"
configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:llvm_code" ]
configs += [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:crt_code" ]
configs += [ ":asan_config" ]
sources = asan_sources
deps = [
if (current_os == "win") {
deps += [
defines = [ "ASAN_DYNAMIC" ]
if (current_os == "win") {
if (current_os != "mac") {
static_library("asan_static_library") {
output_dir = crt_current_out_dir
output_name = "clang_rt.asan$crt_current_target_suffix"
complete_static_lib = true
configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:llvm_code" ]
configs += [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:crt_code" ]
configs += [ ":asan_config" ]
configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:thin_archive" ]
sources = asan_sources
deps = [
static_library("asan_cxx") {
output_dir = crt_current_out_dir
output_name = "clang_rt.asan_cxx$crt_current_target_suffix"
complete_static_lib = true
configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:thin_archive" ]
deps = [
static_library("asan_static") {
output_dir = crt_current_out_dir
output_name = "clang_rt.asan_static$crt_current_target_suffix"
complete_static_lib = true
configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:thin_archive" ]
deps = [ ":static_sources" ]
static_library("asan_preinit") {
output_dir = crt_current_out_dir
output_name = "clang_rt.asan-preinit$crt_current_target_suffix"
complete_static_lib = true
configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:thin_archive" ]
deps = [ ":preinit_sources" ]
if (current_os == "win") {
static_library("asan_dll_thunk") {
output_dir = crt_current_out_dir
output_name = "clang_rt.asan_dll_thunk$crt_current_target_suffix"
configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:llvm_code" ]
configs += [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:crt_code" ]
complete_static_lib = true
configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:thin_archive" ]
sources = [
defines = [ "SANITIZER_DLL_THUNK" ]
deps = [
static_library("asan_dynamic_runtime_thunk") {
output_dir = crt_current_out_dir
output_name =
configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:llvm_code" ]
configs += [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:crt_code" ]
complete_static_lib = true
configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:thin_archive" ]
sources = [
deps = [
cflags = [ "-Zl" ]
group("asan") {
deps = [ ":asan_shared_library" ]
if (current_os == "win") {
deps += [
if (current_os != "mac") {
deps += [