blob: d40f87b1a7b423c5e3d38535fe1aaa273a754d9c [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- BreakpadRecords.cpp -----------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "Plugins/ObjectFile/Breakpad/BreakpadRecords.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-defines.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include <optional>
using namespace lldb_private;
using namespace lldb_private::breakpad;
namespace {
enum class Token {
template<typename T>
static T stringTo(llvm::StringRef Str);
template <> Token stringTo<Token>(llvm::StringRef Str) {
return llvm::StringSwitch<Token>(Str)
.Case("MODULE", Token::Module)
.Case("INFO", Token::Info)
.Case("CODE_ID", Token::CodeID)
.Case("FILE", Token::File)
.Case("FUNC", Token::Func)
.Case("INLINE", Token::Inline)
.Case("INLINE_ORIGIN", Token::InlineOrigin)
.Case("PUBLIC", Token::Public)
.Case("STACK", Token::Stack)
.Case("CFI", Token::CFI)
.Case("INIT", Token::Init)
.Case("WIN", Token::Win)
template <>
llvm::Triple::OSType stringTo<llvm::Triple::OSType>(llvm::StringRef Str) {
using llvm::Triple;
return llvm::StringSwitch<Triple::OSType>(Str)
.Case("Linux", Triple::Linux)
.Case("mac", Triple::MacOSX)
.Case("windows", Triple::Win32)
template <>
llvm::Triple::ArchType stringTo<llvm::Triple::ArchType>(llvm::StringRef Str) {
using llvm::Triple;
return llvm::StringSwitch<Triple::ArchType>(Str)
.Case("arm", Triple::arm)
.Cases("arm64", "arm64e", Triple::aarch64)
.Case("mips", Triple::mips)
.Case("msp430", Triple::msp430)
.Case("ppc", Triple::ppc)
.Case("ppc64", Triple::ppc64)
.Case("s390", Triple::systemz)
.Case("sparc", Triple::sparc)
.Case("sparcv9", Triple::sparcv9)
.Case("x86", Triple::x86)
.Cases("x86_64", "x86_64h", Triple::x86_64)
template<typename T>
static T consume(llvm::StringRef &Str) {
llvm::StringRef Token;
std::tie(Token, Str) = getToken(Str);
return stringTo<T>(Token);
/// Return the number of hex digits needed to encode an (POD) object of a given
/// type.
template <typename T> static constexpr size_t hex_digits() {
return 2 * sizeof(T);
static UUID parseModuleId(llvm::Triple::OSType os, llvm::StringRef str) {
struct data_t {
using uuid_t = uint8_t[16];
uuid_t uuid;
llvm::support::ubig32_t age;
} data;
static_assert(sizeof(data) == 20);
// The textual module id encoding should be between 33 and 40 bytes long,
// depending on the size of the age field, which is of variable length.
// The first three chunks of the id are encoded in big endian, so we need to
// byte-swap those.
if (str.size() <= hex_digits<data_t::uuid_t>() ||
str.size() > hex_digits<data_t>())
return UUID();
if (!all_of(str, llvm::isHexDigit))
return UUID();
llvm::StringRef uuid_str = str.take_front(hex_digits<data_t::uuid_t>());
llvm::StringRef age_str = str.drop_front(hex_digits<data_t::uuid_t>());
llvm::copy(fromHex(uuid_str), data.uuid);
uint32_t age;
bool success = to_integer(age_str, age, 16);
data.age = age;
// On non-windows, the age field should always be zero, so we don't include to
// match the native uuid format of these platforms.
return UUID(&data, os == llvm::Triple::Win32 ? sizeof(data)
: sizeof(data.uuid));
std::optional<Record::Kind> Record::classify(llvm::StringRef Line) {
Token Tok = consume<Token>(Line);
switch (Tok) {
case Token::Module:
return Record::Module;
case Token::Info:
return Record::Info;
case Token::File:
return Record::File;
case Token::Func:
return Record::Func;
case Token::Public:
return Record::Public;
case Token::Stack:
Tok = consume<Token>(Line);
switch (Tok) {
case Token::CFI:
return Record::StackCFI;
case Token::Win:
return Record::StackWin;
return std::nullopt;
case Token::Inline:
return Record::Inline;
case Token::InlineOrigin:
return Record::InlineOrigin;
case Token::Unknown:
// Optimistically assume that any unrecognised token means this is a line
// record, those don't have a special keyword and start directly with a
// hex number.
return Record::Line;
case Token::CodeID:
case Token::CFI:
case Token::Init:
case Token::Win:
// These should never appear at the start of a valid record.
return std::nullopt;
llvm_unreachable("Fully covered switch above!");
std::optional<ModuleRecord> ModuleRecord::parse(llvm::StringRef Line) {
// MODULE Linux x86_64 E5894855C35DCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC0 a.out
if (consume<Token>(Line) != Token::Module)
return std::nullopt;
llvm::Triple::OSType OS = consume<llvm::Triple::OSType>(Line);
if (OS == llvm::Triple::UnknownOS)
return std::nullopt;
llvm::Triple::ArchType Arch = consume<llvm::Triple::ArchType>(Line);
if (Arch == llvm::Triple::UnknownArch)
return std::nullopt;
llvm::StringRef Str;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
UUID ID = parseModuleId(OS, Str);
if (!ID)
return std::nullopt;
return ModuleRecord(OS, Arch, std::move(ID));
llvm::raw_ostream &breakpad::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
const ModuleRecord &R) {
return OS << "MODULE " << llvm::Triple::getOSTypeName(R.OS) << " "
<< llvm::Triple::getArchTypeName(R.Arch) << " "
<< R.ID.GetAsString();
std::optional<InfoRecord> InfoRecord::parse(llvm::StringRef Line) {
if (consume<Token>(Line) != Token::Info)
return std::nullopt;
if (consume<Token>(Line) != Token::CodeID)
return std::nullopt;
llvm::StringRef Str;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
// If we don't have any text following the code ID (e.g. on linux), we should
// use this as the UUID. Otherwise, we should revert back to the module ID.
if (Line.trim().empty()) {
if (Str.empty() || !ID.SetFromStringRef(Str))
return std::nullopt;
return InfoRecord(std::move(ID));
llvm::raw_ostream &breakpad::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
const InfoRecord &R) {
return OS << "INFO CODE_ID " << R.ID.GetAsString();
template <typename T>
static std::optional<T> parseNumberName(llvm::StringRef Line, Token TokenType) {
// TOKEN number name
if (consume<Token>(Line) != TokenType)
return std::nullopt;
llvm::StringRef Str;
size_t Number;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
if (!to_integer(Str, Number))
return std::nullopt;
llvm::StringRef Name = Line.trim();
if (Name.empty())
return std::nullopt;
return T(Number, Name);
std::optional<FileRecord> FileRecord::parse(llvm::StringRef Line) {
// FILE number name
return parseNumberName<FileRecord>(Line, Token::File);
llvm::raw_ostream &breakpad::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
const FileRecord &R) {
return OS << "FILE " << R.Number << " " << R.Name;
InlineOriginRecord::parse(llvm::StringRef Line) {
// INLINE_ORIGIN number name
return parseNumberName<InlineOriginRecord>(Line, Token::InlineOrigin);
llvm::raw_ostream &breakpad::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
const InlineOriginRecord &R) {
return OS << "INLINE_ORIGIN " << R.Number << " " << R.Name;
static bool parsePublicOrFunc(llvm::StringRef Line, bool &Multiple,
lldb::addr_t &Address, lldb::addr_t *Size,
lldb::addr_t &ParamSize, llvm::StringRef &Name) {
// PUBLIC [m] address param_size name
// or
// FUNC [m] address size param_size name
Token Tok = Size ? Token::Func : Token::Public;
if (consume<Token>(Line) != Tok)
return false;
llvm::StringRef Str;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
Multiple = Str == "m";
if (Multiple)
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
if (!to_integer(Str, Address, 16))
return false;
if (Tok == Token::Func) {
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
if (!to_integer(Str, *Size, 16))
return false;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
if (!to_integer(Str, ParamSize, 16))
return false;
Name = Line.trim();
if (Name.empty())
return false;
return true;
std::optional<FuncRecord> FuncRecord::parse(llvm::StringRef Line) {
bool Multiple;
lldb::addr_t Address, Size, ParamSize;
llvm::StringRef Name;
if (parsePublicOrFunc(Line, Multiple, Address, &Size, ParamSize, Name))
return FuncRecord(Multiple, Address, Size, ParamSize, Name);
return std::nullopt;
bool breakpad::operator==(const FuncRecord &L, const FuncRecord &R) {
return L.Multiple == R.Multiple && L.Address == R.Address &&
L.Size == R.Size && L.ParamSize == R.ParamSize && L.Name == R.Name;
llvm::raw_ostream &breakpad::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
const FuncRecord &R) {
return OS << llvm::formatv("FUNC {0}{1:x-} {2:x-} {3:x-} {4}",
R.Multiple ? "m " : "", R.Address, R.Size,
R.ParamSize, R.Name);
std::optional<InlineRecord> InlineRecord::parse(llvm::StringRef Line) {
// INLINE inline_nest_level call_site_line call_site_file_num origin_num
// [address size]+
if (consume<Token>(Line) != Token::Inline)
return std::nullopt;
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef> Tokens;
SplitString(Line, Tokens, " ");
if (Tokens.size() < 6 || Tokens.size() % 2 == 1)
return std::nullopt;
size_t InlineNestLevel;
uint32_t CallSiteLineNum;
size_t CallSiteFileNum;
size_t OriginNum;
if (!(to_integer(Tokens[0], InlineNestLevel) &&
to_integer(Tokens[1], CallSiteLineNum) &&
to_integer(Tokens[2], CallSiteFileNum) &&
to_integer(Tokens[3], OriginNum)))
return std::nullopt;
InlineRecord Record = InlineRecord(InlineNestLevel, CallSiteLineNum,
CallSiteFileNum, OriginNum);
for (size_t i = 4; i < Tokens.size(); i += 2) {
lldb::addr_t Address;
if (!to_integer(Tokens[i], Address, 16))
return std::nullopt;
lldb::addr_t Size;
if (!to_integer(Tokens[i + 1].trim(), Size, 16))
return std::nullopt;
Record.Ranges.emplace_back(Address, Size);
return Record;
bool breakpad::operator==(const InlineRecord &L, const InlineRecord &R) {
return L.InlineNestLevel == R.InlineNestLevel &&
L.CallSiteLineNum == R.CallSiteLineNum &&
L.CallSiteFileNum == R.CallSiteFileNum && L.OriginNum == R.OriginNum &&
L.Ranges == R.Ranges;
llvm::raw_ostream &breakpad::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
const InlineRecord &R) {
OS << llvm::formatv("INLINE {0} {1} {2} {3}", R.InlineNestLevel,
R.CallSiteLineNum, R.CallSiteFileNum, R.OriginNum);
for (const auto &range : R.Ranges) {
OS << llvm::formatv(" {0:x-} {1:x-}", range.first, range.second);
return OS;
std::optional<LineRecord> LineRecord::parse(llvm::StringRef Line) {
lldb::addr_t Address;
llvm::StringRef Str;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
if (!to_integer(Str, Address, 16))
return std::nullopt;
lldb::addr_t Size;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
if (!to_integer(Str, Size, 16))
return std::nullopt;
uint32_t LineNum;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
if (!to_integer(Str, LineNum))
return std::nullopt;
size_t FileNum;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
if (!to_integer(Str, FileNum))
return std::nullopt;
return LineRecord(Address, Size, LineNum, FileNum);
bool breakpad::operator==(const LineRecord &L, const LineRecord &R) {
return L.Address == R.Address && L.Size == R.Size && L.LineNum == R.LineNum &&
L.FileNum == R.FileNum;
llvm::raw_ostream &breakpad::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
const LineRecord &R) {
return OS << llvm::formatv("{0:x-} {1:x-} {2} {3}", R.Address, R.Size,
R.LineNum, R.FileNum);
std::optional<PublicRecord> PublicRecord::parse(llvm::StringRef Line) {
bool Multiple;
lldb::addr_t Address, ParamSize;
llvm::StringRef Name;
if (parsePublicOrFunc(Line, Multiple, Address, nullptr, ParamSize, Name))
return PublicRecord(Multiple, Address, ParamSize, Name);
return std::nullopt;
bool breakpad::operator==(const PublicRecord &L, const PublicRecord &R) {
return L.Multiple == R.Multiple && L.Address == R.Address &&
L.ParamSize == R.ParamSize && L.Name == R.Name;
llvm::raw_ostream &breakpad::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
const PublicRecord &R) {
return OS << llvm::formatv("PUBLIC {0}{1:x-} {2:x-} {3}",
R.Multiple ? "m " : "", R.Address, R.ParamSize,
std::optional<StackCFIRecord> StackCFIRecord::parse(llvm::StringRef Line) {
// STACK CFI INIT address size reg1: expr1 reg2: expr2 ...
// or
// STACK CFI address reg1: expr1 reg2: expr2 ...
// No token in exprN ends with a colon.
if (consume<Token>(Line) != Token::Stack)
return std::nullopt;
if (consume<Token>(Line) != Token::CFI)
return std::nullopt;
llvm::StringRef Str;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
bool IsInitRecord = stringTo<Token>(Str) == Token::Init;
if (IsInitRecord)
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
lldb::addr_t Address;
if (!to_integer(Str, Address, 16))
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<lldb::addr_t> Size;
if (IsInitRecord) {
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
if (!to_integer(Str, *Size, 16))
return std::nullopt;
return StackCFIRecord(Address, Size, Line.trim());
bool breakpad::operator==(const StackCFIRecord &L, const StackCFIRecord &R) {
return L.Address == R.Address && L.Size == R.Size &&
L.UnwindRules == R.UnwindRules;
llvm::raw_ostream &breakpad::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
const StackCFIRecord &R) {
if (R.Size)
OS << "INIT ";
OS << llvm::formatv("{0:x-} ", R.Address);
if (R.Size)
OS << llvm::formatv("{0:x-} ", *R.Size);
return OS << " " << R.UnwindRules;
std::optional<StackWinRecord> StackWinRecord::parse(llvm::StringRef Line) {
// STACK WIN type rva code_size prologue_size epilogue_size parameter_size
// saved_register_size local_size max_stack_size has_program_string
// program_string_OR_allocates_base_pointer
if (consume<Token>(Line) != Token::Stack)
return std::nullopt;
if (consume<Token>(Line) != Token::Win)
return std::nullopt;
llvm::StringRef Str;
uint8_t Type;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
// Right now we only support the "FrameData" frame type.
if (!to_integer(Str, Type) || FrameType(Type) != FrameType::FrameData)
return std::nullopt;
lldb::addr_t RVA;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
if (!to_integer(Str, RVA, 16))
return std::nullopt;
lldb::addr_t CodeSize;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
if (!to_integer(Str, CodeSize, 16))
return std::nullopt;
// Skip fields which we aren't using right now.
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line); // prologue_size
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line); // epilogue_size
lldb::addr_t ParameterSize;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
if (!to_integer(Str, ParameterSize, 16))
return std::nullopt;
lldb::addr_t SavedRegisterSize;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
if (!to_integer(Str, SavedRegisterSize, 16))
return std::nullopt;
lldb::addr_t LocalSize;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
if (!to_integer(Str, LocalSize, 16))
return std::nullopt;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line); // max_stack_size
uint8_t HasProgramString;
std::tie(Str, Line) = getToken(Line);
if (!to_integer(Str, HasProgramString))
return std::nullopt;
// FrameData records should always have a program string.
if (!HasProgramString)
return std::nullopt;
return StackWinRecord(RVA, CodeSize, ParameterSize, SavedRegisterSize,
LocalSize, Line.trim());
bool breakpad::operator==(const StackWinRecord &L, const StackWinRecord &R) {
return L.RVA == R.RVA && L.CodeSize == R.CodeSize &&
L.ParameterSize == R.ParameterSize &&
L.SavedRegisterSize == R.SavedRegisterSize &&
L.LocalSize == R.LocalSize && L.ProgramString == R.ProgramString;
llvm::raw_ostream &breakpad::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
const StackWinRecord &R) {
return OS << llvm::formatv(
"STACK WIN 4 {0:x-} {1:x-} ? ? {2} {3} {4} ? 1 {5}", R.RVA,
R.CodeSize, R.ParameterSize, R.SavedRegisterSize, R.LocalSize,
llvm::StringRef breakpad::toString(Record::Kind K) {
switch (K) {
case Record::Module:
return "MODULE";
case Record::Info:
return "INFO";
case Record::File:
return "FILE";
case Record::Func:
return "FUNC";
case Record::Inline:
return "INLINE";
case Record::InlineOrigin:
case Record::Line:
return "LINE";
case Record::Public:
return "PUBLIC";
case Record::StackCFI:
return "STACK CFI";
case Record::StackWin:
return "STACK WIN";
llvm_unreachable("Unknown record kind!");