blob: 9c1387bf4083a543f8460a39548d4beb3500527a [file] [log] [blame]
//! Thread implementation backed by μITRON tasks. Assumes `acre_tsk` and
//! `exd_tsk` are available.
use super::{
error::{expect_success, expect_success_aborting, ItronError},
use crate::{
hint, io,
sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
pub struct Thread {
p_inner: NonNull<ThreadInner>,
/// The ID of the underlying task.
task: abi::ID,
// Safety: There's nothing in `Thread` that ties it to the original creator. It
// can be dropped by any threads.
unsafe impl Send for Thread {}
// Safety: `Thread` provides no methods that take `&self`.
unsafe impl Sync for Thread {}
/// State data shared between a parent thread and child thread. It's dropped on
/// a transition to one of the final states.
struct ThreadInner {
/// This field is used on thread creation to pass a closure from
/// `Thread::new` to the created task.
start: UnsafeCell<ManuallyDrop<Box<dyn FnOnce()>>>,
/// A state machine. Each transition is annotated with `[...]` in the
/// source code.
/// ```text
/// <P>: parent, <C>: child, (?): don't-care
/// DETACHED (-1) --------------------> EXITED (?)
/// <C>finish/exd_tsk
/// ^
/// |
/// | <P>detach
/// |
/// INIT (0) -----------------------> FINISHED (-1)
/// <C>finish
/// | |
/// | <P>join/slp_tsk | <P>join/del_tsk
/// | | <P>detach/del_tsk
/// v v
/// (parent_tid)
/// ^
/// \ /
/// \ <C>finish/wup_tsk / <P>slp_tsk-complete/ter_tsk
/// \ / & del_tsk
/// \ /
/// '--> JOIN_FINALIZE ---'
/// (-1)
lifecycle: AtomicUsize,
// Safety: The only `!Sync` field, `ThreadInner::start`, is only touched by
// the task represented by `ThreadInner`.
unsafe impl Sync for ThreadInner {}
const LIFECYCLE_INIT: usize = 0;
const LIFECYCLE_FINISHED: usize = usize::MAX;
const LIFECYCLE_DETACHED: usize = usize::MAX;
const LIFECYCLE_JOIN_FINALIZE: usize = usize::MAX;
// there's no single value for `JOINING`
// 64KiB for 32-bit ISAs, 128KiB for 64-bit ISAs.
pub const DEFAULT_MIN_STACK_SIZE: usize = 0x4000 * crate::mem::size_of::<usize>();
impl Thread {
/// # Safety
/// See `thread::Builder::spawn_unchecked` for safety requirements.
pub unsafe fn new(stack: usize, p: Box<dyn FnOnce()>) -> io::Result<Thread> {
let inner = Box::new(ThreadInner {
start: UnsafeCell::new(ManuallyDrop::new(p)),
lifecycle: AtomicUsize::new(LIFECYCLE_INIT),
unsafe extern "C" fn trampoline(exinf: isize) {
let p_inner: *mut ThreadInner = crate::ptr::from_exposed_addr_mut(exinf as usize);
// Safety: `ThreadInner` is alive at this point
let inner = unsafe { &*p_inner };
// Safety: Since `trampoline` is called only once for each
// `ThreadInner` and only `trampoline` touches `start`,
// `start` contains contents and is safe to mutably borrow.
let p = unsafe { ManuallyDrop::take(&mut *inner.start.get()) };
// Fix the current thread's state just in case, so that the
// destructors won't abort
// Safety: Not really unsafe
let _ = unsafe { abi::unl_cpu() };
let _ = unsafe { abi::ena_dsp() };
// Run TLS destructors now because they are not
// called automatically for terminated tasks.
unsafe { run_dtors() };
let old_lifecycle = inner
match old_lifecycle {
// No one will ever join, so we'll ask the collector task to
// delete the task.
// In this case, `*p_inner`'s ownership has been moved to
// us, and we are responsible for dropping it. The acquire
// ordering ensures that the swap operation that wrote
// `LIFECYCLE_DETACHED` happens-before `Box::from_raw(
// p_inner)`.
// Safety: See above.
let _ = unsafe { Box::from_raw(p_inner) };
// Safety: There are no pinned references to the stack
unsafe { terminate_and_delete_current_task() };
// The parent hasn't decided whether to join or detach this
// thread yet. Whichever option the parent chooses,
// it'll have to delete this task.
// Since the parent might drop `*inner` as soon as it sees
// `FINISHED`, the release ordering must be used in the
// above `swap` call.
parent_tid => {
// Since the parent might drop `*inner` and terminate us as
// soon as it sees `JOIN_FINALIZE`, the release ordering
// must be used in the above `swap` call.
// To make the task referred to by `parent_tid` visible, we
// must use the acquire ordering in the above `swap` call.
// Wake up the parent task.
unsafe {
let mut er = abi::wup_tsk(parent_tid as _);
if er == abi::E_QOVR {
// `E_QOVR` indicates there's already
// a parking token
er = abi::E_OK;
// Safety: `Box::into_raw` returns a non-null pointer
let p_inner = unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(Box::into_raw(inner)) };
let new_task = ItronError::err_if_negative(unsafe {
abi::acre_tsk(&abi::T_CTSK {
// Activate this task immediately
tskatr: abi::TA_ACT,
exinf: p_inner.as_ptr().expose_addr() as abi::EXINF,
// The entry point
task: Some(trampoline),
// Inherit the calling task's base priority
itskpri: abi::TPRI_SELF,
stksz: stack,
// Let the kernel allocate the stack,
stk: crate::ptr::null_mut(),
.map_err(|e| e.as_io_error())?;
Ok(Self { p_inner, task: new_task })
pub fn yield_now() {
expect_success(unsafe { abi::rot_rdq(abi::TPRI_SELF) }, &"rot_rdq");
pub fn set_name(_name: &CStr) {
// nope
pub fn sleep(dur: Duration) {
for timeout in dur2reltims(dur) {
expect_success(unsafe { abi::dly_tsk(timeout) }, &"dly_tsk");
pub fn join(self) {
// Safety: `ThreadInner` is alive at this point
let inner = unsafe { self.p_inner.as_ref() };
// Get the current task ID. Panicking here would cause a resource leak,
// so just abort on failure.
let current_task = task::current_task_id_aborting();
debug_assert_ne!(current_task as usize, LIFECYCLE_INIT);
debug_assert_ne!(current_task as usize, LIFECYCLE_DETACHED);
let current_task = current_task as usize;
match inner.lifecycle.swap(current_task, Ordering::AcqRel) {
// The child task will transition the state to `JOIN_FINALIZE`
// and wake us up.
// To make the task referred to by `current_task` visible from
// the child task's point of view, we must use the release
// ordering in the above `swap` call.
loop {
expect_success_aborting(unsafe { abi::slp_tsk() }, &"slp_tsk");
// To synchronize with the child task's memory accesses to
// `inner` up to the point of the assignment of
// `JOIN_FINALIZE`, `Ordering::Acquire` must be used for the
// `load`.
if inner.lifecycle.load(Ordering::Acquire) == LIFECYCLE_JOIN_FINALIZE {
// To synchronize with the child task's memory accesses to
// `inner` up to the point of the assignment of `FINISHED`,
// `Ordering::Acquire` must be used for the above `swap` call.
_ => unsafe { hint::unreachable_unchecked() },
// Terminate and delete the task
// Safety: `self.task` still represents a task we own (because this
// method or `detach_inner` is called only once for each
// `Thread`). The task indicated that it's safe to delete by
// entering the `FINISHED` or `JOIN_FINALIZE` state.
unsafe { terminate_and_delete_task(self.task) };
// In either case, we are responsible for dropping `inner`.
// Safety: The contents of `*p_inner` will not be accessed hereafter
let _inner = unsafe { Box::from_raw(self.p_inner.as_ptr()) };
// Skip the destructor (because it would attempt to detach the thread)
impl Drop for Thread {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Safety: `ThreadInner` is alive at this point
let inner = unsafe { self.p_inner.as_ref() };
// Detach the thread.
match inner.lifecycle.swap(LIFECYCLE_DETACHED_OR_JOINED, Ordering::AcqRel) {
// When the time comes, the child will figure out that no
// one will ever join it.
// The ownership of `*p_inner` is moved to the child thread.
// The release ordering ensures that the above swap operation on
// `lifecycle` happens-before the child thread's
// `Box::from_raw(p_inner)`.
// The task has already decided that we should delete the task.
// To synchronize with the child task's memory accesses to
// `inner` up to the point of the assignment of `FINISHED`,
// the acquire ordering is required for the above `swap` call.
// Terminate and delete the task
// Safety: `self.task` still represents a task we own (because
// this method or `join_inner` is called only once for
// each `Thread`). The task indicated that it's safe to
// delete by entering the `FINISHED` state.
unsafe { terminate_and_delete_task(self.task) };
// Wwe are responsible for dropping `*p_inner`.
// Safety: The contents of `*p_inner` will not be accessed hereafter
let _ = unsafe { Box::from_raw(self.p_inner.as_ptr()) };
_ => unsafe { hint::unreachable_unchecked() },
pub mod guard {
pub type Guard = !;
pub unsafe fn current() -> Option<Guard> {
pub unsafe fn init() -> Option<Guard> {
/// Terminate and delete the specified task.
/// This function will abort if `deleted_task` refers to the calling task.
/// It is assumed that the specified task is solely managed by the caller -
/// i.e., other threads must not "resuscitate" the specified task or delete it
/// prematurely while this function is still in progress. It is allowed for the
/// specified task to exit by its own.
/// # Safety
/// The task must be safe to terminate. This is in general not true
/// because there might be pinned references to the task's stack.
unsafe fn terminate_and_delete_task(deleted_task: abi::ID) {
// Terminate the task
// Safety: Upheld by the caller
match unsafe { abi::ter_tsk(deleted_task) } {
// Indicates the task is already dormant, ignore it
abi::E_OBJ => {}
er => {
expect_success_aborting(er, &"ter_tsk");
// Delete the task
// Safety: Upheld by the caller
expect_success_aborting(unsafe { abi::del_tsk(deleted_task) }, &"del_tsk");
/// Terminate and delete the calling task.
/// Atomicity is not required - i.e., it can be assumed that other threads won't
/// `ter_tsk` the calling task while this function is still in progress. (This
/// property makes it easy to implement this operation on μITRON-derived kernels
/// that don't support `exd_tsk`.)
/// # Safety
/// The task must be safe to terminate. This is in general not true
/// because there might be pinned references to the task's stack.
unsafe fn terminate_and_delete_current_task() -> ! {
expect_success_aborting(unsafe { abi::exd_tsk() }, &"exd_tsk");
// Safety: `exd_tsk` never returns on success
unsafe { crate::hint::unreachable_unchecked() };
pub fn available_parallelism() -> io::Result<NonZero<usize>> {