blob: 1a42e551597bb10baf5779d79e063853f326255d [file] [log] [blame]
//! Contains utilities for generating suggestions for borrowck errors related to unsatisfied
//! outlives constraints.
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxIndexSet;
use rustc_errors::Diag;
use rustc_middle::ty::RegionVid;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use crate::MirBorrowckCtxt;
use super::{ErrorConstraintInfo, RegionName, RegionNameSource};
/// The different things we could suggest.
enum SuggestedConstraint {
/// Outlives(a, [b, c, d, ...]) => 'a: 'b + 'c + 'd + ...
Outlives(RegionName, SmallVec<[RegionName; 2]>),
/// 'a = 'b
Equal(RegionName, RegionName),
/// 'a: 'static i.e. 'a = 'static and the user should just use 'static
/// Collects information about outlives constraints that needed to be added for a given MIR node
/// corresponding to a function definition.
/// Adds a help note suggesting adding a where clause with the needed constraints.
pub struct OutlivesSuggestionBuilder {
/// The list of outlives constraints that need to be added. Specifically, we map each free
/// region to all other regions that it must outlive. I will use the shorthand `fr:
/// outlived_frs`. Not all of these regions will already have names necessarily. Some could be
/// implicit free regions that we inferred. These will need to be given names in the final
/// suggestion message.
constraints_to_add: BTreeMap<RegionVid, Vec<RegionVid>>,
impl OutlivesSuggestionBuilder {
/// Returns `true` iff the `RegionNameSource` is a valid source for an outlives
/// suggestion.
// FIXME: Currently, we only report suggestions if the `RegionNameSource` is an early-bound
// region or a named region, avoiding using regions with synthetic names altogether. This
// allows us to avoid giving impossible suggestions (e.g. adding bounds to closure args).
// We can probably be less conservative, since some inferred free regions are namable (e.g.
// the user can explicitly name them. To do this, we would allow some regions whose names
// come from `MatchedAdtAndSegment`, being careful to filter out bad suggestions, such as
// naming the `'self` lifetime in methods, etc.
fn region_name_is_suggestable(name: &RegionName) -> bool {
match name.source {
| RegionNameSource::NamedLateParamRegion(..)
| RegionNameSource::Static => true,
// Don't give suggestions for upvars, closure return types, or other unnameable
// regions.
| RegionNameSource::AnonRegionFromArgument(..)
| RegionNameSource::AnonRegionFromUpvar(..)
| RegionNameSource::AnonRegionFromOutput(..)
| RegionNameSource::AnonRegionFromYieldTy(..)
| RegionNameSource::AnonRegionFromAsyncFn(..)
| RegionNameSource::AnonRegionFromImplSignature(..) => {
debug!("Region {:?} is NOT suggestable", name);
/// Returns a name for the region if it is suggestable. See `region_name_is_suggestable`.
fn region_vid_to_name(
mbcx: &MirBorrowckCtxt<'_, '_>,
region: RegionVid,
) -> Option<RegionName> {
/// Compiles a list of all suggestions to be printed in the final big suggestion.
fn compile_all_suggestions(
mbcx: &MirBorrowckCtxt<'_, '_>,
) -> SmallVec<[SuggestedConstraint; 2]> {
let mut suggested = SmallVec::new();
// Keep track of variables that we have already suggested unifying so that we don't print
// out silly duplicate messages.
let mut unified_already = FxIndexSet::default();
for (fr, outlived) in &self.constraints_to_add {
let Some(fr_name) = self.region_vid_to_name(mbcx, *fr) else {
let outlived = outlived
// if there is a `None`, we will just omit that constraint
.filter_map(|fr| self.region_vid_to_name(mbcx, *fr).map(|rname| (fr, rname)))
// No suggestable outlived lifetimes.
if outlived.is_empty() {
// There are three types of suggestions we can make:
// 1) Suggest a bound: 'a: 'b
// 2) Suggest replacing 'a with 'static. If any of `outlived` is `'static`, then we
// should just replace 'a with 'static.
// 3) Suggest unifying 'a with 'b if we have both 'a: 'b and 'b: 'a
if outlived
.any(|(_, outlived_name)| matches!(outlived_name.source, RegionNameSource::Static))
} else {
// We want to isolate out all lifetimes that should be unified and print out
// separate messages for them.
let (unified, other): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = outlived.into_iter().partition(
// Do we have both 'fr: 'r and 'r: 'fr?
|(r, _)| {
.is_some_and(|r_outlived| r_outlived.as_slice().contains(fr))
for (r, bound) in unified.into_iter() {
if !unified_already.contains(fr) {
suggested.push(SuggestedConstraint::Equal(fr_name, bound));
if !other.is_empty() {
let other = other.iter().map(|(_, rname)| *rname).collect::<SmallVec<_>>();
suggested.push(SuggestedConstraint::Outlives(fr_name, other))
/// Add the outlives constraint `fr: outlived_fr` to the set of constraints we need to suggest.
pub(crate) fn collect_constraint(&mut self, fr: RegionVid, outlived_fr: RegionVid) {
debug!("Collected {:?}: {:?}", fr, outlived_fr);
// Add to set of constraints for final help note.
/// Emit an intermediate note on the given `Diag` if the involved regions are suggestable.
pub(crate) fn intermediate_suggestion(
&mut self,
mbcx: &MirBorrowckCtxt<'_, '_>,
errci: &ErrorConstraintInfo<'_>,
diag: &mut Diag<'_>,
) {
// Emit an intermediate note.
let fr_name = self.region_vid_to_name(mbcx,;
let outlived_fr_name = self.region_vid_to_name(mbcx, errci.outlived_fr);
if let (Some(fr_name), Some(outlived_fr_name)) = (fr_name, outlived_fr_name)
&& !matches!(outlived_fr_name.source, RegionNameSource::Static)
"consider adding the following bound: `{fr_name}: {outlived_fr_name}`",
/// If there is a suggestion to emit, add a diagnostic to the buffer. This is the final
/// suggestion including all collected constraints.
pub(crate) fn add_suggestion(&self, mbcx: &mut MirBorrowckCtxt<'_, '_>) {
// No constraints to add? Done.
if self.constraints_to_add.is_empty() {
debug!("No constraints to suggest.");
// If there is only one constraint to suggest, then we already suggested it in the
// intermediate suggestion above.
if self.constraints_to_add.len() == 1
&& self.constraints_to_add.values().next().unwrap().len() == 1
debug!("Only 1 suggestion. Skipping.");
// Get all suggestable constraints.
let suggested = self.compile_all_suggestions(mbcx);
// If there are no suggestable constraints...
if suggested.is_empty() {
debug!("Only 1 suggestable constraint. Skipping.");
// If there is exactly one suggestable constraints, then just suggest it. Otherwise, emit a
// list of diagnostics.
let mut diag = if suggested.len() == 1 {
mbcx.dcx().struct_help(match suggested.last().unwrap() {
SuggestedConstraint::Outlives(a, bs) => {
let bs: SmallVec<[String; 2]> = bs.iter().map(|r| r.to_string()).collect();
format!("add bound `{a}: {}`", bs.join(" + "))
SuggestedConstraint::Equal(a, b) => {
format!("`{a}` and `{b}` must be the same: replace one with the other")
SuggestedConstraint::Static(a) => format!("replace `{a}` with `'static`"),
} else {
// Create a new diagnostic.
let mut diag = mbcx
.struct_help("the following changes may resolve your lifetime errors");
// Add suggestions.
for constraint in suggested {
match constraint {
SuggestedConstraint::Outlives(a, bs) => {
let bs: SmallVec<[String; 2]> = bs.iter().map(|r| r.to_string()).collect();!("add bound `{a}: {}`", bs.join(" + ")));
SuggestedConstraint::Equal(a, b) => {!(
"`{a}` and `{b}` must be the same: replace one with the other",
SuggestedConstraint::Static(a) => {!("replace `{a}` with `'static`"));
// We want this message to appear after other messages on the mir def.
let mir_span = mbcx.body.span;
diag.sort_span = mir_span.shrink_to_hi();
// Buffer the diagnostic