blob: a991bd562e7f277bd4d49a29b2ef2c2da717ef55 [file] [log] [blame]
pub trait IIterable_Impl<T>: Sized
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
fn First(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<IIterator<T>>;
impl<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> ::windows_core::RuntimeName for IIterable<T> {
const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Foundation.Collections.IIterable";
impl<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> IIterable_Vtbl<T> {
pub const fn new<Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IIterable_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>() -> IIterable_Vtbl<T> {
unsafe extern "system" fn First<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IIterable_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.First() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
Self {
base__: ::windows_core::IInspectable_Vtbl::new::<Identity, IIterable<T>, OFFSET>(),
First: First::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
T: ::core::marker::PhantomData::<T>,
pub unsafe fn matches(iid: *const ::windows_core::GUID) -> bool {
*iid == <IIterable<T> as ::windows_core::ComInterface>::IID
pub trait IIterator_Impl<T>: Sized
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
fn Current(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<T>;
fn HasCurrent(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<bool>;
fn MoveNext(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<bool>;
fn GetMany(&self, items: &mut [<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default]) -> ::windows_core::Result<u32>;
impl<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> ::windows_core::RuntimeName for IIterator<T> {
const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Foundation.Collections.IIterator";
impl<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> IIterator_Vtbl<T> {
pub const fn new<Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IIterator_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>() -> IIterator_Vtbl<T> {
unsafe extern "system" fn Current<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IIterator_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut ::windows_core::AbiType<T>) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.Current() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn HasCurrent<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IIterator_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut bool) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.HasCurrent() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn MoveNext<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IIterator_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut bool) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.MoveNext() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn GetMany<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IIterator_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, items_array_size: u32, items: *mut ::windows_core::AbiType<T>, result__: *mut u32) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.GetMany(::core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(::core::mem::transmute_copy(&items), items_array_size as usize)) {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
Self {
base__: ::windows_core::IInspectable_Vtbl::new::<Identity, IIterator<T>, OFFSET>(),
Current: Current::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
HasCurrent: HasCurrent::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
MoveNext: MoveNext::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
GetMany: GetMany::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
T: ::core::marker::PhantomData::<T>,
pub unsafe fn matches(iid: *const ::windows_core::GUID) -> bool {
*iid == <IIterator<T> as ::windows_core::ComInterface>::IID
pub trait IKeyValuePair_Impl<K, V>: Sized
K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
fn Key(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<K>;
fn Value(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<V>;
impl<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> ::windows_core::RuntimeName for IKeyValuePair<K, V> {
const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Foundation.Collections.IKeyValuePair";
impl<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> IKeyValuePair_Vtbl<K, V> {
pub const fn new<Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IKeyValuePair_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>() -> IKeyValuePair_Vtbl<K, V> {
unsafe extern "system" fn Key<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IKeyValuePair_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut ::windows_core::AbiType<K>) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.Key() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn Value<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IKeyValuePair_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut ::windows_core::AbiType<V>) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.Value() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
Self {
base__: ::windows_core::IInspectable_Vtbl::new::<Identity, IKeyValuePair<K, V>, OFFSET>(),
Key: Key::<K, V, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
Value: Value::<K, V, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
K: ::core::marker::PhantomData::<K>,
V: ::core::marker::PhantomData::<V>,
pub unsafe fn matches(iid: *const ::windows_core::GUID) -> bool {
*iid == <IKeyValuePair<K, V> as ::windows_core::ComInterface>::IID
pub trait IMap_Impl<K, V>: Sized + IIterable_Impl<IKeyValuePair<K, V>>
K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
fn Lookup(&self, key: &<K as ::windows_core::Type<K>>::Default) -> ::windows_core::Result<V>;
fn Size(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<u32>;
fn HasKey(&self, key: &<K as ::windows_core::Type<K>>::Default) -> ::windows_core::Result<bool>;
fn GetView(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<IMapView<K, V>>;
fn Insert(&self, key: &<K as ::windows_core::Type<K>>::Default, value: &<V as ::windows_core::Type<V>>::Default) -> ::windows_core::Result<bool>;
fn Remove(&self, key: &<K as ::windows_core::Type<K>>::Default) -> ::windows_core::Result<()>;
fn Clear(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<()>;
impl<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> ::windows_core::RuntimeName for IMap<K, V> {
const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Foundation.Collections.IMap";
impl<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> IMap_Vtbl<K, V> {
pub const fn new<Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMap_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>() -> IMap_Vtbl<K, V> {
unsafe extern "system" fn Lookup<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMap_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, key: ::windows_core::AbiType<K>, result__: *mut ::windows_core::AbiType<V>) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.Lookup(::core::mem::transmute(&key)) {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn Size<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMap_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut u32) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.Size() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn HasKey<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMap_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, key: ::windows_core::AbiType<K>, result__: *mut bool) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.HasKey(::core::mem::transmute(&key)) {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn GetView<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMap_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.GetView() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn Insert<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMap_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, key: ::windows_core::AbiType<K>, value: ::windows_core::AbiType<V>, result__: *mut bool) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.Insert(::core::mem::transmute(&key), ::core::mem::transmute(&value)) {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn Remove<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMap_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, key: ::windows_core::AbiType<K>) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
unsafe extern "system" fn Clear<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMap_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
Self {
base__: ::windows_core::IInspectable_Vtbl::new::<Identity, IMap<K, V>, OFFSET>(),
Lookup: Lookup::<K, V, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
Size: Size::<K, V, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
HasKey: HasKey::<K, V, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
GetView: GetView::<K, V, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
Insert: Insert::<K, V, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
Remove: Remove::<K, V, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
Clear: Clear::<K, V, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
K: ::core::marker::PhantomData::<K>,
V: ::core::marker::PhantomData::<V>,
pub unsafe fn matches(iid: *const ::windows_core::GUID) -> bool {
*iid == <IMap<K, V> as ::windows_core::ComInterface>::IID
pub trait IMapChangedEventArgs_Impl<K>: Sized
K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
fn CollectionChange(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<CollectionChange>;
fn Key(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<K>;
impl<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> ::windows_core::RuntimeName for IMapChangedEventArgs<K> {
const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Foundation.Collections.IMapChangedEventArgs";
impl<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> IMapChangedEventArgs_Vtbl<K> {
pub const fn new<Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMapChangedEventArgs_Impl<K>, const OFFSET: isize>() -> IMapChangedEventArgs_Vtbl<K> {
unsafe extern "system" fn CollectionChange<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMapChangedEventArgs_Impl<K>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut CollectionChange) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.CollectionChange() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn Key<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMapChangedEventArgs_Impl<K>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut ::windows_core::AbiType<K>) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.Key() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
Self {
base__: ::windows_core::IInspectable_Vtbl::new::<Identity, IMapChangedEventArgs<K>, OFFSET>(),
CollectionChange: CollectionChange::<K, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
Key: Key::<K, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
K: ::core::marker::PhantomData::<K>,
pub unsafe fn matches(iid: *const ::windows_core::GUID) -> bool {
*iid == <IMapChangedEventArgs<K> as ::windows_core::ComInterface>::IID
pub trait IMapView_Impl<K, V>: Sized + IIterable_Impl<IKeyValuePair<K, V>>
K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
fn Lookup(&self, key: &<K as ::windows_core::Type<K>>::Default) -> ::windows_core::Result<V>;
fn Size(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<u32>;
fn HasKey(&self, key: &<K as ::windows_core::Type<K>>::Default) -> ::windows_core::Result<bool>;
fn Split(&self, first: &mut ::core::option::Option<IMapView<K, V>>, second: &mut ::core::option::Option<IMapView<K, V>>) -> ::windows_core::Result<()>;
impl<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> ::windows_core::RuntimeName for IMapView<K, V> {
const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Foundation.Collections.IMapView";
impl<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> IMapView_Vtbl<K, V> {
pub const fn new<Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMapView_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>() -> IMapView_Vtbl<K, V> {
unsafe extern "system" fn Lookup<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMapView_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, key: ::windows_core::AbiType<K>, result__: *mut ::windows_core::AbiType<V>) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.Lookup(::core::mem::transmute(&key)) {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn Size<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMapView_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut u32) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.Size() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn HasKey<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMapView_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, key: ::windows_core::AbiType<K>, result__: *mut bool) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.HasKey(::core::mem::transmute(&key)) {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn Split<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IMapView_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, first: *mut *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, second: *mut *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
this.Split(::core::mem::transmute_copy(&first), ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&second)).into()
Self {
base__: ::windows_core::IInspectable_Vtbl::new::<Identity, IMapView<K, V>, OFFSET>(),
Lookup: Lookup::<K, V, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
Size: Size::<K, V, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
HasKey: HasKey::<K, V, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
Split: Split::<K, V, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
K: ::core::marker::PhantomData::<K>,
V: ::core::marker::PhantomData::<V>,
pub unsafe fn matches(iid: *const ::windows_core::GUID) -> bool {
*iid == <IMapView<K, V> as ::windows_core::ComInterface>::IID
pub trait IObservableMap_Impl<K, V>: Sized + IIterable_Impl<IKeyValuePair<K, V>> + IMap_Impl<K, V>
K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
fn MapChanged(&self, vhnd: ::core::option::Option<&MapChangedEventHandler<K, V>>) -> ::windows_core::Result<super::EventRegistrationToken>;
fn RemoveMapChanged(&self, token: &super::EventRegistrationToken) -> ::windows_core::Result<()>;
impl<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> ::windows_core::RuntimeName for IObservableMap<K, V> {
const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Foundation.Collections.IObservableMap";
impl<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> IObservableMap_Vtbl<K, V> {
pub const fn new<Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IObservableMap_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>() -> IObservableMap_Vtbl<K, V> {
unsafe extern "system" fn MapChanged<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IObservableMap_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, vhnd: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut super::EventRegistrationToken) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.MapChanged(::windows_core::from_raw_borrowed(&vhnd)) {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn RemoveMapChanged<K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IObservableMap_Impl<K, V>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, token: super::EventRegistrationToken) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
Self {
base__: ::windows_core::IInspectable_Vtbl::new::<Identity, IObservableMap<K, V>, OFFSET>(),
MapChanged: MapChanged::<K, V, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
RemoveMapChanged: RemoveMapChanged::<K, V, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
K: ::core::marker::PhantomData::<K>,
V: ::core::marker::PhantomData::<V>,
pub unsafe fn matches(iid: *const ::windows_core::GUID) -> bool {
*iid == <IObservableMap<K, V> as ::windows_core::ComInterface>::IID
pub trait IObservableVector_Impl<T>: Sized + IIterable_Impl<T> + IVector_Impl<T>
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
fn VectorChanged(&self, vhnd: ::core::option::Option<&VectorChangedEventHandler<T>>) -> ::windows_core::Result<super::EventRegistrationToken>;
fn RemoveVectorChanged(&self, token: &super::EventRegistrationToken) -> ::windows_core::Result<()>;
impl<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> ::windows_core::RuntimeName for IObservableVector<T> {
const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Foundation.Collections.IObservableVector";
impl<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> IObservableVector_Vtbl<T> {
pub const fn new<Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IObservableVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>() -> IObservableVector_Vtbl<T> {
unsafe extern "system" fn VectorChanged<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IObservableVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, vhnd: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut super::EventRegistrationToken) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.VectorChanged(::windows_core::from_raw_borrowed(&vhnd)) {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn RemoveVectorChanged<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IObservableVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, token: super::EventRegistrationToken) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
Self {
base__: ::windows_core::IInspectable_Vtbl::new::<Identity, IObservableVector<T>, OFFSET>(),
VectorChanged: VectorChanged::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
RemoveVectorChanged: RemoveVectorChanged::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
T: ::core::marker::PhantomData::<T>,
pub unsafe fn matches(iid: *const ::windows_core::GUID) -> bool {
*iid == <IObservableVector<T> as ::windows_core::ComInterface>::IID
pub trait IPropertySet_Impl: Sized + IIterable_Impl<IKeyValuePair<::windows_core::HSTRING, ::windows_core::IInspectable>> + IMap_Impl<::windows_core::HSTRING, ::windows_core::IInspectable> + IObservableMap_Impl<::windows_core::HSTRING, ::windows_core::IInspectable> {}
impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for IPropertySet {
const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Foundation.Collections.IPropertySet";
impl IPropertySet_Vtbl {
pub const fn new<Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IPropertySet_Impl, const OFFSET: isize>() -> IPropertySet_Vtbl {
Self { base__: ::windows_core::IInspectable_Vtbl::new::<Identity, IPropertySet, OFFSET>() }
pub unsafe fn matches(iid: *const ::windows_core::GUID) -> bool {
*iid == <IPropertySet as ::windows_core::ComInterface>::IID
pub trait IVector_Impl<T>: Sized + IIterable_Impl<T>
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
fn GetAt(&self, index: u32) -> ::windows_core::Result<T>;
fn Size(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<u32>;
fn GetView(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<IVectorView<T>>;
fn IndexOf(&self, value: &<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default, index: &mut u32) -> ::windows_core::Result<bool>;
fn SetAt(&self, index: u32, value: &<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default) -> ::windows_core::Result<()>;
fn InsertAt(&self, index: u32, value: &<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default) -> ::windows_core::Result<()>;
fn RemoveAt(&self, index: u32) -> ::windows_core::Result<()>;
fn Append(&self, value: &<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default) -> ::windows_core::Result<()>;
fn RemoveAtEnd(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<()>;
fn Clear(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<()>;
fn GetMany(&self, startindex: u32, items: &mut [<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default]) -> ::windows_core::Result<u32>;
fn ReplaceAll(&self, items: &[<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default]) -> ::windows_core::Result<()>;
impl<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> ::windows_core::RuntimeName for IVector<T> {
const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVector";
impl<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> IVector_Vtbl<T> {
pub const fn new<Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>() -> IVector_Vtbl<T> {
unsafe extern "system" fn GetAt<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, index: u32, result__: *mut ::windows_core::AbiType<T>) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.GetAt(index) {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn Size<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut u32) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.Size() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn GetView<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.GetView() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn IndexOf<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, value: ::windows_core::AbiType<T>, index: *mut u32, result__: *mut bool) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.IndexOf(::core::mem::transmute(&value), ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&index)) {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn SetAt<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, index: u32, value: ::windows_core::AbiType<T>) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
this.SetAt(index, ::core::mem::transmute(&value)).into()
unsafe extern "system" fn InsertAt<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, index: u32, value: ::windows_core::AbiType<T>) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
this.InsertAt(index, ::core::mem::transmute(&value)).into()
unsafe extern "system" fn RemoveAt<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, index: u32) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
unsafe extern "system" fn Append<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, value: ::windows_core::AbiType<T>) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
unsafe extern "system" fn RemoveAtEnd<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
unsafe extern "system" fn Clear<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
unsafe extern "system" fn GetMany<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, startindex: u32, items_array_size: u32, items: *mut ::windows_core::AbiType<T>, result__: *mut u32) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.GetMany(startindex, ::core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(::core::mem::transmute_copy(&items), items_array_size as usize)) {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn ReplaceAll<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVector_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, items_array_size: u32, items: *const ::windows_core::AbiType<T>) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
this.ReplaceAll(::core::slice::from_raw_parts(::core::mem::transmute_copy(&items), items_array_size as usize)).into()
Self {
base__: ::windows_core::IInspectable_Vtbl::new::<Identity, IVector<T>, OFFSET>(),
GetAt: GetAt::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
Size: Size::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
GetView: GetView::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
IndexOf: IndexOf::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
SetAt: SetAt::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
InsertAt: InsertAt::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
RemoveAt: RemoveAt::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
Append: Append::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
RemoveAtEnd: RemoveAtEnd::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
Clear: Clear::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
GetMany: GetMany::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
ReplaceAll: ReplaceAll::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
T: ::core::marker::PhantomData::<T>,
pub unsafe fn matches(iid: *const ::windows_core::GUID) -> bool {
*iid == <IVector<T> as ::windows_core::ComInterface>::IID
pub trait IVectorChangedEventArgs_Impl: Sized {
fn CollectionChange(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<CollectionChange>;
fn Index(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<u32>;
impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for IVectorChangedEventArgs {
const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVectorChangedEventArgs";
impl IVectorChangedEventArgs_Vtbl {
pub const fn new<Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVectorChangedEventArgs_Impl, const OFFSET: isize>() -> IVectorChangedEventArgs_Vtbl {
unsafe extern "system" fn CollectionChange<Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVectorChangedEventArgs_Impl, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut CollectionChange) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.CollectionChange() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn Index<Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVectorChangedEventArgs_Impl, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut u32) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.Index() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
Self {
base__: ::windows_core::IInspectable_Vtbl::new::<Identity, IVectorChangedEventArgs, OFFSET>(),
CollectionChange: CollectionChange::<Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
Index: Index::<Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
pub unsafe fn matches(iid: *const ::windows_core::GUID) -> bool {
*iid == <IVectorChangedEventArgs as ::windows_core::ComInterface>::IID
pub trait IVectorView_Impl<T>: Sized + IIterable_Impl<T>
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
fn GetAt(&self, index: u32) -> ::windows_core::Result<T>;
fn Size(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<u32>;
fn IndexOf(&self, value: &<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default, index: &mut u32) -> ::windows_core::Result<bool>;
fn GetMany(&self, startindex: u32, items: &mut [<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default]) -> ::windows_core::Result<u32>;
impl<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> ::windows_core::RuntimeName for IVectorView<T> {
const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVectorView";
impl<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static> IVectorView_Vtbl<T> {
pub const fn new<Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVectorView_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>() -> IVectorView_Vtbl<T> {
unsafe extern "system" fn GetAt<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVectorView_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, index: u32, result__: *mut ::windows_core::AbiType<T>) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.GetAt(index) {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn Size<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVectorView_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut u32) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.Size() {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn IndexOf<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVectorView_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, value: ::windows_core::AbiType<T>, index: *mut u32, result__: *mut bool) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.IndexOf(::core::mem::transmute(&value), ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&index)) {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
unsafe extern "system" fn GetMany<T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static, Identity: ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: IVectorView_Impl<T>, const OFFSET: isize>(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, startindex: u32, items_array_size: u32, items: *mut ::windows_core::AbiType<T>, result__: *mut u32) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT {
let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
let this = (*this).get_impl();
match this.GetMany(startindex, ::core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(::core::mem::transmute_copy(&items), items_array_size as usize)) {
::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into(),
Self {
base__: ::windows_core::IInspectable_Vtbl::new::<Identity, IVectorView<T>, OFFSET>(),
GetAt: GetAt::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
Size: Size::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
IndexOf: IndexOf::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
GetMany: GetMany::<T, Identity, Impl, OFFSET>,
T: ::core::marker::PhantomData::<T>,
pub unsafe fn matches(iid: *const ::windows_core::GUID) -> bool {
*iid == <IVectorView<T> as ::windows_core::ComInterface>::IID
struct StockIterable<T>
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default: ::std::clone::Clone,
values: std::vec::Vec<T::Default>,
impl<T> IIterable_Impl<T> for StockIterable<T>
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default: ::std::clone::Clone,
fn First(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<IIterator<T>> {
unsafe {
// TODO: ideally we can do an AddRef rather than a QI here (via cast)...
// and then we can get rid of the unsafe as well.
Ok(StockIterator { owner: self.cast()?, current: 0.into() }.into())
struct StockIterator<T>
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default: ::std::clone::Clone,
owner: IIterable<T>,
current: ::std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize,
impl<T> IIterator_Impl<T> for StockIterator<T>
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default: ::std::clone::Clone,
fn Current(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<T> {
let owner: &StockIterable<T> = unsafe { ::windows_core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner) };
let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
if owner.values.len() > current {
} else {
fn HasCurrent(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<bool> {
let owner: &StockIterable<T> = unsafe { ::windows_core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner) };
let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
Ok(owner.values.len() > current)
fn MoveNext(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<bool> {
let owner: &StockIterable<T> = unsafe { ::windows_core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner) };
let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
if current < owner.values.len() {
self.current.fetch_add(1, ::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
Ok(owner.values.len() > current + 1)
fn GetMany(&self, values: &mut [T::Default]) -> ::windows_core::Result<u32> {
let owner: &StockIterable<T> = unsafe { ::windows_core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner) };
let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
let actual = std::cmp::min(owner.values.len() - current, values.len());
let (values, _) = values.split_at_mut(actual);
values.clone_from_slice(&owner.values[current..current + actual]);
self.current.fetch_add(actual, ::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
Ok(actual as u32)
impl<T> ::core::convert::TryFrom<::std::vec::Vec<T::Default>> for IIterable<T>
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default: ::std::clone::Clone,
type Error = ::windows_core::Error;
fn try_from(values: ::std::vec::Vec<T::Default>) -> ::windows_core::Result<Self> {
// TODO: should provide a fallible try_into or more explicit allocator
Ok(StockIterable { values }.into())
#[::windows_implement::implement(IMapView<K, V>, IIterable<IKeyValuePair<K, V>>)]
struct StockMapView<K, V>
K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
<K as ::windows_core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::Ord,
<V as ::windows_core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
map: std::collections::BTreeMap<K::Default, V::Default>,
impl<K, V> IIterable_Impl<IKeyValuePair<K, V>> for StockMapView<K, V>
K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
<K as ::windows_core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::Ord,
<V as ::windows_core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
fn First(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<IIterator<IKeyValuePair<K, V>>> {
unsafe {
// TODO: ideally we can do an AddRef rather than a QI here (via cast)...
// and then we can get rid of the unsafe as well.
Ok(StockMapViewIterator::<K, V> { _owner: self.cast()?, current: std::sync::RwLock::new( }.into())
impl<K, V> IMapView_Impl<K, V> for StockMapView<K, V>
K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
<K as ::windows_core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::Ord,
<V as ::windows_core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
fn Lookup(&self, key: &K::Default) -> ::windows_core::Result<V> {
let value =|| ::windows_core::Error::from(::windows_core::imp::E_BOUNDS))?;
fn Size(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<u32> {
fn HasKey(&self, key: &K::Default) -> ::windows_core::Result<bool> {
fn Split(&self, first: &mut std::option::Option<IMapView<K, V>>, second: &mut std::option::Option<IMapView<K, V>>) -> ::windows_core::Result<()> {
*first = None;
*second = None;
#[::windows_implement::implement(IIterator<IKeyValuePair<K, V>>)]
struct StockMapViewIterator<'a, K, V>
K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
<K as ::windows_core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::Ord,
<V as ::windows_core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
_owner: IIterable<IKeyValuePair<K, V>>,
current: ::std::sync::RwLock<std::collections::btree_map::Iter<'a, K::Default, V::Default>>,
impl<'a, K, V> IIterator_Impl<IKeyValuePair<K, V>> for StockMapViewIterator<'a, K, V>
K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
<K as ::windows_core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::Ord,
<V as ::windows_core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
fn Current(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<IKeyValuePair<K, V>> {
let mut current =;
if let Some((key, value)) = current.peek() {
Ok(StockKeyValuePair { key: (*key).clone(), value: (*value).clone() }.into())
} else {
fn HasCurrent(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<bool> {
let mut current =;
fn MoveNext(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<bool> {
let mut current = self.current.write().unwrap();;
fn GetMany(&self, pairs: &mut [Option<IKeyValuePair<K, V>>]) -> ::windows_core::Result<u32> {
let mut current = self.current.write().unwrap();
let mut actual = 0;
for pair in pairs {
if let Some((key, value)) = {
*pair = Some(StockKeyValuePair { key: (*key).clone(), value: (*value).clone() }.into());
actual += 1;
} else {
#[::windows_implement::implement(IKeyValuePair<K, V>)]
struct StockKeyValuePair<K, V>
K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
<K as ::windows_core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
<V as ::windows_core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
key: K::Default,
value: V::Default,
impl<K, V> IKeyValuePair_Impl<K, V> for StockKeyValuePair<K, V>
K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
<K as ::windows_core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
<V as ::windows_core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
fn Key(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<K> {
fn Value(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<V> {
impl<K, V> ::core::convert::TryFrom<std::collections::BTreeMap<K::Default, V::Default>> for IMapView<K, V>
K: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
V: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
<K as ::windows_core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::Ord,
<V as ::windows_core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
type Error = ::windows_core::Error;
fn try_from(map: std::collections::BTreeMap<K::Default, V::Default>) -> ::windows_core::Result<Self> {
// TODO: should provide a fallible try_into or more explicit allocator
Ok(StockMapView { map }.into())
#[::windows_implement::implement(IVectorView<T>, IIterable<T>)]
struct StockVectorView<T>
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::PartialEq,
values: std::vec::Vec<T::Default>,
impl<T> IIterable_Impl<T> for StockVectorView<T>
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::PartialEq,
fn First(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<IIterator<T>> {
unsafe {
// TODO: ideally we can do an AddRef rather than a QI here (via cast)...
// and then we can get rid of the unsafe as well.
Ok(StockVectorViewIterator { owner: self.cast()?, current: 0.into() }.into())
impl<T> IVectorView_Impl<T> for StockVectorView<T>
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::PartialEq,
fn GetAt(&self, index: u32) -> ::windows_core::Result<T> {
let item = self.values.get(index as usize).ok_or_else(|| ::windows_core::Error::from(::windows_core::imp::E_BOUNDS))?;
fn Size(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<u32> {
fn IndexOf(&self, value: &T::Default, result: &mut u32) -> ::windows_core::Result<bool> {
match self.values.iter().position(|element| element == value) {
Some(index) => {
*result = index as u32;
None => Ok(false),
fn GetMany(&self, current: u32, values: &mut [T::Default]) -> ::windows_core::Result<u32> {
let current = current as usize;
if current >= self.values.len() {
return Ok(0);
let actual = std::cmp::min(self.values.len() - current, values.len());
let (values, _) = values.split_at_mut(actual);
values.clone_from_slice(&self.values[current..current + actual]);
Ok(actual as u32)
struct StockVectorViewIterator<T>
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType + 'static,
<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::PartialEq,
owner: IIterable<T>,
current: ::std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize,
impl<T> IIterator_Impl<T> for StockVectorViewIterator<T>
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::PartialEq,
fn Current(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<T> {
let owner: &StockVectorView<T> = unsafe { ::windows_core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner) };
let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
if owner.values.len() > current {
} else {
fn HasCurrent(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<bool> {
let owner: &StockVectorView<T> = unsafe { ::windows_core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner) };
let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
Ok(owner.values.len() > current)
fn MoveNext(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<bool> {
let owner: &StockVectorView<T> = unsafe { ::windows_core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner) };
let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
if current < owner.values.len() {
self.current.fetch_add(1, ::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
Ok(owner.values.len() > current + 1)
fn GetMany(&self, values: &mut [T::Default]) -> ::windows_core::Result<u32> {
let owner: &StockVectorView<T> = unsafe { ::windows_core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner) };
let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
let actual = std::cmp::min(owner.values.len() - current, values.len());
let (values, _) = values.split_at_mut(actual);
values.clone_from_slice(&owner.values[current..current + actual]);
self.current.fetch_add(actual, ::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
Ok(actual as u32)
impl<T> ::core::convert::TryFrom<::std::vec::Vec<T::Default>> for IVectorView<T>
T: ::windows_core::RuntimeType,
<T as ::windows_core::Type<T>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::PartialEq,
type Error = ::windows_core::Error;
fn try_from(values: ::std::vec::Vec<T::Default>) -> ::windows_core::Result<Self> {
// TODO: should provide a fallible try_into or more explicit allocator
Ok(StockVectorView { values }.into())