blob: 798ab1a934d53bcdd2ad10dd6df6aa698fff18b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
use crate::{
ComponentInner, ComponentsInner, CpuInner, NetworkDataInner, NetworksInner, ProcessInner,
SystemInner, UserInner,
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::convert::{From, TryFrom};
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fmt;
use std::path::Path;
use std::str::FromStr;
/// Structs containing system's information such as processes, memory and CPU.
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// if sysinfo::IS_SUPPORTED_SYSTEM {
/// println!("System: {:?}", System::new_all());
/// } else {
/// println!("This OS isn't supported (yet?).");
/// }
/// ```
pub struct System {
pub(crate) inner: SystemInner,
impl Default for System {
fn default() -> System {
impl System {
/// Creates a new [`System`] instance with nothing loaded.
/// Use one of the refresh methods (like [`refresh_all`]) to update its internal information.
/// [`System`]: crate::System
/// [`refresh_all`]: #method.refresh_all
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new();
/// ```
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Creates a new [`System`] instance with everything loaded.
/// It is an equivalent of [`System::new_with_specifics`]`(`[`RefreshKind::everything`]`())`.
/// [`System`]: crate::System
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// ```
pub fn new_all() -> Self {
/// Creates a new [`System`] instance and refresh the data corresponding to the
/// given [`RefreshKind`].
/// [`System`]: crate::System
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::{ProcessRefreshKind, RefreshKind, System};
/// // We want to only refresh processes.
/// let mut system = System::new_with_specifics(
/// RefreshKind::new().with_processes(ProcessRefreshKind::everything()),
/// );
/// # if sysinfo::IS_SUPPORTED_SYSTEM && !cfg!(feature = "apple-sandbox") {
/// assert!(!system.processes().is_empty());
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn new_with_specifics(refreshes: RefreshKind) -> Self {
let mut s = Self {
inner: SystemInner::new(),
/// Refreshes according to the given [`RefreshKind`]. It calls the corresponding
/// "refresh_" methods.
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::{ProcessRefreshKind, RefreshKind, System};
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// // Let's just update processes:
/// s.refresh_specifics(
/// RefreshKind::new().with_processes(ProcessRefreshKind::everything()),
/// );
/// ```
pub fn refresh_specifics(&mut self, refreshes: RefreshKind) {
if let Some(kind) = refreshes.memory() {
if let Some(kind) = refreshes.cpu() {
if let Some(kind) = refreshes.processes() {
/// Refreshes all system and processes information.
/// It is the same as calling `system.refresh_specifics(RefreshKind::everything())`.
/// Don't forget to take a look at [`ProcessRefreshKind::everything`] method to see what it
/// will update for processes more in details.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let mut s = System::new();
/// s.refresh_all();
/// ```
pub fn refresh_all(&mut self) {
/// Refreshes RAM and SWAP usage.
/// It is the same as calling `system.refresh_memory_specifics(MemoryRefreshKind::everything())`.
/// If you don't want to refresh both, take a look at [`System::refresh_memory_specifics`].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let mut s = System::new();
/// s.refresh_memory();
/// ```
pub fn refresh_memory(&mut self) {
/// Refreshes system memory specific information.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{MemoryRefreshKind, System};
/// let mut s = System::new();
/// s.refresh_memory_specifics(MemoryRefreshKind::new().with_ram());
/// ```
pub fn refresh_memory_specifics(&mut self, refresh_kind: MemoryRefreshKind) {
/// Refreshes CPUs usage.
/// ⚠️ Please note that the result will very likely be inaccurate at the first call.
/// You need to call this method at least twice (with a bit of time between each call, like
/// 200 ms, take a look at [`MINIMUM_CPU_UPDATE_INTERVAL`] for more information)
/// to get accurate value as it uses previous results to compute the next value.
/// Calling this method is the same as calling
/// `system.refresh_cpu_specifics(CpuRefreshKind::new().with_cpu_usage())`.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// s.refresh_cpu_usage();
/// ```
pub fn refresh_cpu_usage(&mut self) {
/// Refreshes CPUs frequency information.
/// Calling this method is the same as calling
/// `system.refresh_cpu_specifics(CpuRefreshKind::new().with_frequency())`.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// s.refresh_cpu_frequency();
/// ```
pub fn refresh_cpu_frequency(&mut self) {
/// Refreshes all information related to CPUs information.
/// ⚠️ Please note that the result will very likely be inaccurate at the first call.
/// You need to call this method at least twice (with a bit of time between each call, like
/// 200 ms, take a look at [`MINIMUM_CPU_UPDATE_INTERVAL`] for more information)
/// to get accurate value as it uses previous results to compute the next value.
/// Calling this method is the same as calling
/// `system.refresh_cpu_specifics(CpuRefreshKind::everything())`.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// s.refresh_cpu();
/// ```
pub fn refresh_cpu(&mut self) {
/// Refreshes CPUs specific information.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{System, CpuRefreshKind};
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// s.refresh_cpu_specifics(CpuRefreshKind::everything());
/// ```
pub fn refresh_cpu_specifics(&mut self, refresh_kind: CpuRefreshKind) {
/// Gets all processes and updates their information.
/// It does the same as:
/// ```no_run
/// # use sysinfo::{ProcessRefreshKind, System, UpdateKind};
/// # let mut system = System::new();
/// system.refresh_processes_specifics(
/// ProcessRefreshKind::new()
/// .with_memory()
/// .with_cpu()
/// .with_disk_usage()
/// .with_exe(UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet),
/// );
/// ```
/// ⚠️ On Linux, `sysinfo` keeps the `stat` files open by default. You can change this behaviour
/// by using [`set_open_files_limit`][crate::set_open_files_limit].
/// Example:
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// s.refresh_processes();
/// ```
pub fn refresh_processes(&mut self) {
/// Gets all processes and updates the specified information.
/// ⚠️ On Linux, `sysinfo` keeps the `stat` files open by default. You can change this behaviour
/// by using [`set_open_files_limit`][crate::set_open_files_limit].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{ProcessRefreshKind, System};
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// s.refresh_processes_specifics(ProcessRefreshKind::new());
/// ```
pub fn refresh_processes_specifics(&mut self, refresh_kind: ProcessRefreshKind) {
self.inner.refresh_processes_specifics(None, refresh_kind)
/// Gets specified processes and updates their information.
/// It does the same as:
/// ```no_run
/// # use sysinfo::{Pid, ProcessRefreshKind, System, UpdateKind};
/// # let mut system = System::new();
/// system.refresh_pids_specifics(
/// &[Pid::from(1), Pid::from(2)],
/// ProcessRefreshKind::new()
/// .with_memory()
/// .with_cpu()
/// .with_disk_usage()
/// .with_exe(UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet),
/// );
/// ```
/// ⚠️ On Linux, `sysinfo` keeps the `stat` files open by default. You can change this behaviour
/// by using [`set_open_files_limit`][crate::set_open_files_limit].
/// Example:
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// s.refresh_processes();
/// ```
pub fn refresh_pids(&mut self, pids: &[Pid]) {
/// Gets specified processes and updates the specified information.
/// ⚠️ On Linux, `sysinfo` keeps the `stat` files open by default. You can change this behaviour
/// by using [`set_open_files_limit`][crate::set_open_files_limit].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, ProcessRefreshKind, System};
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// s.refresh_pids_specifics(&[Pid::from(1), Pid::from(2)], ProcessRefreshKind::new());
/// ```
pub fn refresh_pids_specifics(&mut self, pids: &[Pid], refresh_kind: ProcessRefreshKind) {
if pids.is_empty() {
.refresh_processes_specifics(Some(pids), refresh_kind)
/// Refreshes *only* the process corresponding to `pid`. Returns `false` if the process doesn't
/// exist (it will **NOT** be removed from the processes if it doesn't exist anymore). If it
/// isn't listed yet, it'll be added.
/// It is the same as calling:
/// ```no_run
/// # use sysinfo::{Pid, ProcessRefreshKind, System, UpdateKind};
/// # let mut system = System::new();
/// # let pid = Pid::from(0);
/// system.refresh_process_specifics(
/// pid,
/// ProcessRefreshKind::new()
/// .with_memory()
/// .with_cpu()
/// .with_disk_usage()
/// .with_exe(UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet),
/// );
/// ```
/// ⚠️ On Linux, `sysinfo` keeps the `stat` files open by default. You can change this behaviour
/// by using [`set_open_files_limit`][crate::set_open_files_limit].
/// Example:
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// s.refresh_process(Pid::from(1337));
/// ```
pub fn refresh_process(&mut self, pid: Pid) -> bool {
/// Refreshes *only* the process corresponding to `pid`. Returns `false` if the process doesn't
/// exist (it will **NOT** be removed from the processes if it doesn't exist anymore). If it
/// isn't listed yet, it'll be added.
/// ⚠️ On Linux, `sysinfo` keeps the `stat` files open by default. You can change this behaviour
/// by using [`set_open_files_limit`][crate::set_open_files_limit].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, ProcessRefreshKind, System};
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// s.refresh_process_specifics(Pid::from(1337), ProcessRefreshKind::new());
/// ```
pub fn refresh_process_specifics(
&mut self,
pid: Pid,
refresh_kind: ProcessRefreshKind,
) -> bool {
self.inner.refresh_process_specifics(pid, refresh_kind)
/// Returns the process list.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// for (pid, process) in s.processes() {
/// println!("{} {}", pid,;
/// }
/// ```
pub fn processes(&self) -> &HashMap<Pid, Process> {
/// Returns the process corresponding to the given `pid` or `None` if no such process exists.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("{}",;
/// }
/// ```
pub fn process(&self, pid: Pid) -> Option<&Process> {
/// Returns an iterator of process containing the given `name`.
/// If you want only the processes with exactly the given `name`, take a look at
/// [`System::processes_by_exact_name`].
/// **⚠️ Important ⚠️**
/// On **Linux**, there are two things to know about processes' name:
/// 1. It is limited to 15 characters.
/// 2. It is not always the exe name.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// for process in s.processes_by_name("htop") {
/// println!("{} {}",,;
/// }
/// ```
pub fn processes_by_name<'a: 'b, 'b>(
&'a self,
name: &'b str,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a Process> + 'b {
.filter(move |val: &&Process|
/// Returns an iterator of processes with exactly the given `name`.
/// If you instead want the processes containing `name`, take a look at
/// [`System::processes_by_name`].
/// **⚠️ Important ⚠️**
/// On **Linux**, there are two things to know about processes' name:
/// 1. It is limited to 15 characters.
/// 2. It is not always the exe name.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// for process in s.processes_by_exact_name("htop") {
/// println!("{} {}",,;
/// }
/// ```
pub fn processes_by_exact_name<'a: 'b, 'b>(
&'a self,
name: &'b str,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a Process> + 'b {
.filter(move |val: &&Process| == name)
/// Returns "global" CPUs information (aka the addition of all the CPUs).
/// To have up-to-date information, you need to call [`System::refresh_cpu`] or
/// [`System::refresh_specifics`] with `cpu` enabled.
/// **⚠️ Important ⚠️**
/// Information like [`Cpu::brand`], [`Cpu::vendor_id`] or [`Cpu::frequency`]
/// are not set on the "global" CPU.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{CpuRefreshKind, RefreshKind, System};
/// let s = System::new_with_specifics(
/// RefreshKind::new().with_cpu(CpuRefreshKind::everything()),
/// );
/// println!("{}%", s.global_cpu_info().cpu_usage());
/// ```
/// [`Cpu::brand`]: crate::Cpu::brand
/// [`Cpu::vendor_id`]: crate::Cpu::vendor_id
/// [`Cpu::frequency`]: crate::Cpu::frequency
pub fn global_cpu_info(&self) -> &Cpu {
/// Returns the list of the CPUs.
/// By default, the list of CPUs is empty until you call [`System::refresh_cpu`] or
/// [`System::refresh_specifics`] with `cpu` enabled.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{CpuRefreshKind, RefreshKind, System};
/// let s = System::new_with_specifics(
/// RefreshKind::new().with_cpu(CpuRefreshKind::everything()),
/// );
/// for cpu in s.cpus() {
/// println!("{}%", cpu.cpu_usage());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn cpus(&self) -> &[Cpu] {
/// Returns the number of physical cores on the CPU or `None` if it couldn't get it.
/// In case there are multiple CPUs, it will combine the physical core count of all the CPUs.
/// **Important**: this information is computed every time this function is called.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new();
/// println!("{:?}", s.physical_core_count());
/// ```
pub fn physical_core_count(&self) -> Option<usize> {
/// Returns the RAM size in bytes.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// println!("{} bytes", s.total_memory());
/// ```
/// On Linux, if you want to see this information with the limit of your cgroup, take a look
/// at [`cgroup_limits`](System::cgroup_limits).
pub fn total_memory(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the amount of free RAM in bytes.
/// Generally, "free" memory refers to unallocated memory whereas "available" memory refers to
/// memory that is available for (re)use.
/// Side note: Windows doesn't report "free" memory so this method returns the same value
/// as [`available_memory`](System::available_memory).
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// println!("{} bytes", s.free_memory());
/// ```
pub fn free_memory(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the amount of available RAM in bytes.
/// Generally, "free" memory refers to unallocated memory whereas "available" memory refers to
/// memory that is available for (re)use.
/// ⚠️ Windows and FreeBSD don't report "available" memory so [`System::free_memory`]
/// returns the same value as this method.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// println!("{} bytes", s.available_memory());
/// ```
pub fn available_memory(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the amount of used RAM in bytes.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// println!("{} bytes", s.used_memory());
/// ```
pub fn used_memory(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the SWAP size in bytes.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// println!("{} bytes", s.total_swap());
/// ```
pub fn total_swap(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the amount of free SWAP in bytes.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// println!("{} bytes", s.free_swap());
/// ```
pub fn free_swap(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the amount of used SWAP in bytes.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// println!("{} bytes", s.used_swap());
/// ```
pub fn used_swap(&self) -> u64 {
/// Retrieves the limits for the current cgroup (if any), otherwise it returns `None`.
/// This information is computed every time the method is called.
/// ⚠️ You need to have run [`refresh_memory`](System::refresh_memory) at least once before
/// calling this method.
/// ⚠️ This method is only implemented for Linux. It always returns `None` for all other
/// systems.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// println!("limits: {:?}", s.cgroup_limits());
/// ```
pub fn cgroup_limits(&self) -> Option<CGroupLimits> {
/// Returns system uptime (in seconds).
/// **Important**: this information is computed every time this function is called.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// println!("System running since {} seconds", System::uptime());
/// ```
pub fn uptime() -> u64 {
/// Returns the time (in seconds) when the system booted since UNIX epoch.
/// **Important**: this information is computed every time this function is called.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// println!("System booted at {} seconds", System::boot_time());
/// ```
pub fn boot_time() -> u64 {
/// Returns the system load average value.
/// **Important**: this information is computed every time this function is called.
/// ⚠️ This is currently not working on **Windows**.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let load_avg = System::load_average();
/// println!(
/// "one minute: {}%, five minutes: {}%, fifteen minutes: {}%",
/// load_avg.five,
/// load_avg.fifteen,
/// );
/// ```
pub fn load_average() -> LoadAvg {
/// Returns the system name.
/// **Important**: this information is computed every time this function is called.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// println!("OS: {:?}", System::name());
/// ```
pub fn name() -> Option<String> {
/// Returns the system's kernel version.
/// **Important**: this information is computed every time this function is called.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// println!("kernel version: {:?}", System::kernel_version());
/// ```
pub fn kernel_version() -> Option<String> {
/// Returns the system version (e.g. for MacOS this will return 11.1 rather than the kernel
/// version).
/// **Important**: this information is computed every time this function is called.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// println!("OS version: {:?}", System::os_version());
/// ```
pub fn os_version() -> Option<String> {
/// Returns the system long os version (e.g "MacOS 11.2 BigSur").
/// **Important**: this information is computed every time this function is called.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// println!("Long OS Version: {:?}", System::long_os_version());
/// ```
pub fn long_os_version() -> Option<String> {
/// Returns the distribution id as defined by os-release,
/// or [`std::env::consts::OS`].
/// See also
/// - <>
/// - <>
/// **Important**: this information is computed every time this function is called.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// println!("Distribution ID: {:?}", System::distribution_id());
/// ```
pub fn distribution_id() -> String {
/// Returns the system hostname based off DNS.
/// **Important**: this information is computed every time this function is called.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// println!("Hostname: {:?}", System::host_name());
/// ```
pub fn host_name() -> Option<String> {
/// Returns the CPU architecture (eg. x86, amd64, aarch64, ...).
/// **Important**: this information is computed every time this function is called.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// println!("CPU Archicture: {:?}", System::cpu_arch());
/// ```
pub fn cpu_arch() -> Option<String> {
/// Struct containing information of a process.
/// ## iOS
/// This information cannot be retrieved on iOS due to sandboxing.
/// ## Apple app store
/// If you are building a macOS Apple app store, it won't be able
/// to retrieve this information.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("{}",;
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Process {
pub(crate) inner: ProcessInner,
impl Process {
/// Sends [`Signal::Kill`] to the process (which is the only signal supported on all supported
/// platforms by this crate).
/// If you want to send another signal, take a look at [`Process::kill_with`].
/// To get the list of the supported signals on this system, use
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// process.kill();
/// }
/// ```
pub fn kill(&self) -> bool {
/// Sends the given `signal` to the process. If the signal doesn't exist on this platform,
/// it'll do nothing and will return `None`. Otherwise it'll return if the signal was sent
/// successfully.
/// If you just want to kill the process, use [`Process::kill`] directly.
/// To get the list of the supported signals on this system, use
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, Signal, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// if process.kill_with(Signal::Kill).is_none() {
/// println!("This signal isn't supported on this platform");
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn kill_with(&self, signal: Signal) -> Option<bool> {
/// Returns the name of the process.
/// **⚠️ Important ⚠️**
/// On **Linux**, there are two things to know about processes' name:
/// 1. It is limited to 15 characters.
/// 2. It is not always the exe name.
/// If you are looking for a specific process, unless you know what you are
/// doing, in most cases it's better to use [`Process::exe`] instead (which
/// can be empty sometimes!).
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("{}",;
/// }
/// ```
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns the command line.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("{:?}", process.cmd());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn cmd(&self) -> &[String] {
/// Returns the path to the process.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("{:?}", process.exe());
/// }
/// ```
/// ### Implementation notes
/// On Linux, this method will return an empty path if there
/// was an error trying to read `/proc/<pid>/exe`. This can
/// happen, for example, if the permission levels or UID namespaces
/// between the caller and target processes are different.
/// It is also the case that `cmd[0]` is _not_ usually a correct
/// replacement for this.
/// A process [may change its `cmd[0]` value](
/// freely, making this an untrustworthy source of information.
pub fn exe(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
/// Returns the PID of the process.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("{}",;
/// }
/// ```
pub fn pid(&self) -> Pid {
/// Returns the environment variables of the process.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("{:?}", process.environ());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn environ(&self) -> &[String] {
/// Returns the current working directory.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("{:?}", process.cwd());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn cwd(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
/// Returns the path of the root directory.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("{:?}", process.root());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn root(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
/// Returns the memory usage (in bytes).
/// This method returns the [size of the resident set], that is, the amount of memory that the
/// process allocated and which is currently mapped in physical RAM. It does not include memory
/// that is swapped out, or, in some operating systems, that has been allocated but never used.
/// Thus, it represents exactly the amount of physical RAM that the process is using at the
/// present time, but it might not be a good indicator of the total memory that the process will
/// be using over its lifetime. For that purpose, you can try and use
/// [`virtual_memory`](Process::virtual_memory).
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("{} bytes", process.memory());
/// }
/// ```
/// [size of the resident set]:
pub fn memory(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the virtual memory usage (in bytes).
/// This method returns the [size of virtual memory], that is, the amount of memory that the
/// process can access, whether it is currently mapped in physical RAM or not. It includes
/// physical RAM, allocated but not used regions, swapped-out regions, and even memory
/// associated with [memory-mapped files](
/// This value has limitations though. Depending on the operating system and type of process,
/// this value might be a good indicator of the total memory that the process will be using over
/// its lifetime. However, for example, in the version 14 of MacOS this value is in the order of
/// the hundreds of gigabytes for every process, and thus not very informative. Moreover, if a
/// process maps into memory a very large file, this value will increase accordingly, even if
/// the process is not actively using the memory.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("{} bytes", process.virtual_memory());
/// }
/// ```
/// [size of virtual memory]:
pub fn virtual_memory(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the parent PID.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("{:?}", process.parent());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<Pid> {
/// Returns the status of the process.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("{:?}", process.status());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn status(&self) -> ProcessStatus {
/// Returns the time where the process was started (in seconds) from epoch.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("Started at {} seconds", process.start_time());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn start_time(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns for how much time the process has been running (in seconds).
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("Running since {} seconds", process.run_time());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn run_time(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the total CPU usage (in %). Notice that it might be bigger than
/// 100 if run on a multi-core machine.
/// If you want a value between 0% and 100%, divide the returned value by
/// the number of CPUs.
/// ⚠️ To start to have accurate CPU usage, a process needs to be refreshed
/// **twice** because CPU usage computation is based on time diff (process
/// time on a given time period divided by total system time on the same
/// time period).
/// ⚠️ If you want accurate CPU usage number, better leave a bit of time
/// between two calls of this method (take a look at
/// more information).
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("{}%", process.cpu_usage());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn cpu_usage(&self) -> f32 {
/// Returns number of bytes read and written to disk.
/// ⚠️ On Windows and FreeBSD, this method actually returns **ALL** I/O
/// read and written bytes.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// let disk_usage = process.disk_usage();
/// println!("read bytes : new/total => {}/{}",
/// disk_usage.read_bytes,
/// disk_usage.total_read_bytes,
/// );
/// println!("written bytes: new/total => {}/{}",
/// disk_usage.written_bytes,
/// disk_usage.total_written_bytes,
/// );
/// }
/// ```
pub fn disk_usage(&self) -> DiskUsage {
/// Returns the ID of the owner user of this process or `None` if this
/// information couldn't be retrieved. If you want to get the [`User`] from
/// it, take a look at [`Users::get_user_by_id`].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("User id for process 1337: {:?}", process.user_id());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn user_id(&self) -> Option<&Uid> {
/// Returns the user ID of the effective owner of this process or `None` if
/// this information couldn't be retrieved. If you want to get the [`User`]
/// from it, take a look at [`Users::get_user_by_id`].
/// If you run something with `sudo`, the real user ID of the launched
/// process will be the ID of the user you are logged in as but effective
/// user ID will be `0` (i-e root).
/// ⚠️ It always returns `None` on Windows.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("User id for process 1337: {:?}", process.effective_user_id());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn effective_user_id(&self) -> Option<&Uid> {
/// Returns the process group ID of the process.
/// ⚠️ It always returns `None` on Windows.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("Group ID for process 1337: {:?}", process.group_id());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn group_id(&self) -> Option<Gid> {
/// Returns the effective group ID of the process.
/// If you run something with `sudo`, the real group ID of the launched
/// process will be the primary group ID you are logged in as but effective
/// group ID will be `0` (i-e root).
/// ⚠️ It always returns `None` on Windows.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("User id for process 1337: {:?}", process.effective_group_id());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn effective_group_id(&self) -> Option<Gid> {
/// Wait for process termination.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("Waiting for pid 1337");
/// process.wait();
/// println!("Pid 1337 exited");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn wait(&self) {
/// Returns the session ID for the current process or `None` if it couldn't
/// be retrieved.
/// ⚠️ This information is computed every time this method is called.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// println!("Session ID for process 1337: {:?}", process.session_id());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn session_id(&self) -> Option<Pid> {
/// Tasks run by this process. If there are none, returns `None`.
/// ⚠️ This method always returns `None` on other platforms than Linux.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System};
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// if let Some(tasks) = process.tasks() {
/// println!("Listing tasks for process {:?}",;
/// for task_pid in tasks {
/// if let Some(task) = s.process(*task_pid) {
/// println!("Task {:?}: {:?}",,;
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn tasks(&self) -> Option<&HashSet<Pid>> {
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(all(
any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"),
not(feature = "unknown-ci")
))] {
} else {
/// If the process is a thread, it'll return `Some` with the kind of thread it is. Returns
/// `None` otherwise.
/// ⚠️ This method always returns `None` on other platforms than Linux.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// for (_, process) in s.processes() {
/// if let Some(thread_kind) = process.thread_kind() {
/// println!("Process {:?} is a {thread_kind:?} thread",;
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn thread_kind(&self) -> Option<ThreadKind> {
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(all(
any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"),
not(feature = "unknown-ci")
))] {
} else {
macro_rules! pid_decl {
($typ:ty) => {
#[doc = include_str!("../md_doc/")]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Pid(pub(crate) $typ);
impl From<usize> for Pid {
fn from(v: usize) -> Self {
Self(v as _)
impl From<Pid> for usize {
fn from(v: Pid) -> Self {
v.0 as _
impl FromStr for Pid {
type Err = <$typ as FromStr>::Err;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
impl fmt::Display for Pid {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.0)
impl Pid {
/// Allows to convert [`Pid`][crate::Pid] into [`u32`].
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::Pid;
/// let pid = Pid::from_u32(0);
/// let value: u32 = pid.as_u32();
/// ```
pub fn as_u32(self) -> u32 {
self.0 as _
/// Allows to convert a [`u32`] into [`Pid`][crate::Pid].
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::Pid;
/// let pid = Pid::from_u32(0);
/// ```
pub fn from_u32(v: u32) -> Self {
Self(v as _)
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(all(
not(feature = "unknown-ci"),
target_os = "freebsd",
target_os = "linux",
target_os = "android",
target_os = "macos",
target_os = "ios",
))] {
use libc::pid_t;
} else {
macro_rules! impl_get_set {
($ty_name:ident, $name:ident, $with:ident, $without:ident $(, $extra_doc:literal)? $(,)?) => {
#[doc = concat!("Returns the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind.")]
$(#[doc = concat!("
", $extra_doc, "
#[doc = concat!("
use sysinfo::", stringify!($ty_name), ";
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::new();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), false);
let r = r.with_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), true);
let r = r.without_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), false);
pub fn $name(&self) -> bool {
#[doc = concat!("Sets the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind to `true`.
use sysinfo::", stringify!($ty_name), ";
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::new();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), false);
let r = r.with_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), true);
pub fn $with(mut self) -> Self {
self.$name = true;
#[doc = concat!("Sets the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind to `false`.
use sysinfo::", stringify!($ty_name), ";
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::everything();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), true);
let r = r.without_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), false);
pub fn $without(mut self) -> Self {
self.$name = false;
// To handle `UpdateKind`.
($ty_name:ident, $name:ident, $with:ident, $without:ident, UpdateKind $(, $extra_doc:literal)? $(,)?) => {
#[doc = concat!("Returns the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind.")]
$(#[doc = concat!("
", $extra_doc, "
#[doc = concat!("
use sysinfo::{", stringify!($ty_name), ", UpdateKind};
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::new();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), UpdateKind::Never);
let r = r.with_", stringify!($name), "(UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet);
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet);
let r = r.without_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), UpdateKind::Never);
pub fn $name(&self) -> UpdateKind {
#[doc = concat!("Sets the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind.
use sysinfo::{", stringify!($ty_name), ", UpdateKind};
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::new();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), UpdateKind::Never);
let r = r.with_", stringify!($name), "(UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet);
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet);
pub fn $with(mut self, kind: UpdateKind) -> Self {
self.$name = kind;
#[doc = concat!("Sets the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind to `UpdateKind::Never`.
use sysinfo::{", stringify!($ty_name), ", UpdateKind};
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::everything();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet);
let r = r.without_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "(), UpdateKind::Never);
pub fn $without(mut self) -> Self {
self.$name = UpdateKind::Never;
// To handle `*RefreshKind`.
($ty_name:ident, $name:ident, $with:ident, $without:ident, $typ:ty $(,)?) => {
#[doc = concat!("Returns the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind.
use sysinfo::{", stringify!($ty_name), ", ", stringify!($typ), "};
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::new();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "().is_some(), false);
let r = r.with_", stringify!($name), "(", stringify!($typ), "::everything());
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "().is_some(), true);
let r = r.without_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "().is_some(), false);
pub fn $name(&self) -> Option<$typ> {
#[doc = concat!("Sets the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind to `Some(...)`.
use sysinfo::{", stringify!($ty_name), ", ", stringify!($typ), "};
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::new();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "().is_some(), false);
let r = r.with_", stringify!($name), "(", stringify!($typ), "::everything());
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "().is_some(), true);
pub fn $with(mut self, kind: $typ) -> Self {
self.$name = Some(kind);
#[doc = concat!("Sets the value of the \"", stringify!($name), "\" refresh kind to `None`.
use sysinfo::", stringify!($ty_name), ";
let r = ", stringify!($ty_name), "::everything();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "().is_some(), true);
let r = r.without_", stringify!($name), "();
assert_eq!(r.", stringify!($name), "().is_some(), false);
pub fn $without(mut self) -> Self {
self.$name = None;
/// This enum allows you to specify when you want the related information to be updated.
/// For example if you only want the [`Process::exe()`] information to be refreshed only if it's not
/// already set:
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{ProcessRefreshKind, System, UpdateKind};
/// let mut system = System::new();
/// system.refresh_processes_specifics(
/// ProcessRefreshKind::new().with_exe(UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet),
/// );
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum UpdateKind {
/// Never update the related information.
/// Always update the related information.
/// Only update the related information if it was not already set at least once.
impl UpdateKind {
/// If `self` is `OnlyIfNotSet`, `f` is called and its returned value is returned.
#[allow(dead_code)] // Needed for unsupported targets.
pub(crate) fn needs_update(self, f: impl Fn() -> bool) -> bool {
match self {
Self::Never => false,
Self::Always => true,
Self::OnlyIfNotSet => f(),
/// Used to determine what you want to refresh specifically on the [`Process`] type.
/// When all refresh are ruled out, a [`Process`] will still retrieve the following information:
/// * Process ID ([`Pid`])
/// * Parent process ID
/// * Process name
/// * Start time
/// ⚠️ Just like all other refresh types, ruling out a refresh doesn't assure you that
/// the information won't be retrieved if the information is accessible without needing
/// extra computation.
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::{ProcessRefreshKind, System};
/// let mut system = System::new();
/// // We don't want to update the CPU information.
/// system.refresh_processes_specifics(ProcessRefreshKind::everything().without_cpu());
/// for (_, proc_) in system.processes() {
/// // We use a `==` comparison on float only because we know it's set to 0 here.
/// assert_eq!(proc_.cpu_usage(), 0.);
/// }
/// ```
/// [`Process`]: crate::Process
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ProcessRefreshKind {
cpu: bool,
disk_usage: bool,
memory: bool,
user: UpdateKind,
cwd: UpdateKind,
root: UpdateKind,
environ: UpdateKind,
cmd: UpdateKind,
exe: UpdateKind,
impl ProcessRefreshKind {
/// Creates a new `ProcessRefreshKind` with every refresh set to `false`.
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::{ProcessRefreshKind, UpdateKind};
/// let r = ProcessRefreshKind::new();
/// assert_eq!(r.cpu(), false);
/// assert_eq!(r.user(), UpdateKind::Never);
/// ```
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Creates a new `ProcessRefreshKind` with every refresh set to `true` or
/// [`UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet`].
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::{ProcessRefreshKind, UpdateKind};
/// let r = ProcessRefreshKind::everything();
/// assert_eq!(r.cpu(), true);
/// assert_eq!(r.user(), UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet);
/// ```
pub fn everything() -> Self {
Self {
cpu: true,
disk_usage: true,
memory: true,
user: UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet,
cwd: UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet,
root: UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet,
environ: UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet,
cmd: UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet,
exe: UpdateKind::OnlyIfNotSet,
impl_get_set!(ProcessRefreshKind, cpu, with_cpu, without_cpu);
It will retrieve the following information:
* user ID
* user effective ID (if available on the platform)
* user group ID (if available on the platform)
* user effective ID (if available on the platform)"
impl_get_set!(ProcessRefreshKind, memory, with_memory, without_memory);
impl_get_set!(ProcessRefreshKind, cwd, with_cwd, without_cwd, UpdateKind);
impl_get_set!(ProcessRefreshKind, cmd, with_cmd, without_cmd, UpdateKind);
impl_get_set!(ProcessRefreshKind, exe, with_exe, without_exe, UpdateKind);
/// Used to determine what you want to refresh specifically on the [`Cpu`] type.
/// ⚠️ Just like all other refresh types, ruling out a refresh doesn't assure you that
/// the information won't be retrieved if the information is accessible without needing
/// extra computation.
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::{CpuRefreshKind, System};
/// let mut system = System::new();
/// // We don't want to update all the CPU information.
/// system.refresh_cpu_specifics(CpuRefreshKind::everything().without_frequency());
/// for cpu in system.cpus() {
/// assert_eq!(cpu.frequency(), 0);
/// }
/// ```
/// [`Cpu`]: crate::Cpu
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct CpuRefreshKind {
cpu_usage: bool,
frequency: bool,
impl CpuRefreshKind {
/// Creates a new `CpuRefreshKind` with every refresh set to `false`.
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::CpuRefreshKind;
/// let r = CpuRefreshKind::new();
/// assert_eq!(r.frequency(), false);
/// assert_eq!(r.cpu_usage(), false);
/// ```
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Creates a new `CpuRefreshKind` with every refresh set to `true`.
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::CpuRefreshKind;
/// let r = CpuRefreshKind::everything();
/// assert_eq!(r.frequency(), true);
/// assert_eq!(r.cpu_usage(), true);
/// ```
pub fn everything() -> Self {
Self {
cpu_usage: true,
frequency: true,
impl_get_set!(CpuRefreshKind, cpu_usage, with_cpu_usage, without_cpu_usage);
impl_get_set!(CpuRefreshKind, frequency, with_frequency, without_frequency);
/// Used to determine which memory you want to refresh specifically.
/// ⚠️ Just like all other refresh types, ruling out a refresh doesn't assure you that
/// the information won't be retrieved if the information is accessible without needing
/// extra computation.
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::{MemoryRefreshKind, System};
/// let mut system = System::new();
/// // We don't want to update all memories information.
/// system.refresh_memory_specifics(MemoryRefreshKind::new().with_ram());
/// println!("total RAM: {}", system.total_memory());
/// println!("free RAM: {}", system.free_memory());
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct MemoryRefreshKind {
ram: bool,
swap: bool,
impl MemoryRefreshKind {
/// Creates a new `MemoryRefreshKind` with every refresh set to `false`.
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::MemoryRefreshKind;
/// let r = MemoryRefreshKind::new();
/// assert_eq!(r.ram(), false);
/// assert_eq!(r.swap(), false);
/// ```
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Creates a new `MemoryRefreshKind` with every refresh set to `true`.
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::MemoryRefreshKind;
/// let r = MemoryRefreshKind::everything();
/// assert_eq!(r.ram(), true);
/// assert_eq!(r.swap(), true);
/// ```
pub fn everything() -> Self {
Self {
ram: true,
swap: true,
impl_get_set!(MemoryRefreshKind, ram, with_ram, without_ram);
impl_get_set!(MemoryRefreshKind, swap, with_swap, without_swap);
/// Used to determine what you want to refresh specifically on the [`System`][crate::System] type.
/// ⚠️ Just like all other refresh types, ruling out a refresh doesn't assure you that
/// the information won't be retrieved if the information is accessible without needing
/// extra computation.
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::{RefreshKind, System};
/// // We want everything except memory.
/// let mut system = System::new_with_specifics(RefreshKind::everything().without_memory());
/// assert_eq!(system.total_memory(), 0);
/// # if sysinfo::IS_SUPPORTED_SYSTEM && !cfg!(feature = "apple-sandbox") {
/// assert!(system.processes().len() > 0);
/// # }
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct RefreshKind {
processes: Option<ProcessRefreshKind>,
memory: Option<MemoryRefreshKind>,
cpu: Option<CpuRefreshKind>,
impl RefreshKind {
/// Creates a new `RefreshKind` with every refresh set to `false`/`None`.
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::RefreshKind;
/// let r = RefreshKind::new();
/// assert_eq!(r.processes().is_some(), false);
/// assert_eq!(r.memory().is_some(), false);
/// assert_eq!(r.cpu().is_some(), false);
/// ```
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Creates a new `RefreshKind` with every refresh set to `true`/`Some(...)`.
/// ```
/// use sysinfo::RefreshKind;
/// let r = RefreshKind::everything();
/// assert_eq!(r.processes().is_some(), true);
/// assert_eq!(r.memory().is_some(), true);
/// assert_eq!(r.cpu().is_some(), true);
/// ```
pub fn everything() -> Self {
Self {
processes: Some(ProcessRefreshKind::everything()),
memory: Some(MemoryRefreshKind::everything()),
cpu: Some(CpuRefreshKind::everything()),
impl_get_set!(RefreshKind, cpu, with_cpu, without_cpu, CpuRefreshKind);
/// Interacting with network interfaces.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("[{interface_name}]: {network:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Networks {
pub(crate) inner: NetworksInner,
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a Networks {
type Item = (&'a String, &'a NetworkData);
type IntoIter = std::collections::hash_map::Iter<'a, String, NetworkData>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl Default for Networks {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Networks {
/// Creates a new empty [`Networks`][crate::Networks] type.
/// If you want it to be filled directly, take a look at [`Networks::new_with_refreshed_list`].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let mut networks = Networks::new();
/// networks.refresh_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("[{interface_name}]: {network:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
inner: NetworksInner::new(),
/// Creates a new [`Networks`][crate::Networks] type with the disk list
/// loaded. It is a combination of [`Networks::new`] and
/// [`Networks::refresh_list`].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for network in &networks {
/// println!("{network:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn new_with_refreshed_list() -> Self {
let mut networks = Self::new();
/// Returns the network interfaces map.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for network in networks.list() {
/// println!("{network:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn list(&self) -> &HashMap<String, NetworkData> {
/// Refreshes the network interfaces list.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let mut networks = Networks::new();
/// networks.refresh_list();
/// ```
pub fn refresh_list(&mut self) {
/// Refreshes the network interfaces' content. If you didn't run [`Networks::refresh_list`]
/// before, calling this method won't do anything as no interfaces are present.
/// ⚠️ If a user is added or removed, this method won't take it into account. Use
/// [`Networks::refresh_list`] instead.
/// ⚠️ If you didn't call [`Networks::refresh_list`] beforehand, this method will do nothing
/// as the network list will be empty.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let mut networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// // Wait some time...? Then refresh the data of each network.
/// networks.refresh();
/// ```
pub fn refresh(&mut self) {
impl std::ops::Deref for Networks {
type Target = HashMap<String, NetworkData>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
/// Getting volume of received and transmitted data.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("[{interface_name}] {network:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub struct NetworkData {
pub(crate) inner: NetworkDataInner,
impl NetworkData {
/// Returns the number of received bytes since the last refresh.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("in: {} B", network.received());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn received(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the total number of received bytes.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("in: {} B", network.total_received());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn total_received(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the number of transmitted bytes since the last refresh.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("out: {} B", network.transmitted());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn transmitted(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the total number of transmitted bytes.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("out: {} B", network.total_transmitted());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn total_transmitted(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the number of incoming packets since the last refresh.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("in: {}", network.packets_received());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn packets_received(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the total number of incoming packets.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("in: {}", network.total_packets_received());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn total_packets_received(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the number of outcoming packets since the last refresh.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("out: {}", network.packets_transmitted());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn packets_transmitted(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the total number of outcoming packets.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("out: {}", network.total_packets_transmitted());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn total_packets_transmitted(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the number of incoming errors since the last refresh.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("in: {}", network.errors_on_received());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn errors_on_received(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the total number of incoming errors.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("in: {}", network.total_errors_on_received());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn total_errors_on_received(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the number of outcoming errors since the last refresh.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("out: {}", network.errors_on_transmitted());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn errors_on_transmitted(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the total number of outcoming errors.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("out: {}", network.total_errors_on_transmitted());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn total_errors_on_transmitted(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the MAC address associated to current interface.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Networks;
/// let mut networks = Networks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for (interface_name, network) in &networks {
/// println!("MAC address: {}", network.mac_address());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn mac_address(&self) -> MacAddr {
/// Struct containing a disk information.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for disk in disks.list() {
/// println!("{:?}: {:?}",, disk.kind());
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Disk {
pub(crate) inner: crate::DiskInner,
impl Disk {
/// Returns the kind of disk.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for disk in disks.list() {
/// println!("[{:?}] {:?}",, disk.kind());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn kind(&self) -> DiskKind {
/// Returns the disk name.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for disk in disks.list() {
/// println!("{:?}",;
/// }
/// ```
pub fn name(&self) -> &OsStr {
/// Returns the file system used on this disk (so for example: `EXT4`, `NTFS`, etc...).
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for disk in disks.list() {
/// println!("[{:?}] {:?}",, disk.file_system());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn file_system(&self) -> &OsStr {
/// Returns the mount point of the disk (`/` for example).
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for disk in disks.list() {
/// println!("[{:?}] {:?}",, disk.mount_point());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn mount_point(&self) -> &Path {
/// Returns the total disk size, in bytes.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for disk in disks.list() {
/// println!("[{:?}] {}B",, disk.total_space());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn total_space(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the available disk size, in bytes.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for disk in disks.list() {
/// println!("[{:?}] {}B",, disk.available_space());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn available_space(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns `true` if the disk is removable.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for disk in disks.list() {
/// println!("[{:?}] {}",, disk.is_removable());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn is_removable(&self) -> bool {
/// Updates the disk' information.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let mut disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for disk in disks.list_mut() {
/// disk.refresh();
/// }
/// ```
pub fn refresh(&mut self) -> bool {
/// Disks interface.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for disk in disks.list() {
/// println!("{disk:?}");
/// }
/// ```
/// ⚠️ Note that network devices are excluded by default under Linux.
/// To display mount points using the CIFS and NFS protocols, the `linux-netdevs`
/// feature must be enabled. Note, however, that sysinfo may hang under certain
/// circumstances. For example, if a CIFS or NFS share has been mounted with
/// the _hard_ option, but the connection has an error, such as the share server has stopped.
pub struct Disks {
inner: crate::DisksInner,
impl Default for Disks {
fn default() -> Self {
impl From<Disks> for Vec<Disk> {
fn from(disks: Disks) -> Vec<Disk> {
impl From<Vec<Disk>> for Disks {
fn from(disks: Vec<Disk>) -> Self {
Self {
inner: crate::DisksInner::from_vec(disks),
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a Disks {
type Item = &'a Disk;
type IntoIter = std::slice::Iter<'a, Disk>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a mut Disks {
type Item = &'a mut Disk;
type IntoIter = std::slice::IterMut<'a, Disk>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl Disks {
/// Creates a new empty [`Disks`][crate::Disks] type.
/// If you want it to be filled directly, take a look at [`Disks::new_with_refreshed_list`].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let mut disks = Disks::new();
/// disks.refresh_list();
/// for disk in disks.list() {
/// println!("{disk:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
inner: crate::DisksInner::new(),
/// Creates a new [`Disks`][crate::Disks] type with the disk list loaded.
/// It is a combination of [`Disks::new`] and [`Disks::refresh_list`].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let mut disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for disk in disks.list() {
/// println!("{disk:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn new_with_refreshed_list() -> Self {
let mut disks = Self::new();
/// Returns the disks list.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for disk in disks.list() {
/// println!("{disk:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn list(&self) -> &[Disk] {
/// Returns the disks list.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let mut disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for disk in disks.list_mut() {
/// disk.refresh();
/// println!("{disk:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn list_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Disk] {
/// Refreshes the listed disks' information.
/// ⚠️ If a disk is added or removed, this method won't take it into account. Use
/// [`Disks::refresh_list`] instead.
/// ⚠️ If you didn't call [`Disks::refresh_list`] beforehand, this method will do nothing as
/// the disk list will be empty.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let mut disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// // We wait some time...?
/// disks.refresh();
/// ```
pub fn refresh(&mut self) {
for disk in self.list_mut() {
/// The disk list will be emptied then completely recomputed.
/// ## Linux
/// ⚠️ On Linux, the [NFS]( file
/// systems are ignored and the information of a mounted NFS **cannot** be obtained
/// via [`Disks::refresh_list`]. This is due to the fact that I/O function
/// `statvfs` used by [`Disks::refresh_list`] is blocking and
/// [may hang]( in some cases,
/// requiring to call `systemctl stop` to terminate the NFS service from the remote
/// server in some cases.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let mut disks = Disks::new();
/// disks.refresh_list();
/// ```
pub fn refresh_list(&mut self) {
impl std::ops::Deref for Disks {
type Target = [Disk];
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl std::ops::DerefMut for Disks {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
/// Enum containing the different supported kinds of disks.
/// This type is returned by [`Disk::kind`](`crate::Disk::kind`).
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Disks;
/// let disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for disk in disks.list() {
/// println!("{:?}: {:?}",, disk.kind());
/// }
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum DiskKind {
/// HDD type.
/// SSD type.
/// Unknown type.
impl fmt::Display for DiskKind {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_str(match *self {
DiskKind::HDD => "HDD",
DiskKind::SSD => "SSD",
_ => "Unknown",
/// Interacting with users.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Users;
/// let mut users = Users::new();
/// for user in users.list() {
/// println!("{} is in {} groups",, user.groups().len());
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Users {
users: Vec<User>,
impl Default for Users {
fn default() -> Self {
impl From<Users> for Vec<User> {
fn from(users: Users) -> Self {
impl From<Vec<User>> for Users {
fn from(users: Vec<User>) -> Self {
Self { users }
impl std::ops::Deref for Users {
type Target = [User];
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl std::ops::DerefMut for Users {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a Users {
type Item = &'a User;
type IntoIter = std::slice::Iter<'a, User>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a mut Users {
type Item = &'a mut User;
type IntoIter = std::slice::IterMut<'a, User>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl Users {
/// Creates a new empty [`Users`][crate::Users] type.
/// If you want it to be filled directly, take a look at [`Users::new_with_refreshed_list`].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Users;
/// let mut users = Users::new();
/// users.refresh_list();
/// for user in users.list() {
/// println!("{user:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { users: Vec::new() }
/// Creates a new [`Users`][crate::Users] type with the user list loaded.
/// It is a combination of [`Users::new`] and [`Users::refresh_list`].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Users;
/// let mut users = Users::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for user in users.list() {
/// println!("{user:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn new_with_refreshed_list() -> Self {
let mut users = Self::new();
/// Returns the users list.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Users;
/// let users = Users::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for user in users.list() {
/// println!("{user:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn list(&self) -> &[User] {
/// Returns the users list.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Users;
/// let mut users = Users::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// users.list_mut().sort_by(|user1, user2| {
/// });
/// ```
pub fn list_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [User] {
&mut self.users
/// The user list will be emptied then completely recomputed.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Users;
/// let mut users = Users::new();
/// users.refresh_list();
/// ```
pub fn refresh_list(&mut self) {
crate::sys::get_users(&mut self.users);
/// Returns the [`User`] matching the given `user_id`.
/// **Important**: The user list must be filled before using this method, otherwise it will
/// always return `None` (through the `refresh_*` methods).
/// It is a shorthand for:
/// ```ignore
/// # use sysinfo::Users;
/// let users = Users::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// users.list().find(|user| == user_id);
/// ```
/// Full example:
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{Pid, System, Users};
/// let mut s = System::new_all();
/// let users = Users::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// if let Some(process) = s.process(Pid::from(1337)) {
/// if let Some(user_id) = process.user_id() {
/// println!("User for process 1337: {:?}", users.get_user_by_id(user_id));
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn get_user_by_id(&self, user_id: &Uid) -> Option<&User> {
self.users.iter().find(|user| == user_id)
/// An enum representing signals on UNIX-like systems.
/// On non-unix systems, this enum is mostly useless and is only there to keep coherency between
/// the different OSes.
/// If you want the list of the supported signals on the current system, use
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Debug)]
pub enum Signal {
/// Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process.
/// Interrupt from keyboard.
/// Quit from keyboard.
/// Illegal instruction.
/// Trace/breakpoint trap.
/// Abort signal from C abort function.
/// IOT trap. A synonym for SIGABRT.
/// Bus error (bad memory access).
/// Floating point exception.
/// Kill signal.
/// User-defined signal 1.
/// Invalid memory reference.
/// User-defined signal 2.
/// Broken pipe: write to pipe with no readers.
/// Timer signal from C alarm function.
/// Termination signal.
/// Child stopped or terminated.
/// Continue if stopped.
/// Stop process.
/// Stop typed at terminal.
/// Terminal input for background process.
/// Terminal output for background process.
/// Urgent condition on socket.
/// CPU time limit exceeded.
/// File size limit exceeded.
/// Virtual alarm clock.
/// Profiling time expired.
/// Windows resize signal.
/// I/O now possible.
/// Pollable event (Sys V). Synonym for IO
/// Power failure (System V).
/// Doesn't exist on apple systems so will be ignored.
/// Bad argument to routine (SVr4).
impl std::fmt::Display for Signal {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let s = match *self {
Self::Hangup => "Hangup",
Self::Interrupt => "Interrupt",
Self::Quit => "Quit",
Self::Illegal => "Illegal",
Self::Trap => "Trap",
Self::Abort => "Abort",
Self::IOT => "IOT",
Self::Bus => "Bus",
Self::FloatingPointException => "FloatingPointException",
Self::Kill => "Kill",
Self::User1 => "User1",
Self::Segv => "Segv",
Self::User2 => "User2",
Self::Pipe => "Pipe",
Self::Alarm => "Alarm",
Self::Term => "Term",
Self::Child => "Child",
Self::Continue => "Continue",
Self::Stop => "Stop",
Self::TSTP => "TSTP",
Self::TTIN => "TTIN",
Self::TTOU => "TTOU",
Self::Urgent => "Urgent",
Self::XCPU => "XCPU",
Self::XFSZ => "XFSZ",
Self::VirtualAlarm => "VirtualAlarm",
Self::Profiling => "Profiling",
Self::Winch => "Winch",
Self::IO => "IO",
Self::Poll => "Poll",
Self::Power => "Power",
Self::Sys => "Sys",
/// Contains memory limits for the current process.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct CGroupLimits {
/// Total memory (in bytes) for the current cgroup.
pub total_memory: u64,
/// Free memory (in bytes) for the current cgroup.
pub free_memory: u64,
/// Free swap (in bytes) for the current cgroup.
pub free_swap: u64,
/// A struct representing system load average value.
/// It is returned by [`System::load_average`][crate::System::load_average].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let load_avg = System::load_average();
/// println!(
/// "one minute: {}%, five minutes: {}%, fifteen minutes: {}%",
/// load_avg.five,
/// load_avg.fifteen,
/// );
/// ```
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct LoadAvg {
/// Average load within one minute.
pub one: f64,
/// Average load within five minutes.
pub five: f64,
/// Average load within fifteen minutes.
pub fifteen: f64,
macro_rules! xid {
($(#[$outer:meta])+ $name:ident, $type:ty $(, $trait:ty)?) => {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug)]
pub struct $name(pub(crate) $type);
impl std::ops::Deref for $name {
type Target = $type;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl TryFrom<usize> for $name {
type Error = <$type as TryFrom<usize>>::Error;
fn try_from(t: usize) -> Result<Self, <$type as TryFrom<usize>>::Error> {
impl $trait for $name {
type Err = <$type as FromStr>::Err;
fn from_str(t: &str) -> Result<Self, <$type as FromStr>::Err> {
macro_rules! uid {
($type:ty$(, $trait:ty)?) => {
/// A user id wrapping a platform specific type.
$(, $trait)?
macro_rules! gid {
($type:ty) => {
/// A group id wrapping a platform specific type.
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(all(
not(feature = "unknown-ci"),
target_os = "freebsd",
target_os = "linux",
target_os = "android",
target_os = "macos",
target_os = "ios",
))] {
uid!(libc::uid_t, FromStr);
} else if #[cfg(windows)] {
// Manual implementation outside of the macro...
impl FromStr for Uid {
type Err = <crate::windows::Sid as FromStr>::Err;
fn from_str(t: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
} else {
uid!(u32, FromStr);
/// Type containing user information.
/// It is returned by [`Users`][crate::Users].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Users;
/// let users = Users::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for user in users.list() {
/// println!("{:?}", user);
/// }
/// ```
pub struct User {
pub(crate) inner: UserInner,
impl PartialEq for User {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { ==
&& self.group_id() == other.group_id()
&& ==
impl Eq for User {}
impl PartialOrd for User {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl Ord for User {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl User {
/// Returns the ID of the user.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Users;
/// let users = Users::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for user in users.list() {
/// println!("{:?}", *;
/// }
/// ```
pub fn id(&self) -> &Uid {
/// Returns the group ID of the user.
/// ⚠️ This information is not set on Windows. Windows doesn't have a `username` specific
/// group assigned to the user. They do however have unique
/// [Security Identifiers](
/// made up of various [Components](
/// Pieces of the SID may be a candidate for this field, but it doesn't map well to a single
/// group ID.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Users;
/// let users = Users::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for user in users.list() {
/// println!("{}", *user.group_id());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn group_id(&self) -> Gid {
/// Returns the name of the user.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Users;
/// let users = Users::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for user in users.list() {
/// println!("{}",;
/// }
/// ```
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns the groups of the user.
/// ⚠️ This is computed every time this method is called.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Users;
/// let users = Users::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for user in users.list() {
/// println!("{} is in {:?}",, user.groups());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn groups(&self) -> Vec<Group> {
/// Type containing group information.
/// It is returned by [`User::groups`].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Users;
/// let mut users = Users::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for user in users.list() {
/// println!(
/// "user: (ID: {:?}, group ID: {:?}, name: {:?})",
/// user.group_id(),
/// );
/// for group in user.groups() {
/// println!("group: (ID: {:?}, name: {:?})",,;
/// }
/// }
/// ```
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug)]
pub struct Group {
pub(crate) id: Gid,
pub(crate) name: String,
impl Group {
/// Returns the ID of the group.
/// ⚠️ This information is not set on Windows.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Users;
/// let mut users = Users::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for user in users.list() {
/// for group in user.groups() {
/// println!("{:?}",;
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn id(&self) -> &Gid {
/// Returns the name of the group.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Users;
/// let mut users = Users::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for user in users.list() {
/// for group in user.groups() {
/// println!("{}",;
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
/// Type containing read and written bytes.
/// It is returned by [`Process::disk_usage`][crate::Process::disk_usage].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::System;
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// for (pid, process) in s.processes() {
/// let disk_usage = process.disk_usage();
/// println!("[{}] read bytes : new/total => {}/{} B",
/// pid,
/// disk_usage.read_bytes,
/// disk_usage.total_read_bytes,
/// );
/// println!("[{}] written bytes: new/total => {}/{} B",
/// pid,
/// disk_usage.written_bytes,
/// disk_usage.total_written_bytes,
/// );
/// }
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct DiskUsage {
/// Total number of written bytes.
pub total_written_bytes: u64,
/// Number of written bytes since the last refresh.
pub written_bytes: u64,
/// Total number of read bytes.
pub total_read_bytes: u64,
/// Number of read bytes since the last refresh.
pub read_bytes: u64,
/// Enum describing the different status of a process.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ProcessStatus {
/// ## Linux
/// Idle kernel thread.
/// ## macOs/FreeBSD
/// Process being created by fork.
/// ## Other OS
/// Not available.
/// Running.
/// ## Linux
/// Sleeping in an interruptible waiting.
/// ## macOS/FreeBSD
/// Sleeping on an address.
/// ## Other OS
/// Not available.
/// ## Linux
/// Stopped (on a signal) or (before Linux 2.6.33) trace stopped.
/// ## macOS/FreeBSD
/// Process debugging or suspension.
/// ## Other OS
/// Not available.
/// ## Linux/FreeBSD/macOS
/// Zombie process. Terminated but not reaped by its parent.
/// ## Other OS
/// Not available.
/// ## Linux
/// Tracing stop (Linux 2.6.33 onward). Stopped by debugger during the tracing.
/// ## Other OS
/// Not available.
/// ## Linux
/// Dead/uninterruptible sleep (usually IO).
/// ## FreeBSD
/// A process should never end up in this state.
/// ## Other OS
/// Not available.
/// ## Linux
/// Wakekill (Linux 2.6.33 to 3.13 only).
/// ## Other OS
/// Not available.
/// ## Linux
/// Waking (Linux 2.6.33 to 3.13 only).
/// ## Other OS
/// Not available.
/// ## Linux
/// Parked (Linux 3.9 to 3.13 only).
/// ## macOS
/// Halted at a clean point.
/// ## Other OS
/// Not available.
/// ## FreeBSD
/// Blocked on a lock.
/// ## Other OS
/// Not available.
/// ## Linux
/// Waiting in uninterruptible disk sleep.
/// ## Other OS
/// Not available.
/// Unknown.
/// Enum describing the different kind of threads.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ThreadKind {
/// Kernel thread.
/// User thread.
/// Returns the pid for the current process.
/// `Err` is returned in case the platform isn't supported.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::get_current_pid;
/// match get_current_pid() {
/// Ok(pid) => {
/// println!("current pid: {}", pid);
/// }
/// Err(e) => {
/// println!("failed to get current pid: {}", e);
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn get_current_pid() -> Result<Pid, &'static str> {
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "unknown-ci")] {
fn inner() -> Result<Pid, &'static str> {
Err("Unknown platform (CI)")
} else if #[cfg(any(
target_os = "freebsd",
target_os = "linux",
target_os = "android",
target_os = "macos",
target_os = "ios",
))] {
fn inner() -> Result<Pid, &'static str> {
unsafe { Ok(Pid(libc::getpid())) }
} else if #[cfg(windows)] {
fn inner() -> Result<Pid, &'static str> {
use windows::Win32::System::Threading::GetCurrentProcessId;
unsafe { Ok(Pid(GetCurrentProcessId() as _)) }
} else {
fn inner() -> Result<Pid, &'static str> {
Err("Unknown platform")
/// MAC address for network interface.
/// It is returned by [`NetworkData::mac_address`][crate::NetworkData::mac_address].
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MacAddr(pub [u8; 6]);
impl MacAddr {
/// A `MacAddr` with all bytes set to `0`.
pub const UNSPECIFIED: Self = MacAddr([0; 6]);
/// Checks if this `MacAddr` has all bytes equal to `0`.
pub fn is_unspecified(&self) -> bool {
self == &MacAddr::UNSPECIFIED
impl fmt::Display for MacAddr {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let data = &self.0;
data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5],
/// Interacting with components.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Components;
/// let components = Components::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for component in &components {
/// println!("{component:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Components {
pub(crate) inner: ComponentsInner,
impl Default for Components {
fn default() -> Self {
impl From<Components> for Vec<Component> {
fn from(components: Components) -> Self {
impl From<Vec<Component>> for Components {
fn from(components: Vec<Component>) -> Self {
Self {
inner: ComponentsInner::from_vec(components),
impl std::ops::Deref for Components {
type Target = [Component];
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl std::ops::DerefMut for Components {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a Components {
type Item = &'a Component;
type IntoIter = std::slice::Iter<'a, Component>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a mut Components {
type Item = &'a mut Component;
type IntoIter = std::slice::IterMut<'a, Component>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl Components {
/// Creates a new empty [`Components`][crate::Components] type.
/// If you want it to be filled directly, take a look at
/// [`Components::new_with_refreshed_list`].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Components;
/// let mut components = Components::new();
/// components.refresh_list();
/// for component in &components {
/// println!("{component:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
inner: ComponentsInner::new(),
/// Creates a new [`Components`][crate::Components] type with the user list
/// loaded. It is a combination of [`Components::new`] and
/// [`Components::refresh_list`].
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Components;
/// let mut components = Components::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for component in components.list() {
/// println!("{component:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn new_with_refreshed_list() -> Self {
let mut components = Self::new();
/// Returns the components list.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Components;
/// let components = Components::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for component in components.list() {
/// println!("{component:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn list(&self) -> &[Component] {
/// Returns the components list.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Components;
/// let mut components = Components::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for component in components.list_mut() {
/// component.refresh();
/// println!("{component:?}");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn list_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Component] {
/// Refreshes the listed components' information.
/// ⚠️ If a component is added or removed, this method won't take it into account. Use
/// [`Components::refresh_list`] instead.
/// ⚠️ If you didn't call [`Components::refresh_list`] beforehand, this method will do
/// nothing as the component list will be empty.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Components;
/// let mut components = Components::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// // We wait some time...?
/// components.refresh();
/// ```
pub fn refresh(&mut self) {
for component in self.list_mut() {
/// The component list will be emptied then completely recomputed.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Components;
/// let mut components = Components::new();
/// components.refresh_list();
/// ```
pub fn refresh_list(&mut self) {
/// Getting a component temperature information.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Components;
/// let components = Components::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for component in &components {
/// println!("{} {}°C", component.label(), component.temperature());
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Component {
pub(crate) inner: ComponentInner,
impl Component {
/// Returns the temperature of the component (in celsius degree).
/// ## Linux
/// Returns `f32::NAN` if it failed to retrieve it.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Components;
/// let components = Components::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for component in &components {
/// println!("{}°C", component.temperature());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn temperature(&self) -> f32 {
/// Returns the maximum temperature of the component (in celsius degree).
/// Note: if `temperature` is higher than the current `max`,
/// `max` value will be updated on refresh.
/// ## Linux
/// May be computed by `sysinfo` from kernel.
/// Returns `f32::NAN` if it failed to retrieve it.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Components;
/// let components = Components::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for component in &components {
/// println!("{}°C", component.max());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn max(&self) -> f32 {
/// Returns the highest temperature before the component halts (in celsius degree).
/// ## Linux
/// Critical threshold defined by chip or kernel.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Components;
/// let components = Components::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for component in &components {
/// println!("{:?}°C", component.critical());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn critical(&self) -> Option<f32> {
/// Returns the label of the component.
/// ## Linux
/// Since components information is retrieved thanks to `hwmon`,
/// the labels are generated as follows.
/// Note: it may change and it was inspired by `sensors` own formatting.
/// | name | label | device_model | id_sensor | Computed label by `sysinfo` |
/// |---------|--------|------------|----------|----------------------|
/// | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | `"{name} {label} {device_model} temp{id}"` |
/// | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ | `"{name} {label} {id}"` |
/// | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ | ✓ | `"{name} {device_model}"` |
/// | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | `"{name} temp{id}"` |
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Components;
/// let components = Components::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for component in &components {
/// println!("{}", component.label());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn label(&self) -> &str {
/// Refreshes component.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::Components;
/// let mut components = Components::new_with_refreshed_list();
/// for component in components.iter_mut() {
/// component.refresh();
/// }
/// ```
pub fn refresh(&mut self) {
/// Contains all the methods of the [`Cpu`][crate::Cpu] struct.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{System, RefreshKind, CpuRefreshKind};
/// let mut s = System::new_with_specifics(
/// RefreshKind::new().with_cpu(CpuRefreshKind::everything()),
/// );
/// // Wait a bit because CPU usage is based on diff.
/// std::thread::sleep(sysinfo::MINIMUM_CPU_UPDATE_INTERVAL);
/// // Refresh CPUs again.
/// s.refresh_cpu();
/// for cpu in s.cpus() {
/// println!("{}%", cpu.cpu_usage());
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Cpu {
pub(crate) inner: CpuInner,
impl Cpu {
/// Returns this CPU's usage.
/// Note: You'll need to refresh it at least twice (diff between the first and the second is
/// how CPU usage is computed) at first if you want to have a non-zero value.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{System, RefreshKind, CpuRefreshKind};
/// let mut s = System::new_with_specifics(
/// RefreshKind::new().with_cpu(CpuRefreshKind::everything()),
/// );
/// // Wait a bit because CPU usage is based on diff.
/// std::thread::sleep(sysinfo::MINIMUM_CPU_UPDATE_INTERVAL);
/// // Refresh CPUs again.
/// s.refresh_cpu();
/// for cpu in s.cpus() {
/// println!("{}%", cpu.cpu_usage());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn cpu_usage(&self) -> f32 {
/// Returns this CPU's name.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{System, RefreshKind, CpuRefreshKind};
/// let s = System::new_with_specifics(
/// RefreshKind::new().with_cpu(CpuRefreshKind::everything()),
/// );
/// for cpu in s.cpus() {
/// println!("{}",;
/// }
/// ```
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns the CPU's vendor id.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{System, RefreshKind, CpuRefreshKind};
/// let s = System::new_with_specifics(
/// RefreshKind::new().with_cpu(CpuRefreshKind::everything()),
/// );
/// for cpu in s.cpus() {
/// println!("{}", cpu.vendor_id());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn vendor_id(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns the CPU's brand.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{System, RefreshKind, CpuRefreshKind};
/// let s = System::new_with_specifics(
/// RefreshKind::new().with_cpu(CpuRefreshKind::everything()),
/// );
/// for cpu in s.cpus() {
/// println!("{}", cpu.brand());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn brand(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns the CPU's frequency.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{System, RefreshKind, CpuRefreshKind};
/// let s = System::new_with_specifics(
/// RefreshKind::new().with_cpu(CpuRefreshKind::everything()),
/// );
/// for cpu in s.cpus() {
/// println!("{}", cpu.frequency());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn frequency(&self) -> u64 {