blob: a4976b491e802485632af2c2bf6825c2c94a4871 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::bstr::BStr;
use std::{borrow::Cow, collections::BTreeSet};
use crate::config::tree::{Remote, Section};
use crate::remote;
/// Query configuration related to remotes.
impl crate::Repository {
/// Returns a sorted list unique of symbolic names of remotes that
/// we deem [trustworthy][crate::open::Options::filter_config_section()].
pub fn remote_names(&self) -> BTreeSet<Cow<'_, BStr>> {
.map(|it| {
let filter = self.filter_config_section();
it.filter(move |s| filter(s.meta()))
.filter_map(|section| section.header().subsection_name().map(Cow::Borrowed))
/// Obtain the branch-independent name for a remote for use in the given `direction`, or `None` if it could not be determined.
/// For _fetching_, use the only configured remote, or default to `origin` if it exists.
/// For _pushing_, use the `remote.pushDefault` trusted configuration key, or fall back to the rules for _fetching_.
/// # Notes
/// It's up to the caller to determine what to do if the current `head` is unborn or detached.
pub fn remote_default_name(&self, direction: remote::Direction) -> Option<Cow<'_, BStr>> {
let name = (direction == remote::Direction::Push)
.then(|| {
&mut self.filter_config_section(),
name.or_else(|| {
let names = self.remote_names();
match names.len() {
0 => None,
1 => names.into_iter().next(),
_more_than_one => {
let origin = Cow::Borrowed("origin".into());