blob: 001dea1f1f4a5a1ed5b73e13b7f940f0439f1ecd [file] [log] [blame]
use std::borrow::Cow;
use bstr::{BStr, BString, ByteSlice};
/// Removes quotes, if any, from the provided inputs, and transforms
/// the 3 escape sequences `\n`, `\t` and `\b` into newline and tab
/// respectively, while `\b` will remove the previous character.
/// It assumes the input contains a even number of unescaped quotes,
/// and will unescape escaped quotes and everything else (even though the latter
/// would have been rejected in the parsing stage).
/// The return values should be safe for value interpretation.
/// This has optimizations for fully-quoted values, where the returned value
/// will be a borrowed reference if the only mutation necessary is to unquote
/// the value.
/// This is the function used to normalize raw values from higher level
/// abstractions. Generally speaking these
/// high level abstractions will handle normalization for you, and you do not
/// need to call this yourself. However, if you're directly handling events
/// from the parser, you may want to use this to help with value interpretation.
/// Generally speaking, you'll want to use one of the variants of this function,
/// such as [`normalize_bstr`] or [`normalize_bstring`].
/// # Examples
/// Values don't need modification are returned borrowed, without allocation.
/// ```
/// # use std::borrow::Cow;
/// # use bstr::ByteSlice;
/// # use gix_config::value::normalize_bstr;
/// assert!(matches!(normalize_bstr("hello world"), Cow::Borrowed(_)));
/// ```
/// Internally quoted values are turned into owned variant with quotes removed.
/// ```
/// # use std::borrow::Cow;
/// # use bstr::{BStr, BString};
/// # use gix_config::value::{normalize_bstr};
/// assert_eq!(normalize_bstr("hello \"world\""), Cow::<BStr>::Owned(BString::from("hello world")));
/// ```
/// Escaped quotes are unescaped.
/// ```
/// # use std::borrow::Cow;
/// # use bstr::{BStr, BString};
/// # use gix_config::value::normalize_bstr;
/// assert_eq!(normalize_bstr(r#"hello "world\"""#), Cow::<BStr>::Owned(BString::from(r#"hello world""#)));
/// ```
pub fn normalize(mut input: Cow<'_, BStr>) -> Cow<'_, BStr> {
if input.as_ref() == "\"\"" {
return Cow::Borrowed("".into());
// An optimization to strip enclosing quotes without producing a new value/copy it.
while input.len() >= 3 && input[0] == b'"' && input[input.len() - 1] == b'"' && input[input.len() - 2] != b'\\' {
match &mut input {
Cow::Borrowed(input) => *input = &input[1..input.len() - 1],
Cow::Owned(input) => {
if input.as_ref() == "\"\"" {
return Cow::Borrowed("".into());
if input.find_byteset(br#"\""#).is_none() {
return input;
let mut out: BString = Vec::with_capacity(input.len()).into();
let mut bytes = input.iter().copied();
while let Some(c) = {
match c {
b'\\' => match {
Some(b'n') => out.push(b'\n'),
Some(b't') => out.push(b'\t'),
Some(b'b') => {
Some(c) => {
None => break,
b'"' => {}
_ => out.push(c),
/// `&[u8]` variant of [`normalize`].
pub fn normalize_bstr<'a>(input: impl Into<&'a BStr>) -> Cow<'a, BStr> {
/// `Vec[u8]` variant of [`normalize`].
pub fn normalize_bstring(input: impl Into<BString>) -> Cow<'static, BStr> {