blob: 387c78a802a72829071e589e71a9a397810d6d45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Regression test for #59311. The test is taken from
// rust-lang/rust/issues/71546#issuecomment-620638437
// as they seem to have the same cause.
// FIXME: It's not clear that this code ought to report
// an error, but the regression test is here to ensure
// that it does not ICE. See discussion on #74889 for details.
pub trait T {
fn t<F: Fn()>(&self, _: F) {}
pub fn crash<V>(v: &V)
for<'a> &'a V: T + 'static,
v.t(|| {});
//~^ ERROR: higher-ranked lifetime error
//~| ERROR: higher-ranked lifetime error
//~| ERROR: higher-ranked lifetime error
fn main() {}