blob: 805c0d00de5de93eba0cb5f0ef2490e9dcbefcb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Regression test for #104005.
// Previously, different borrowck implementations used to disagree here.
// The status of each is documented on `fn test_*`.
// check-fail
use std::fmt::Display;
trait Displayable {
fn display(self) -> Box<dyn Display>;
impl<T: Display> Displayable for (T, Option<&'static T>) {
fn display(self) -> Box<dyn Display> {
fn extend_lt<T, U>(val: T) -> Box<dyn Display>
(T, Option<U>): Displayable,
Displayable::display((val, None))
// AST: fail
// HIR: pass
// MIR: pass
pub fn test_call<'a>(val: &'a str) {
//~^ ERROR borrowed data escapes outside of function
// AST: fail
// HIR: fail
// MIR: pass
pub fn test_coercion<'a>() {
let _: fn(&'a str) -> _ = extend_lt;
//~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
// AST: fail
// HIR: fail
// MIR: fail
pub fn test_arg() {
fn want<I, O>(_: I, _: impl Fn(I) -> O) {}
want(&String::new(), extend_lt);
//~^ ERROR temporary value dropped while borrowed
// An exploit of the unsoundness.
fn main() {
let val = extend_lt(&String::from("blah blah blah"));
//~^ ERROR temporary value dropped while borrowed
println!("{}", val);