blob: b757521e0a452dc16d641ebb5127212e9ee6fb70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test equality constraints in a where clause where the type being
// equated appears in a supertrait.
pub trait Vehicle {
type Color;
fn go(&self) { }
pub trait Box {
type Color;
fn mail(&self) { }
pub trait BoxCar : Box + Vehicle {
fn dent<C:BoxCar>(c: C, color: C::Color) {
//~^ ERROR ambiguous associated type `Color` in bounds of `C`
fn dent_object<COLOR>(c: &dyn BoxCar<Color=COLOR>) {
//~^ ERROR ambiguous associated type
//~| ERROR the value of the associated types
fn paint<C:BoxCar>(c: C, d: C::Color) {
//~^ ERROR ambiguous associated type `Color` in bounds of `C`
fn dent_object_2<COLOR>(c: &dyn BoxCar) where <dyn BoxCar as Vehicle>::Color = COLOR {
//~^ ERROR the value of the associated types
//~| ERROR equality constraints are not yet supported in `where` clauses
fn dent_object_3<X, COLOR>(c: X)
where X: BoxCar,
X: Vehicle<Color = COLOR>,
X: Box<Color = COLOR>
{} // OK!
pub fn main() { }