blob: 1f2ea753c1b784183db5d80e5649ba9a8822a1a7 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::collections::HashMap;
use chalk_ir::{AdtId, TyKind};
use either::Either;
use hir_def::db::DefDatabase;
use test_fixture::WithFixture;
use triomphe::Arc;
use crate::{
layout::{Layout, LayoutError},
Interner, Substitution,
mod closure;
fn current_machine_data_layout() -> String {
project_model::target_data_layout::get(None, None, &HashMap::default()).unwrap()
fn eval_goal(ra_fixture: &str, minicore: &str) -> Result<Arc<Layout>, LayoutError> {
let target_data_layout = current_machine_data_layout();
let ra_fixture = format!(
"{minicore}//- / crate:test target_data_layout:{target_data_layout}\n{ra_fixture}",
let (db, file_ids) = TestDB::with_many_files(&ra_fixture);
let adt_or_type_alias_id = file_ids
.find_map(|file_id| {
let module_id = db.module_for_file(file_id);
let def_map = module_id.def_map(&db);
let scope = &def_map[module_id.local_id].scope;
let adt_or_type_alias_id = scope.declarations().find_map(|x| match x {
hir_def::ModuleDefId::AdtId(x) => {
let name = match x {
hir_def::AdtId::StructId(x) => db.struct_data(x).name.to_smol_str(),
hir_def::AdtId::UnionId(x) => db.union_data(x).name.to_smol_str(),
hir_def::AdtId::EnumId(x) => db.enum_data(x).name.to_smol_str(),
(name == "Goal").then_some(Either::Left(x))
hir_def::ModuleDefId::TypeAliasId(x) => {
let name = db.type_alias_data(x).name.to_smol_str();
(name == "Goal").then_some(Either::Right(x))
_ => None,
let goal_ty = match adt_or_type_alias_id {
Either::Left(adt_id) => {
TyKind::Adt(AdtId(adt_id), Substitution::empty(Interner)).intern(Interner)
Either::Right(ty_id) => {
db.ty(ty_id.into()).substitute(Interner, &Substitution::empty(Interner))
db.trait_environment(match adt_or_type_alias_id {
Either::Left(adt) => hir_def::GenericDefId::AdtId(adt),
Either::Right(ty) => hir_def::GenericDefId::TypeAliasId(ty),
/// A version of `eval_goal` for types that can not be expressed in ADTs, like closures and `impl Trait`
fn eval_expr(ra_fixture: &str, minicore: &str) -> Result<Arc<Layout>, LayoutError> {
let target_data_layout = current_machine_data_layout();
let ra_fixture = format!(
"{minicore}//- / crate:test target_data_layout:{target_data_layout}\nfn main(){{let goal = {{{ra_fixture}}};}}",
let (db, file_id) = TestDB::with_single_file(&ra_fixture);
let module_id = db.module_for_file(file_id);
let def_map = module_id.def_map(&db);
let scope = &def_map[module_id.local_id].scope;
let function_id = scope
.find_map(|x| match x {
hir_def::ModuleDefId::FunctionId(x) => {
let name = db.function_data(x).name.to_smol_str();
(name == "main").then_some(x)
_ => None,
let hir_body = db.body(function_id.into());
let b = hir_body.bindings.iter().find(|x| == "goal").unwrap().0;
let infer = db.infer(function_id.into());
let goal_ty = infer.type_of_binding[b].clone();
db.layout_of_ty(goal_ty, db.trait_environment(function_id.into()))
fn check_size_and_align(ra_fixture: &str, minicore: &str, size: u64, align: u64) {
let l = eval_goal(ra_fixture, minicore).unwrap();
assert_eq!(l.size.bytes(), size, "size mismatch");
assert_eq!(l.align.abi.bytes(), align, "align mismatch");
fn check_size_and_align_expr(ra_fixture: &str, minicore: &str, size: u64, align: u64) {
let l = eval_expr(ra_fixture, minicore).unwrap();
assert_eq!(l.size.bytes(), size, "size mismatch");
assert_eq!(l.align.abi.bytes(), align, "align mismatch");
fn check_fail(ra_fixture: &str, e: LayoutError) {
let r = eval_goal(ra_fixture, "");
assert_eq!(r, Err(e));
macro_rules! size_and_align {
(minicore: $($x:tt),*;$($t:tt)*) => {
&format!("//- minicore: {}\n", stringify!($($x),*)),
::std::mem::size_of::<Goal>() as u64,
::std::mem::align_of::<Goal>() as u64,
($($t:tt)*) => {
::std::mem::size_of::<Goal>() as u64,
::std::mem::align_of::<Goal>() as u64,
macro_rules! size_and_align_expr {
(minicore: $($x:tt),*; stmts: [$($s:tt)*] $($t:tt)*) => {
let val = { $($t)* };
&format!("{{ {} let val = {{ {} }}; val }}", stringify!($($s)*), stringify!($($t)*)),
&format!("//- minicore: {}\n", stringify!($($x),*)),
::std::mem::size_of_val(&val) as u64,
::std::mem::align_of_val(&val) as u64,
($($t:tt)*) => {
let val = { $($t)* };
::std::mem::size_of_val(&val) as u64,
::std::mem::align_of_val(&val) as u64,
fn hello_world() {
size_and_align! {
struct Goal(i32);
size_and_align_expr! {
fn field_order_optimization() {
size_and_align! {
struct Goal(u8, i32, u8);
size_and_align! {
struct Goal(u8, i32, u8);
fn recursive() {
size_and_align! {
struct Goal {
left: &'static Goal,
right: &'static Goal,
size_and_align! {
struct BoxLike<T: ?Sized>(*mut T);
struct Goal(BoxLike<Goal>);
check_fail(r#"struct Goal(Goal);"#, LayoutError::RecursiveTypeWithoutIndirection);
struct Foo<T>(Foo<T>);
struct Goal(Foo<i32>);
fn repr_packed() {
size_and_align! {
struct Goal;
size_and_align! {
struct Goal;
size_and_align! {
struct Goal;
size_and_align! {
struct Goal(i32);
size_and_align! {
struct Goal(i32);
size_and_align! {
struct Goal(i32);
check_size_and_align("#[repr(packed(5))] struct Goal(i32);", "", 4, 1);
fn generic() {
size_and_align! {
struct Pair<A, B>(A, B);
struct Goal(Pair<Pair<i32, u8>, i64>);
size_and_align! {
struct X<const N: usize> {
field1: [i32; N],
field2: [u8; N],
struct Goal(X<1000>);
fn associated_types() {
size_and_align! {
trait Tr {
type Ty;
impl Tr for i32 {
type Ty = i64;
struct Foo<A: Tr>(<A as Tr>::Ty);
struct Bar<A: Tr>(A::Ty);
struct Goal(Foo<i32>, Bar<i32>, <i32 as Tr>::Ty);
//- /b/ crate:b
pub trait Tr {
type Ty;
pub struct Foo<A: Tr>(<A as Tr>::Ty);
//- /a/ crate:a deps:b
use b::{Tr, Foo};
struct S;
impl Tr for S {
type Ty = i64;
struct Goal(Foo<S>);
fn simd_types() {
struct SimdType(i64, i64);
struct Goal(SimdType);
fn return_position_impl_trait() {
size_and_align_expr! {
trait T {}
impl T for i32 {}
impl T for i64 {}
fn foo() -> impl T { 2i64 }
size_and_align_expr! {
trait T {}
impl T for i32 {}
impl T for i64 {}
fn foo() -> (impl T, impl T, impl T) { (2i64, 5i32, 7i32) }
size_and_align_expr! {
minicore: iterators;
stmts: []
trait Tr {}
impl Tr for i32 {}
fn foo() -> impl Iterator<Item = impl Tr> {
[1, 2, 3].into_iter()
let mut iter = foo();
let item =;
(iter, item)
size_and_align_expr! {
minicore: future;
stmts: []
use core::{future::Future, task::{Poll, Context}, pin::pin};
use std::{task::Wake, sync::Arc};
trait Tr {}
impl Tr for i32 {}
async fn f() -> impl Tr {
fn unwrap_fut<T>(inp: impl Future<Output = T>) -> Poll<T> {
// In a normal test we could use `loop {}` or `panic!()` here,
// but rustc actually runs this code.
let pinned = pin!(inp);
struct EmptyWaker;
impl Wake for EmptyWaker {
fn wake(self: Arc<Self>) {
let waker = Arc::new(EmptyWaker).into();
let mut context = Context::from_waker(&waker);
pinned.poll(&mut context)
size_and_align_expr! {
struct Foo<T>(T, T, (T, T));
trait T {}
impl T for Foo<i32> {}
impl T for Foo<i64> {}
fn foo() -> Foo<impl T> { Foo(
Foo(1i64, 2, (3, 4)),
Foo(5, 6, (7, 8)),
Foo(1i64, 2, (3, 4)),
Foo(5, 6, (7, 8)),
) }
fn unsized_ref() {
size_and_align! {
struct S1([u8]);
struct S2(S1);
struct S3(i32, str);
struct S4(u64, S3);
struct S5 {
field1: u8,
field2: i16,
field_last: S4,
struct Goal(&'static S1, &'static S2, &'static S3, &'static S4, &'static S5);
fn enums() {
size_and_align! {
enum Goal {
Move { x: i32, y: i32 },
ChangeColor(i32, i32, i32),
fn primitives() {
size_and_align! {
struct Goal(i32, i128, isize, usize, f32, f64, bool, char);
fn tuple() {
size_and_align! {
struct Goal((), (i32, u64, bool));
fn non_zero_and_non_null() {
size_and_align! {
minicore: non_zero, non_null, option;
use core::{num::NonZeroU8, ptr::NonNull};
struct Goal(Option<NonZeroU8>, Option<NonNull<i32>>);
fn niche_optimization() {
size_and_align! {
minicore: option;
struct Goal(Option<&'static i32>);
size_and_align! {
minicore: option;
struct Goal(Option<Option<bool>>);
fn const_eval() {
size_and_align! {
struct Goal([i32; 2 + 2]);
size_and_align! {
const X: usize = 5;
struct Goal([i32; X]);
size_and_align! {
mod foo {
pub(super) const BAR: usize = 5;
struct Ar<T>([T; foo::BAR]);
struct Goal(Ar<Ar<i32>>);
size_and_align! {
type Goal = [u8; 2 + 2];
fn enums_with_discriminants() {
size_and_align! {
enum Goal {
A = 1000,
B = 2000,
C = 3000,
size_and_align! {
enum Goal {
A = 254,
C, // implicitly becomes 256, so we need two bytes
size_and_align! {
enum Goal {
A = 1, // This one is (perhaps surprisingly) zero sized.
fn core_mem_discriminant() {
size_and_align! {
minicore: discriminant;
struct S(i32, u64);
struct Goal(core::mem::Discriminant<S>);
size_and_align! {
minicore: discriminant;
enum S {
struct Goal(core::mem::Discriminant<S>);
size_and_align! {
minicore: discriminant;
enum S {
struct Goal(core::mem::Discriminant<S>);
size_and_align! {
minicore: discriminant;
#[repr(C, u16)]
enum S {
B(i64) = 200,
C = 1000,
struct Goal(core::mem::Discriminant<S>);