blob: e0ec76aa027b7a60ae7eeb5760a64c2a6948afec [file] [log] [blame]
use self::WhichLine::*;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::path::Path;
use std::str::FromStr;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use regex::Regex;
use tracing::*;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum ErrorKind {
impl FromStr for ErrorKind {
type Err = ();
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let s = s.to_uppercase();
let part0: &str = s.split(':').next().unwrap();
match part0 {
"HELP" => Ok(ErrorKind::Help),
"ERROR" => Ok(ErrorKind::Error),
"NOTE" => Ok(ErrorKind::Note),
"SUGGESTION" => Ok(ErrorKind::Suggestion),
"WARN" | "WARNING" => Ok(ErrorKind::Warning),
_ => Err(()),
impl fmt::Display for ErrorKind {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
ErrorKind::Help => write!(f, "help message"),
ErrorKind::Error => write!(f, "error"),
ErrorKind::Note => write!(f, "note"),
ErrorKind::Suggestion => write!(f, "suggestion"),
ErrorKind::Warning => write!(f, "warning"),
pub struct Error {
pub line_num: usize,
/// What kind of message we expect (e.g., warning, error, suggestion).
/// `None` if not specified or unknown message kind.
pub kind: Option<ErrorKind>,
pub msg: String,
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
enum WhichLine {
/// Looks for either "//~| KIND MESSAGE" or "//~^^... KIND MESSAGE"
/// The former is a "follow" that inherits its target from the preceding line;
/// the latter is an "adjusts" that goes that many lines up.
/// Goal is to enable tests both like: //~^^^ ERROR go up three
/// and also //~^ ERROR message one for the preceding line, and
/// //~| ERROR message two for that same line.
/// If cfg is not None (i.e., in an incremental test), then we look
/// for `//[X]~` instead, where `X` is the current `cfg`.
pub fn load_errors(testfile: &Path, cfg: Option<&str>) -> Vec<Error> {
let rdr = BufReader::new(File::open(testfile).unwrap());
// `last_nonfollow_error` tracks the most recently seen
// line with an error template that did not use the
// follow-syntax, "//~| ...".
// (pnkfelix could not find an easy way to compose Iterator::scan
// and Iterator::filter_map to pass along this information into
// `parse_expected`. So instead I am storing that state here and
// updating it in the map callback below.)
let mut last_nonfollow_error = None;
.filter_map(|(line_num, line)| {
parse_expected(last_nonfollow_error, line_num + 1, &line.unwrap(), cfg).map(
|(which, error)| {
match which {
FollowPrevious(_) => {}
_ => last_nonfollow_error = Some(error.line_num),
fn parse_expected(
last_nonfollow_error: Option<usize>,
line_num: usize,
line: &str,
cfg: Option<&str>,
) -> Option<(WhichLine, Error)> {
// Matches comments like:
// //~
// //~|
// //~^
// //~^^^^^
// //[cfg1]~
// //[cfg1,cfg2]~^^
static RE: Lazy<Regex> =
Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"//(?:\[(?P<cfgs>[\w,]+)])?~(?P<adjust>\||\^*)").unwrap());
let captures = RE.captures(line)?;
match (cfg,"cfgs")) {
// Only error messages that contain our `cfg` between the square brackets apply to us.
(Some(cfg), Some(filter)) if !filter.as_str().split(',').any(|s| s == cfg) => return None,
(Some(_), Some(_)) => {}
(None, Some(_)) => panic!("Only tests with revisions should use `//[X]~`"),
// If an error has no list of revisions, it applies to all revisions.
(Some(_), None) | (None, None) => {}
let (follow, adjusts) = match &captures["adjust"] {
"|" => (true, 0),
circumflexes => (false, circumflexes.len()),
// Get the part of the comment after the sigil (e.g. `~^^` or ~|).
let whole_match = captures.get(0).unwrap();
let (_, mut msg) = line.split_at(whole_match.end());
let first_word = msg.split_whitespace().next().expect("Encountered unexpected empty comment");
// If we find `//~ ERROR foo` or something like that, skip the first word.
let kind = first_word.parse::<ErrorKind>().ok();
if kind.is_some() {
msg = &msg.trim_start().split_at(first_word.len()).1;
let msg = msg.trim().to_owned();
let (which, line_num) = if follow {
assert_eq!(adjusts, 0, "use either //~| or //~^, not both.");
let line_num = last_nonfollow_error.expect(
"encountered //~| without \
preceding //~^ line.",
(FollowPrevious(line_num), line_num)
} else {
let which = if adjusts > 0 { AdjustBackward(adjusts) } else { ThisLine };
let line_num = line_num - adjusts;
(which, line_num)
"line={} tag={:?} which={:?} kind={:?} msg={:?}",
Some((which, Error { line_num, kind, msg }))