blob: bd02e52794c0c0bab58dbdc0352c39c7d674a68d [file] [log] [blame]
//! Module that implements what will become the rustc side of Stable MIR.
//! This module is responsible for building Stable MIR components from internal components.
//! This module is not intended to be invoked directly by users. It will eventually
//! become the public API of rustc that will be invoked by the `stable_mir` crate.
//! For now, we are developing everything inside `rustc`, thus, we keep this module private.
use rustc_hir::def::DefKind;
use rustc_middle::mir;
use rustc_middle::mir::interpret::AllocId;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Instance, Ty, TyCtxt};
use rustc_span::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId, LOCAL_CRATE};
use stable_mir::abi::Layout;
use stable_mir::mir::mono::InstanceDef;
use stable_mir::ty::{ConstId, Span};
use stable_mir::{CtorKind, ItemKind};
use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
use tracing::debug;
use crate::rustc_internal::IndexMap;
mod alloc;
mod builder;
pub(crate) mod context;
mod convert;
pub struct Tables<'tcx> {
pub(crate) tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
pub(crate) def_ids: IndexMap<DefId, stable_mir::DefId>,
pub(crate) alloc_ids: IndexMap<AllocId, stable_mir::mir::alloc::AllocId>,
pub(crate) spans: IndexMap<rustc_span::Span, Span>,
pub(crate) types: IndexMap<Ty<'tcx>, stable_mir::ty::Ty>,
pub(crate) instances: IndexMap<ty::Instance<'tcx>, InstanceDef>,
pub(crate) constants: IndexMap<mir::Const<'tcx>, ConstId>,
pub(crate) layouts: IndexMap<rustc_target::abi::Layout<'tcx>, Layout>,
impl<'tcx> Tables<'tcx> {
pub(crate) fn intern_ty(&mut self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> stable_mir::ty::Ty {
pub(crate) fn intern_const(&mut self, constant: mir::Const<'tcx>) -> ConstId {
pub(crate) fn has_body(&self, instance: Instance<'tcx>) -> bool {
let def_id = instance.def_id();
|| !matches!(
| ty::InstanceDef::Intrinsic(..)
| ty::InstanceDef::Item(..)
/// Build a stable mir crate from a given crate number.
pub(crate) fn smir_crate(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, crate_num: CrateNum) -> stable_mir::Crate {
let crate_name = tcx.crate_name(crate_num).to_string();
let is_local = crate_num == LOCAL_CRATE;
debug!(?crate_name, ?crate_num, "smir_crate");
stable_mir::Crate { id: crate_num.into(), name: crate_name, is_local }
pub(crate) fn new_item_kind(kind: DefKind) -> ItemKind {
match kind {
| DefKind::Struct
| DefKind::Union
| DefKind::Enum
| DefKind::Variant
| DefKind::Trait
| DefKind::TyAlias
| DefKind::ForeignTy
| DefKind::TraitAlias
| DefKind::AssocTy
| DefKind::TyParam
| DefKind::ConstParam
| DefKind::Macro(_)
| DefKind::ExternCrate
| DefKind::Use
| DefKind::ForeignMod
| DefKind::OpaqueTy
| DefKind::Field
| DefKind::LifetimeParam
| DefKind::Impl { .. }
| DefKind::GlobalAsm => {
unreachable!("Not a valid item kind: {kind:?}");
DefKind::Closure | DefKind::AssocFn | DefKind::Fn => ItemKind::Fn,
DefKind::Const | DefKind::InlineConst | DefKind::AssocConst | DefKind::AnonConst => {
DefKind::Static(_) => ItemKind::Static,
DefKind::Ctor(_, rustc_hir::def::CtorKind::Const) => ItemKind::Ctor(CtorKind::Const),
DefKind::Ctor(_, rustc_hir::def::CtorKind::Fn) => ItemKind::Ctor(CtorKind::Fn),
/// Trait used to convert between an internal MIR type to a Stable MIR type.
pub trait Stable<'cx> {
/// The stable representation of the type implementing Stable.
type T;
/// Converts an object to the equivalent Stable MIR representation.
fn stable(&self, tables: &mut Tables<'_>) -> Self::T;
impl<'tcx, T> Stable<'tcx> for &T
T: Stable<'tcx>,
type T = T::T;
fn stable(&self, tables: &mut Tables<'_>) -> Self::T {
impl<'tcx, T> Stable<'tcx> for Option<T>
T: Stable<'tcx>,
type T = Option<T::T>;
fn stable(&self, tables: &mut Tables<'_>) -> Self::T {
self.as_ref().map(|value| value.stable(tables))
impl<'tcx, T, E> Stable<'tcx> for Result<T, E>
T: Stable<'tcx>,
E: Stable<'tcx>,
type T = Result<T::T, E::T>;
fn stable(&self, tables: &mut Tables<'_>) -> Self::T {
match self {
Ok(val) => Ok(val.stable(tables)),
Err(error) => Err(error.stable(tables)),
impl<'tcx, T> Stable<'tcx> for &[T]
T: Stable<'tcx>,
type T = Vec<T::T>;
fn stable(&self, tables: &mut Tables<'_>) -> Self::T {
self.iter().map(|e| e.stable(tables)).collect()
impl<'tcx, T, U> Stable<'tcx> for (T, U)
T: Stable<'tcx>,
U: Stable<'tcx>,
type T = (T::T, U::T);
fn stable(&self, tables: &mut Tables<'_>) -> Self::T {
(self.0.stable(tables), self.1.stable(tables))
impl<'tcx, T> Stable<'tcx> for RangeInclusive<T>
T: Stable<'tcx>,
type T = RangeInclusive<T::T>;
fn stable(&self, tables: &mut Tables<'_>) -> Self::T {
RangeInclusive::new(self.start().stable(tables), self.end().stable(tables))