blob: 015e595aee14ec9ef00a964593634d711d48c748 [file] [log] [blame]
use libc::size_t;
/// A more detailed error object returned by some hyper functions.
pub struct hyper_error(crate::Error);
/// A return code for many of hyper's methods.
pub enum hyper_code {
/// All is well.
/// General error, details in the `hyper_error *`.
/// A function argument was invalid.
/// The IO transport returned an EOF when one wasn't expected.
/// This typically means an HTTP request or response was expected, but the
/// connection closed cleanly without sending (all of) it.
/// Aborted by a user supplied callback.
/// An optional hyper feature was not enabled.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "http2", allow(unused))]
/// The peer sent an HTTP message that could not be parsed.
// ===== impl hyper_error =====
impl hyper_error {
fn code(&self) -> hyper_code {
use crate::error::Kind as ErrorKind;
use crate::error::User;
match self.0.kind() {
ErrorKind::Parse(_) => hyper_code::HYPERE_INVALID_PEER_MESSAGE,
ErrorKind::IncompleteMessage => hyper_code::HYPERE_UNEXPECTED_EOF,
ErrorKind::User(User::AbortedByCallback) => hyper_code::HYPERE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK,
// TODO: add more variants
_ => hyper_code::HYPERE_ERROR,
fn print_to(&self, dst: &mut [u8]) -> usize {
use std::io::Write;
let mut dst = std::io::Cursor::new(dst);
// A write! error doesn't matter. As much as possible will have been
// written, and the Cursor position will know how far that is (even
// if that is zero).
let _ = write!(dst, "{}", &self.0);
dst.position() as usize
ffi_fn! {
/// Frees a `hyper_error`.
fn hyper_error_free(err: *mut hyper_error) {
drop(non_null!(Box::from_raw(err) ?= ()));
ffi_fn! {
/// Get an equivalent `hyper_code` from this error.
fn hyper_error_code(err: *const hyper_error) -> hyper_code {
non_null!(&*err ?= hyper_code::HYPERE_INVALID_ARG).code()
ffi_fn! {
/// Print the details of this error to a buffer.
/// The `dst_len` value must be the maximum length that the buffer can
/// store.
/// The return value is number of bytes that were written to `dst`.
fn hyper_error_print(err: *const hyper_error, dst: *mut u8, dst_len: size_t) -> size_t {
let dst = unsafe {
std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(dst, dst_len)
non_null!(&*err ?= 0).print_to(dst)