blob: c6040b6dc28313563ce80e4062b131b12b83af28 [file] [log] [blame]
use itertools::{Either, Itertools};
use rustc_hash::FxHashSet;
use super::builder::ClauseBuilder;
use crate::{split::Split, RustIrDatabase};
use chalk_ir::{
fold::shift::Shift, interner::Interner, AliasEq, AliasTy, Binders, BoundVar, DebruijnIndex,
Normalize, ProjectionTy, TraitId, TraitRef, Ty, WhereClause,
/// Generate `Implemented` and `Normalize` clauses for `dyn Trait` and opaque types.
/// We need to generate those clauses for all super traits, and for each trait we
/// require its where clauses. (See #203)
pub(super) fn push_trait_super_clauses<I: Interner>(
db: &dyn RustIrDatabase<I>,
builder: &mut ClauseBuilder<'_, I>,
trait_ref: TraitRef<I>,
) {
let interner = db.interner();
// Given `trait SuperTrait: WC`, which is a super trait
// of `Trait` (including actually just being the same trait);
// then we want to push
// - for `dyn Trait`:
// `Implemented(dyn Trait: SuperTrait) :- WC`.
// - for placeholder `!T` of `opaque type T: Trait = HiddenTy`:
// `Implemented(!T: SuperTrait) :- WC`
// When `SuperTrait` has `AliasEq` bounds like `trait SuperTrait: AnotherTrait<Assoc = Ty>`,
// we also push
// - for `dyn Trait`:
// `Normalize(<dyn Trait as AnotherTrait>::Assoc -> Ty) :- AssocWC, WC`
// - for placeholder `!T` of `opaque type T: Trait = HiddenTy`:
// `Normalize(<!T as AnotherTrait>::Assoc -> Ty) :- AssocWC, WC`
// where `WC` and `AssocWC` are the where clauses for `AnotherTrait` and `AnotherTrait::Assoc`
// respectively.
let (super_trait_refs, super_trait_proj) =
super_traits(db, trait_ref.trait_id).substitute(interner, &trait_ref.substitution);
for q_super_trait_ref in super_trait_refs {
builder.push_binders(q_super_trait_ref, |builder, super_trait_ref| {
let trait_datum = db.trait_datum(super_trait_ref.trait_id);
let wc = trait_datum
.substitute(interner, &super_trait_ref.substitution);
builder.push_clause(super_trait_ref, wc);
for q_super_trait_proj in super_trait_proj {
builder.push_binders(q_super_trait_proj, |builder, (proj, ty)| {
let assoc_ty_datum = db.associated_ty_data(proj.associated_ty_id);
let trait_datum = db.trait_datum(assoc_ty_datum.trait_id);
let assoc_wc = assoc_ty_datum
.map_ref(|b| &b.where_clauses)
.map(|wc| wc.cloned().substitute(interner, &proj.substitution));
let impl_params = db.trait_parameters_from_projection(&proj);
let impl_wc = trait_datum
.map(|wc| wc.cloned().substitute(interner, impl_params));
Normalize {
alias: AliasTy::Projection(proj.clone()),
fn super_traits<I: Interner>(
db: &dyn RustIrDatabase<I>,
trait_id: TraitId<I>,
) -> Binders<(
Vec<Binders<(ProjectionTy<I>, Ty<I>)>>,
)> {
let interner = db.interner();
let mut seen_traits = FxHashSet::default();
let trait_datum = db.trait_datum(trait_id);
let trait_ref = Binders::empty(
TraitRef {
substitution: trait_datum
let mut trait_refs = Vec::new();
let mut aliases = Vec::new();
&mut seen_traits,
&mut trait_refs,
&mut aliases,
fn go<I: Interner>(
db: &dyn RustIrDatabase<I>,
trait_ref: Binders<TraitRef<I>>,
seen_traits: &mut FxHashSet<TraitId<I>>,
trait_refs: &mut Vec<Binders<TraitRef<I>>>,
aliases: &mut Vec<Binders<(ProjectionTy<I>, Ty<I>)>>,
) {
let interner = db.interner();
let trait_id = trait_ref.skip_binders().trait_id;
// Avoid cycles
if !seen_traits.insert(trait_id) {
let trait_datum = db.trait_datum(trait_id);
let (super_trait_refs, super_trait_projs): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = trait_datum
.map_ref(|td| {
.filter(|qwc| {
let trait_ref = match qwc.skip_binders() {
WhereClause::Implemented(tr) => tr.clone(),
WhereClause::AliasEq(AliasEq {
alias: AliasTy::Projection(p),
}) => db.trait_ref_from_projection(p),
_ => return false,
// We're looking for where clauses of the form
// `Self: Trait` or `<Self as Trait>::Assoc`. `Self` is
// ^1.0 because we're one binder in.
== Some(BoundVar::new(DebruijnIndex::ONE, 0))
.partition_map(|qwc| {
let (value, binders) = qwc.into_value_and_skipped_binders();
match value {
WhereClause::Implemented(tr) => Either::Left(Binders::new(binders, tr)),
WhereClause::AliasEq(AliasEq {
alias: AliasTy::Projection(p),
}) => Either::Right(Binders::new(binders, (p, ty))),
_ => unreachable!(),
// we skip binders on the trait_ref here and add them to the binders
// on the trait ref in the loop below. We could probably avoid this if
// we could turn the `Binders<Vec<>>` into a `Vec<Binders<>>` easily.
.substitute(db.interner(), &trait_ref.skip_binders().substitution);
for q_super_trait_ref in super_trait_refs {
// So now we need to combine the binders of trait_ref with the
// binders of super_trait_ref.
let actual_binders = Binders::new(trait_ref.binders.clone(), q_super_trait_ref);
let q_super_trait_ref = actual_binders.fuse_binders(interner);
go(db, q_super_trait_ref, seen_traits, trait_refs, aliases);
for q_super_trait_proj in super_trait_projs {
let actual_binders = Binders::new(trait_ref.binders.clone(), q_super_trait_proj);
let q_super_trait_proj = actual_binders.fuse_binders(interner);
Binders::new(trait_datum.binders.binders.clone(), (trait_refs, aliases))