blob: cda98789886c2b084e150432620369d402fe8aad [file] [log] [blame]
// compile-flags: -Ztrait-solver=next
#![feature(trivial_bounds, marker_trait_attr)]
// This previously triggered a bug in the provisional cache.
// This has the proof tree
// - `MultipleCandidates: Trait` proven via impl-one
// - `MultipleNested: Trait` via impl
// - `MultipleCandidates: Trait` (inductive cycle ~> OVERFLOW)
// - `DoesNotImpl: Trait` (ERR)
// - `MultipleCandidates: Trait` proven via impl-two
// - `MultipleNested: Trait` (in provisional cache ~> OVERFLOW)
// We previously incorrectly treated the `MultipleCandidates: Trait` as
// overflow because it was in the cache and reached via an inductive cycle.
// It should be `NoSolution`.
struct MultipleCandidates;
struct MultipleNested;
struct DoesNotImpl;
trait Trait {}
// impl-one
impl Trait for MultipleCandidates
MultipleNested: Trait
// impl-two
impl Trait for MultipleCandidates
MultipleNested: Trait,
impl Trait for MultipleNested
MultipleCandidates: Trait,
DoesNotImpl: Trait,
fn impls_trait<T: Trait>() {}
fn main() {
//~^ ERROR the trait bound `MultipleCandidates: Trait` is not satisfied