blob: 07389961c4c6840cf7bd00202b639a41d84d7ceb [file] [log] [blame]
// This test serves as a regression test for issue #114468 and it also ensures that we consider
// type aliases from external crates that don't have `lazy_type_alias` enabled to be eager.
// edition: 2021
// check-pass
// This used to crash when we were computing the variances of `Struct` since we would convert
// `eager::Alias<T>` to a weak projection due to the presence of `#![feature(lazy_type_alias)]` in
// this (!) crate and subsequently attempt to obtain the variances of the type alias associated with
// the weak projection which would panic because we don't compute this information for eager type
// aliases at all.
struct Struct<T>(eager::Alias<T>);
fn main() {
// We want to ignore (or rather “end up ignoring”) the bound `T: Copy` since `Alias` should be
// treated as an eager type alias not just inside the crate it is defined in but also in
// dependent crates (like this one).
let _: eager::Alias<String>;