blob: 3bf12cced29ab98902d81510539f724ff6ea3aac [file] [log] [blame]
# ignore-cross-compile
include ../
# Test that using rlibs and rmeta dep crates work together. Specifically, that
# there can be both an rmeta and an rlib file and rustc will prefer the rmeta
# file.
# This behavior is simply making sure this doesn't accidentally change; in this
# case we want to make sure that the rlib isn't being used as that would cause
# bugs in -Zbinary-dep-depinfo (see #68298).
$(RUSTC) --crate-type=rlib --emit link,metadata
$(RUSTC) --crate-type=rlib --emit dep-info -Zbinary-dep-depinfo
$(CGREP) "librmeta_aux.rmeta" < $(TMPDIR)/lib.d
$(CGREP) -v "librmeta_aux.rlib" < $(TMPDIR)/lib.d