blob: f08f0aad5e764e78c451ffa9a67e6019f3c845d4 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::os::unix::ffi::{OsStrExt, OsStringExt};
use std::os::windows::ffi::{OsStrExt, OsStringExt};
use rustc_middle::ty::layout::LayoutOf;
use rustc_middle::ty::Ty;
use crate::*;
/// Represent how path separator conversion should be done.
pub enum PathConversion {
pub fn bytes_to_os_str<'tcx>(bytes: &[u8]) -> InterpResult<'tcx, &OsStr> {
pub fn bytes_to_os_str<'tcx>(bytes: &[u8]) -> InterpResult<'tcx, &OsStr> {
// We cannot use `from_os_str_bytes_unchecked` here since we can't trust `bytes`.
let s = std::str::from_utf8(bytes)
.map_err(|_| err_unsup_format!("{:?} is not a valid utf-8 string", bytes))?;
impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir> EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriInterpCx<'mir, 'tcx> {}
pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriInterpCxExt<'mir, 'tcx> {
/// Helper function to read an OsString from a null-terminated sequence of bytes, which is what
/// the Unix APIs usually handle.
fn read_os_str_from_c_str<'a>(
&'a self,
ptr: Pointer<Option<Provenance>>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, &'a OsStr>
'tcx: 'a,
'mir: 'a,
let this = self.eval_context_ref();
let bytes = this.read_c_str(ptr)?;
/// Helper function to read an OsString from a 0x0000-terminated sequence of u16,
/// which is what the Windows APIs usually handle.
fn read_os_str_from_wide_str<'a>(
&'a self,
ptr: Pointer<Option<Provenance>>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, OsString>
'tcx: 'a,
'mir: 'a,
pub fn u16vec_to_osstring<'tcx>(u16_vec: Vec<u16>) -> InterpResult<'tcx, OsString> {
pub fn u16vec_to_osstring<'tcx>(u16_vec: Vec<u16>) -> InterpResult<'tcx, OsString> {
let s = String::from_utf16(&u16_vec[..])
.map_err(|_| err_unsup_format!("{:?} is not a valid utf-16 string", u16_vec))?;
let u16_vec = self.eval_context_ref().read_wide_str(ptr)?;
/// Helper function to write an OsStr as a null-terminated sequence of bytes, which is what
/// the Unix APIs usually handle. This function returns `Ok((false, length))` without trying
/// to write if `size` is not large enough to fit the contents of `os_string` plus a null
/// terminator. It returns `Ok((true, length))` if the writing process was successful. The
/// string length returned does include the null terminator.
fn write_os_str_to_c_str(
&mut self,
os_str: &OsStr,
ptr: Pointer<Option<Provenance>>,
size: u64,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, (bool, u64)> {
let bytes = os_str.as_os_str_bytes();
self.eval_context_mut().write_c_str(bytes, ptr, size)
/// Helper function to write an OsStr as a 0x0000-terminated u16-sequence, which is what the
/// Windows APIs usually handle.
/// If `truncate == false` (the usual mode of operation), this function returns `Ok((false,
/// length))` without trying to write if `size` is not large enough to fit the contents of
/// `os_string` plus a null terminator. It returns `Ok((true, length))` if the writing process
/// was successful. The string length returned does include the null terminator. Length is
/// measured in units of `u16.`
/// If `truncate == true`, then in case `size` is not large enough it *will* write the first
/// `size.saturating_sub(1)` many items, followed by a null terminator (if `size > 0`).
fn write_os_str_to_wide_str(
&mut self,
os_str: &OsStr,
ptr: Pointer<Option<Provenance>>,
size: u64,
truncate: bool,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, (bool, u64)> {
fn os_str_to_u16vec<'tcx>(os_str: &OsStr) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Vec<u16>> {
fn os_str_to_u16vec<'tcx>(os_str: &OsStr) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Vec<u16>> {
// On non-Windows platforms the best we can do to transform Vec<u16> from/to OS strings is to do the
// intermediate transformation into strings. Which invalidates non-utf8 paths that are actually
// valid.
.map(|s| s.encode_utf16().collect())
.ok_or_else(|| err_unsup_format!("{:?} is not a valid utf-8 string", os_str).into())
let u16_vec = os_str_to_u16vec(os_str)?;
let (written, size_needed) = self.eval_context_mut().write_wide_str(&u16_vec, ptr, size)?;
if truncate && !written && size > 0 {
// Write the truncated part that fits.
let truncated_data = &u16_vec[..size.saturating_sub(1).try_into().unwrap()];
let (written, written_len) =
self.eval_context_mut().write_wide_str(truncated_data, ptr, size)?;
assert!(written && written_len == size);
Ok((written, size_needed))
/// Allocate enough memory to store the given `OsStr` as a null-terminated sequence of bytes.
fn alloc_os_str_as_c_str(
&mut self,
os_str: &OsStr,
memkind: MemoryKind<MiriMemoryKind>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Pointer<Option<Provenance>>> {
let size = u64::try_from(os_str.len()).unwrap().checked_add(1).unwrap(); // Make space for `0` terminator.
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
let arg_type = Ty::new_array(this.tcx.tcx, this.tcx.types.u8, size);
let arg_place = this.allocate(this.layout_of(arg_type).unwrap(), memkind)?;
let (written, _) = self.write_os_str_to_c_str(os_str, arg_place.ptr, size).unwrap();
/// Allocate enough memory to store the given `OsStr` as a null-terminated sequence of `u16`.
fn alloc_os_str_as_wide_str(
&mut self,
os_str: &OsStr,
memkind: MemoryKind<MiriMemoryKind>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Pointer<Option<Provenance>>> {
let size = u64::try_from(os_str.len()).unwrap().checked_add(1).unwrap(); // Make space for `0x0000` terminator.
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
let arg_type = Ty::new_array(this.tcx.tcx, this.tcx.types.u16, size);
let arg_place = this.allocate(this.layout_of(arg_type).unwrap(), memkind)?;
let (written, _) =
self.write_os_str_to_wide_str(os_str, arg_place.ptr, size, /*truncate*/ false).unwrap();
/// Read a null-terminated sequence of bytes, and perform path separator conversion if needed.
fn read_path_from_c_str<'a>(
&'a self,
ptr: Pointer<Option<Provenance>>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Cow<'a, Path>>
'tcx: 'a,
'mir: 'a,
let this = self.eval_context_ref();
let os_str = this.read_os_str_from_c_str(ptr)?;
Ok(match this.convert_path(Cow::Borrowed(os_str), PathConversion::TargetToHost) {
Cow::Borrowed(x) => Cow::Borrowed(Path::new(x)),
Cow::Owned(y) => Cow::Owned(PathBuf::from(y)),
/// Read a null-terminated sequence of `u16`s, and perform path separator conversion if needed.
fn read_path_from_wide_str(
ptr: Pointer<Option<Provenance>>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, PathBuf> {
let this = self.eval_context_ref();
let os_str = this.read_os_str_from_wide_str(ptr)?;
Ok(this.convert_path(Cow::Owned(os_str), PathConversion::TargetToHost).into_owned().into())
/// Write a Path to the machine memory (as a null-terminated sequence of bytes),
/// adjusting path separators if needed.
fn write_path_to_c_str(
&mut self,
path: &Path,
ptr: Pointer<Option<Provenance>>,
size: u64,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, (bool, u64)> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
let os_str =
this.convert_path(Cow::Borrowed(path.as_os_str()), PathConversion::HostToTarget);
this.write_os_str_to_c_str(&os_str, ptr, size)
/// Write a Path to the machine memory (as a null-terminated sequence of `u16`s),
/// adjusting path separators if needed.
fn write_path_to_wide_str(
&mut self,
path: &Path,
ptr: Pointer<Option<Provenance>>,
size: u64,
truncate: bool,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, (bool, u64)> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
let os_str =
this.convert_path(Cow::Borrowed(path.as_os_str()), PathConversion::HostToTarget);
this.write_os_str_to_wide_str(&os_str, ptr, size, truncate)
/// Allocate enough memory to store a Path as a null-terminated sequence of bytes,
/// adjusting path separators if needed.
fn alloc_path_as_c_str(
&mut self,
path: &Path,
memkind: MemoryKind<MiriMemoryKind>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Pointer<Option<Provenance>>> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
let os_str =
this.convert_path(Cow::Borrowed(path.as_os_str()), PathConversion::HostToTarget);
this.alloc_os_str_as_c_str(&os_str, memkind)
/// Allocate enough memory to store a Path as a null-terminated sequence of `u16`s,
/// adjusting path separators if needed.
fn alloc_path_as_wide_str(
&mut self,
path: &Path,
memkind: MemoryKind<MiriMemoryKind>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Pointer<Option<Provenance>>> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
let os_str =
this.convert_path(Cow::Borrowed(path.as_os_str()), PathConversion::HostToTarget);
this.alloc_os_str_as_wide_str(&os_str, memkind)
fn convert_path<'a>(
os_str: Cow<'a, OsStr>,
direction: PathConversion,
) -> Cow<'a, OsStr> {
let this = self.eval_context_ref();
let target_os = &;
return if target_os == "windows" {
// Windows-on-Windows, all fine.
} else {
// Unix target, Windows host.
let (from, to) = match direction {
PathConversion::HostToTarget => ('\\', '/'),
PathConversion::TargetToHost => ('/', '\\'),
let mut converted = os_str
.map(|wchar| if wchar == from as u16 { to as u16 } else { wchar })
// We also have to ensure that absolute paths remain absolute.
match direction {
PathConversion::HostToTarget => {
// If this is an absolute Windows path that starts with a drive letter (`C:/...`
// after separator conversion), it would not be considered absolute by Unix
// target code.
if converted.get(1).copied() == Some(b':' as u16)
&& converted.get(2).copied() == Some(b'/' as u16)
// We add a `/` at the beginning, to store the absolute Windows
// path in something that looks like an absolute Unix path.
converted.insert(0, b'/' as u16);
PathConversion::TargetToHost => {
// If the path is `\C:\`, the leading backslash was probably added by the above code
// and we should get rid of it again.
if converted.get(0).copied() == Some(b'\\' as u16)
&& converted.get(2).copied() == Some(b':' as u16)
&& converted.get(3).copied() == Some(b'\\' as u16)
return if target_os == "windows" {
// Windows target, Unix host.
let (from, to) = match direction {
PathConversion::HostToTarget => (b'/', b'\\'),
PathConversion::TargetToHost => (b'\\', b'/'),
let mut converted = os_str
.map(|&wchar| if wchar == from { to } else { wchar })
// We also have to ensure that absolute paths remain absolute.
match direction {
PathConversion::HostToTarget => {
// If this start withs a `\`, we add `\\?` so it starts with `\\?\` which is
// some magic path on Windows that *is* considered absolute.
if converted.get(0).copied() == Some(b'\\') {
converted.splice(0..0, b"\\\\?".iter().copied());
PathConversion::TargetToHost => {
// If this starts with `//?/`, it was probably produced by the above code and we
// remove the `//?` that got added to get the Unix path back out.
if converted.get(0).copied() == Some(b'/')
&& converted.get(1).copied() == Some(b'/')
&& converted.get(2).copied() == Some(b'?')
&& converted.get(3).copied() == Some(b'/')
// Remove first 3 characters
converted.splice(0..3, std::iter::empty());
} else {
// Unix-on-Unix, all is fine.