blob: 849a9168028f2480e9a92a663449c2f4f193b655 [file] [log] [blame]
mod commands;
mod util;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Result};
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Command {
/// Installs the miri driver and cargo-miri.
/// Sets up the rpath such that the installed binary should work in any
/// working directory. Note that the binaries are placed in the `miri` toolchain
/// sysroot, to prevent conflicts with other toolchains.
Install {
/// Flags that are passed through to `cargo install`.
flags: Vec<OsString>,
/// Just build miri.
Build {
/// Flags that are passed through to `cargo build`.
flags: Vec<OsString>,
/// Just check miri.
Check {
/// Flags that are passed through to `cargo check`.
flags: Vec<OsString>,
/// Build miri, set up a sysroot and then run the test suite.
Test {
bless: bool,
/// Flags that are passed through to `cargo test`.
flags: Vec<OsString>,
/// Build miri, set up a sysroot and then run the driver with the given <flags>.
/// (Also respects MIRIFLAGS environment variable.)
Run {
dep: bool,
/// Flags that are passed through to `miri`.
flags: Vec<OsString>,
/// Format all sources and tests.
Fmt {
/// Flags that are passed through to `rustfmt`.
flags: Vec<OsString>,
/// Runs clippy on all sources.
Clippy {
/// Flags that are passed through to `cargo clippy`.
flags: Vec<OsString>,
/// Runs just `cargo <flags>` with the Miri-specific environment variables.
/// Mainly meant to be invoked by rust-analyzer.
Cargo { flags: Vec<OsString> },
/// Runs <command> over and over again with different seeds for Miri. The MIRIFLAGS
/// variable is set to its original value appended with ` -Zmiri-seed=$SEED` for
/// many different seeds.
ManySeeds { command: Vec<OsString> },
/// Runs the benchmarks from bench-cargo-miri in hyperfine. hyperfine needs to be installed.
Bench {
/// List of benchmarks to run. By default all benchmarks are run.
benches: Vec<OsString>,
/// Update and activate the rustup toolchain 'miri' to the commit given in the
/// `rust-version` file.
/// `rustup-toolchain-install-master` must be installed for this to work. Any extra
/// flags are passed to `rustup-toolchain-install-master`.
Toolchain { flags: Vec<OsString> },
/// Pull and merge Miri changes from the rustc repo. Defaults to fetching the latest
/// rustc commit. The fetched commit is stored in the `rust-version` file, so the
/// next `./miri toolchain` will install the rustc that just got pulled.
RustcPull { commit: Option<String> },
/// Push Miri changes back to the rustc repo. This will pull a copy of the rustc
/// history into the Miri repo, unless you set the RUSTC_GIT env var to an existing
/// clone of the rustc repo.
RustcPush { github_user: String, branch: String },
const HELP: &str = r#" COMMANDS
./miri build <flags>:
Just build miri. <flags> are passed to `cargo build`.
./miri check <flags>:
Just check miri. <flags> are passed to `cargo check`.
./miri test [--bless] <flags>:
Build miri, set up a sysroot and then run the test suite. <flags> are passed
to the final `cargo test` invocation.
./miri run [--dep] <flags>:
Build miri, set up a sysroot and then run the driver with the given <flags>.
(Also respects MIRIFLAGS environment variable.)
./miri fmt <flags>:
Format all sources and tests. <flags> are passed to `rustfmt`.
./miri clippy <flags>:
Runs clippy on all sources. <flags> are passed to `cargo clippy`.
./miri cargo <flags>:
Runs just `cargo <flags>` with the Miri-specific environment variables.
Mainly meant to be invoked by rust-analyzer.
./miri install <flags>:
Installs the miri driver and cargo-miri. <flags> are passed to `cargo
install`. Sets up the rpath such that the installed binary should work in any
working directory. Note that the binaries are placed in the `miri` toolchain
sysroot, to prevent conflicts with other toolchains.
./miri many-seeds <command>:
Runs <command> over and over again with different seeds for Miri. The MIRIFLAGS
variable is set to its original value appended with ` -Zmiri-seed=$SEED` for
many different seeds. The MIRI_SEEDS variable controls how many seeds are being
tried; MIRI_SEED_START controls the first seed to try.
./miri bench <benches>:
Runs the benchmarks from bench-cargo-miri in hyperfine. hyperfine needs to be installed.
<benches> can explicitly list the benchmarks to run; by default, all of them are run.
./miri toolchain <flags>:
Update and activate the rustup toolchain 'miri' to the commit given in the
`rust-version` file.
`rustup-toolchain-install-master` must be installed for this to work. Any extra
flags are passed to `rustup-toolchain-install-master`.
./miri rustc-pull <commit>:
Pull and merge Miri changes from the rustc repo. Defaults to fetching the latest
rustc commit. The fetched commit is stored in the `rust-version` file, so the
next `./miri toolchain` will install the rustc that just got pulled.
./miri rustc-push <github user> <branch>:
Push Miri changes back to the rustc repo. This will pull a copy of the rustc
history into the Miri repo, unless you set the RUSTC_GIT env var to an existing
clone of the rustc repo.
If already set, the "sysroot setup" step is skipped.
Pass extra flags to all cargo invocations. (Ignored by `./miri cargo`.)"#;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
// We are hand-rolling our own argument parser, since `clap` can't express what we need
// (
let mut args = env::args_os().peekable();; // skip program name
let command = match|s| s.into_string().ok()).as_deref() {
Some("build") => Command::Build { flags: args.collect() },
Some("check") => Command::Check { flags: args.collect() },
Some("test") => {
let bless = args.peek().is_some_and(|a| a.to_str() == Some("--bless"));
if bless {
// Consume the flag.;
Command::Test { bless, flags: args.collect() }
Some("run") => {
let dep = args.peek().is_some_and(|a| a.to_str() == Some("--dep"));
if dep {
// Consume the flag.;
Command::Run { dep, flags: args.collect() }
Some("fmt") => Command::Fmt { flags: args.collect() },
Some("clippy") => Command::Clippy { flags: args.collect() },
Some("cargo") => Command::Cargo { flags: args.collect() },
Some("install") => Command::Install { flags: args.collect() },
Some("many-seeds") => Command::ManySeeds { command: args.collect() },
Some("bench") => Command::Bench { benches: args.collect() },
Some("toolchain") => Command::Toolchain { flags: args.collect() },
Some("rustc-pull") => {
let commit =|a| a.to_string_lossy().into_owned());
if {
bail!("Too many arguments for `./miri rustc-pull`");
Command::RustcPull { commit }
Some("rustc-push") => {
let github_user = args
.ok_or_else(|| {
anyhow!("Missing first argument for `./miri rustc-push GITHUB_USER BRANCH`")
let branch = args
.ok_or_else(|| {
anyhow!("Missing second argument for `./miri rustc-push GITHUB_USER BRANCH`")
if {
bail!("Too many arguments for `./miri rustc-push GITHUB_USER BRANCH`");
Command::RustcPush { github_user, branch }
_ => {
eprintln!("Unknown or missing command. Usage:\n\n{HELP}");