blob: 937aac8d25ef00612bbcc7638896eac8d9ccc149 [file] [log] [blame]
use clippy_utils::diagnostics::span_lint_and_then;
use clippy_utils::{is_res_lang_ctor, last_path_segment, path_res, MaybePath};
use rustc_errors::Applicability;
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_lint::LateContext;
use rustc_middle::ty;
use rustc_middle::ty::print::with_forced_trimmed_paths;
fn get_ty_from_args<'a>(args: Option<&'a [hir::GenericArg<'a>]>, index: usize) -> Option<&'a hir::Ty<'a>> {
let args = args?;
if args.len() <= index {
return None;
match args[index] {
hir::GenericArg::Type(ty) => match ty.kind {
hir::TyKind::Infer => None,
_ => Some(ty),
_ => None,
pub(super) fn check(
cx: &LateContext<'_>,
expr: &hir::Expr<'_>,
recv: &hir::Expr<'_>,
method: &str,
args: &[hir::Expr<'_>],
) {
let init = clippy_utils::expr_or_init(cx, recv);
if init.span.from_expansion() {
// don't lint if the receiver or binding initializer comes from a macro
// (e.g. `let x = option_env!(..); x.unwrap()`)
let (constructor, call_args, ty) = if let hir::ExprKind::Call(call, call_args) = init.kind {
let Some(qpath) = call.qpath_opt() else { return };
let args = last_path_segment(qpath)|args| args.args);
let res = cx.qpath_res(qpath, call.hir_id());
if is_res_lang_ctor(cx, res, hir::LangItem::OptionSome) {
("Some", call_args, get_ty_from_args(args, 0))
} else if is_res_lang_ctor(cx, res, hir::LangItem::ResultOk) {
("Ok", call_args, get_ty_from_args(args, 0))
} else if is_res_lang_ctor(cx, res, hir::LangItem::ResultErr) {
("Err", call_args, get_ty_from_args(args, 1))
} else {
} else if is_res_lang_ctor(cx, path_res(cx, init), hir::LangItem::OptionNone) {
let call_args: &[hir::Expr<'_>] = &[];
("None", call_args, None)
} else {
let help_message = format!("used `{method}()` on `{constructor}` value");
let suggestion_message = format!("remove the `{constructor}` and `{method}()`");
span_lint_and_then(cx, UNNECESSARY_LITERAL_UNWRAP, expr.span, &help_message, |diag| {
let suggestions = match (constructor, method, ty) {
("None", "unwrap", _) => Some(vec![(expr.span, "panic!()".to_string())]),
("None", "expect", _) => Some(vec![
(expr.span.with_hi(args[0].span.lo()), "panic!(".to_string()),
(expr.span.with_lo(args[0].span.hi()), ")".to_string()),
("Some" | "Ok", "unwrap_unchecked", _) | ("Err", "unwrap_err_unchecked", _) => {
let mut suggs = vec![
(recv.span.with_hi(call_args[0].span.lo()), String::new()),
(expr.span.with_lo(call_args[0].span.hi()), String::new()),
// try to also remove the unsafe block if present
if let hir::Node::Block(block) = cx.tcx.hir().get_parent(expr.hir_id)
&& let hir::BlockCheckMode::UnsafeBlock(hir::UnsafeSource::UserProvided) = block.rules
(block.span.shrink_to_lo().to(expr.span.shrink_to_lo()), String::new()),
(expr.span.shrink_to_hi().to(block.span.shrink_to_hi()), String::new())
("None", "unwrap_or_default", _) => {
let ty = cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(expr);
let default_ty_string = if let ty::Adt(def, ..) = ty.kind() {
with_forced_trimmed_paths!(format!("{}", cx.tcx.def_path_str(def.did())))
} else {
Some(vec![(expr.span, format!("{default_ty_string}::default()"))])
("None", "unwrap_or", _) => Some(vec![
(expr.span.with_hi(args[0].span.lo()), String::new()),
(expr.span.with_lo(args[0].span.hi()), String::new()),
("None", "unwrap_or_else", _) => match args[0].kind {
hir::ExprKind::Closure(hir::Closure {
hir::FnDecl {
output: hir::FnRetTy::DefaultReturn(span) | hir::FnRetTy::Return(hir::Ty { span, .. }),
}) => Some(vec![
(expr.span.with_hi(span.hi()), String::new()),
(expr.span.with_lo(args[0].span.hi()), String::new()),
_ => None,
_ if call_args.is_empty() => None,
(_, _, Some(_)) => None,
("Ok", "unwrap_err", None) | ("Err", "unwrap", None) => Some(vec![
"panic!(\"{:?}\", ".to_string(),
(expr.span.with_lo(call_args[0].span.hi()), ")".to_string()),
("Ok", "expect_err", None) | ("Err", "expect", None) => Some(vec![
"panic!(\"{1}: {:?}\", ".to_string(),
(call_args[0].span.with_lo(args[0].span.lo()), ", ".to_string()),
(_, _, None) => Some(vec![
(recv.span.with_hi(call_args[0].span.lo()), String::new()),
(expr.span.with_lo(call_args[0].span.hi()), String::new()),
match (init.span == recv.span, suggestions) {
(true, Some(suggestions)) => {
diag.multipart_suggestion(suggestion_message, suggestions, Applicability::MachineApplicable);
_ => {
diag.span_help(init.span, suggestion_message);