blob: 9ee0cbe0430400a4f3a108d1f6c2555807122b26 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::hash_map::{Entry, HashMap};
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashSet};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::rc::Rc;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context as _};
use glob::glob;
use itertools::Itertools;
use tracing::debug;
use url::Url;
use crate::core::compiler::Unit;
use crate::core::features::Features;
use crate::core::registry::PackageRegistry;
use crate::core::resolver::features::CliFeatures;
use crate::core::resolver::ResolveBehavior;
use crate::core::{Dependency, Edition, FeatureValue, PackageId, PackageIdSpec};
use crate::core::{EitherManifest, Package, SourceId, VirtualManifest};
use crate::ops;
use crate::sources::{PathSource, CRATES_IO_INDEX, CRATES_IO_REGISTRY};
use crate::util::edit_distance;
use crate::util::errors::{CargoResult, ManifestError};
use crate::util::interning::InternedString;
use crate::util::toml::{read_manifest, InheritableFields, TomlDependency, TomlProfiles};
use crate::util::{config::ConfigRelativePath, Config, Filesystem, IntoUrl};
use cargo_util::paths;
use cargo_util::paths::normalize_path;
use pathdiff::diff_paths;
/// The core abstraction in Cargo for working with a workspace of crates.
/// A workspace is often created very early on and then threaded through all
/// other functions. It's typically through this object that the current
/// package is loaded and/or learned about.
pub struct Workspace<'cfg> {
config: &'cfg Config,
// This path is a path to where the current cargo subcommand was invoked
// from. That is the `--manifest-path` argument to Cargo, and
// points to the "main crate" that we're going to worry about.
current_manifest: PathBuf,
// A list of packages found in this workspace. Always includes at least the
// package mentioned by `current_manifest`.
packages: Packages<'cfg>,
// If this workspace includes more than one crate, this points to the root
// of the workspace. This is `None` in the case that `[workspace]` is
// missing, `package.workspace` is missing, and no `Cargo.toml` above
// `current_manifest` was found on the filesystem with `[workspace]`.
root_manifest: Option<PathBuf>,
// Shared target directory for all the packages of this workspace.
// `None` if the default path of `root/target` should be used.
target_dir: Option<Filesystem>,
// List of members in this workspace with a listing of all their manifest
// paths. The packages themselves can be looked up through the `packages`
// set above.
members: Vec<PathBuf>,
member_ids: HashSet<PackageId>,
// The subset of `members` that are used by the
// `build`, `check`, `test`, and `bench` subcommands
// when no package is selected with `--package` / `-p` and `--workspace`
// is not used.
// This is set by the `default-members` config
// in the `[workspace]` section.
// When unset, this is the same as `members` for virtual workspaces
// (`--workspace` is implied)
// or only the root package for non-virtual workspaces.
default_members: Vec<PathBuf>,
// `true` if this is a temporary workspace created for the purposes of the
// `cargo install` or `cargo package` commands.
is_ephemeral: bool,
// `true` if this workspace should enforce optional dependencies even when
// not needed; false if this workspace should only enforce dependencies
// needed by the current configuration (such as in cargo install). In some
// cases `false` also results in the non-enforcement of dev-dependencies.
require_optional_deps: bool,
// A cache of loaded packages for particular paths which is disjoint from
// `packages` up above, used in the `load` method down below.
loaded_packages: RefCell<HashMap<PathBuf, Package>>,
// If `true`, then the resolver will ignore any existing `Cargo.lock`
// file. This is set for `cargo install` without `--locked`.
ignore_lock: bool,
/// The resolver behavior specified with the `resolver` field.
resolve_behavior: ResolveBehavior,
/// Workspace-level custom metadata
custom_metadata: Option<toml::Value>,
// Separate structure for tracking loaded packages (to avoid loading anything
// twice), and this is separate to help appease the borrow checker.
struct Packages<'cfg> {
config: &'cfg Config,
packages: HashMap<PathBuf, MaybePackage>,
pub enum MaybePackage {
/// Configuration of a workspace in a manifest.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum WorkspaceConfig {
/// Indicates that `[workspace]` was present and the members were
/// optionally specified as well.
/// Indicates that `[workspace]` was present and the `root` field is the
/// optional value of `package.workspace`, if present.
Member { root: Option<String> },
impl WorkspaceConfig {
pub fn inheritable(&self) -> Option<&InheritableFields> {
match self {
WorkspaceConfig::Root(root) => Some(&root.inheritable_fields),
WorkspaceConfig::Member { .. } => None,
/// Returns the path of the workspace root based on this `[workspace]` configuration.
/// Returns `None` if the root is not explicitly known.
/// * `self_path` is the path of the manifest this `WorkspaceConfig` is located.
/// * `look_from` is the path where discovery started (usually the current
/// working directory), used for `workspace.exclude` checking.
fn get_ws_root(&self, self_path: &Path, look_from: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
match self {
WorkspaceConfig::Root(ances_root_config) => {
debug!("find_root - found a root checking exclusion");
if !ances_root_config.is_excluded(look_from) {
debug!("find_root - found!");
} else {
WorkspaceConfig::Member {
root: Some(path_to_root),
} => {
debug!("find_root - found pointer");
Some(read_root_pointer(self_path, path_to_root))
WorkspaceConfig::Member { .. } => None,
/// Intermediate configuration of a workspace root in a manifest.
/// Knows the Workspace Root path, as well as `members` and `exclude` lists of path patterns, which
/// together tell if some path is recognized as a member by this root or not.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct WorkspaceRootConfig {
root_dir: PathBuf,
members: Option<Vec<String>>,
default_members: Option<Vec<String>>,
exclude: Vec<String>,
inheritable_fields: InheritableFields,
custom_metadata: Option<toml::Value>,
impl<'cfg> Workspace<'cfg> {
/// Creates a new workspace given the target manifest pointed to by
/// `manifest_path`.
/// This function will construct the entire workspace by determining the
/// root and all member packages. It will then validate the workspace
/// before returning it, so `Ok` is only returned for valid workspaces.
pub fn new(manifest_path: &Path, config: &'cfg Config) -> CargoResult<Workspace<'cfg>> {
let mut ws = Workspace::new_default(manifest_path.to_path_buf(), config);
ws.target_dir = config.target_dir()?;
if manifest_path.is_relative() {
"manifest_path:{:?} is not an absolute path. Please provide an absolute path.",
} else {
ws.root_manifest = ws.find_root(manifest_path)?;
ws.custom_metadata = ws
.and_then(|cfg| cfg.custom_metadata);
fn new_default(current_manifest: PathBuf, config: &'cfg Config) -> Workspace<'cfg> {
Workspace {
packages: Packages {
packages: HashMap::new(),
root_manifest: None,
target_dir: None,
members: Vec::new(),
member_ids: HashSet::new(),
default_members: Vec::new(),
is_ephemeral: false,
require_optional_deps: true,
loaded_packages: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
ignore_lock: false,
resolve_behavior: ResolveBehavior::V1,
custom_metadata: None,
pub fn new_virtual(
root_path: PathBuf,
current_manifest: PathBuf,
manifest: VirtualManifest,
config: &'cfg Config,
) -> CargoResult<Workspace<'cfg>> {
let mut ws = Workspace::new_default(current_manifest, config);
ws.root_manifest = Some(root_path.join("Cargo.toml"));
ws.target_dir = config.target_dir()?;
.insert(root_path, MaybePackage::Virtual(manifest));
// TODO: validation does not work because it walks up the directory
// tree looking for the root which is a fake file that doesn't exist.
/// Creates a "temporary workspace" from one package which only contains
/// that package.
/// This constructor will not touch the filesystem and only creates an
/// in-memory workspace. That is, all configuration is ignored, it's just
/// intended for that one package.
/// This is currently only used in niche situations like `cargo install` or
/// `cargo package`.
pub fn ephemeral(
package: Package,
config: &'cfg Config,
target_dir: Option<Filesystem>,
require_optional_deps: bool,
) -> CargoResult<Workspace<'cfg>> {
let mut ws = Workspace::new_default(package.manifest_path().to_path_buf(), config);
ws.is_ephemeral = true;
ws.require_optional_deps = require_optional_deps;
let key = ws.current_manifest.parent().unwrap();
let id = package.package_id();
let package = MaybePackage::Package(package);
ws.packages.packages.insert(key.to_path_buf(), package);
ws.target_dir = if let Some(dir) = target_dir {
} else {
fn set_resolve_behavior(&mut self) {
// - If resolver is specified in the workspace definition, use that.
// - If the root package specifies the resolver, use that.
// - If the root package specifies edition 2021, use v2.
// - Otherwise, use the default v1.
self.resolve_behavior = match self.root_maybe() {
MaybePackage::Package(p) => p
.unwrap_or_else(|| p.manifest().edition().default_resolve_behavior()),
MaybePackage::Virtual(vm) => vm.resolve_behavior().unwrap_or(ResolveBehavior::V1),
/// Returns the current package of this workspace.
/// Note that this can return an error if it the current manifest is
/// actually a "virtual Cargo.toml", in which case an error is returned
/// indicating that something else should be passed.
pub fn current(&self) -> CargoResult<&Package> {
let pkg = self.current_opt().ok_or_else(|| {
"manifest path `{}` is a virtual manifest, but this \
command requires running against an actual package in \
this workspace",
pub fn current_mut(&mut self) -> CargoResult<&mut Package> {
let cm = self.current_manifest.clone();
let pkg = self.current_opt_mut().ok_or_else(|| {
"manifest path `{}` is a virtual manifest, but this \
command requires running against an actual package in \
this workspace",
pub fn current_opt(&self) -> Option<&Package> {
match *self.packages.get(&self.current_manifest) {
MaybePackage::Package(ref p) => Some(p),
MaybePackage::Virtual(..) => None,
pub fn current_opt_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Package> {
match *self.packages.get_mut(&self.current_manifest) {
MaybePackage::Package(ref mut p) => Some(p),
MaybePackage::Virtual(..) => None,
pub fn is_virtual(&self) -> bool {
match *self.packages.get(&self.current_manifest) {
MaybePackage::Package(..) => false,
MaybePackage::Virtual(..) => true,
/// Returns the `Config` this workspace is associated with.
pub fn config(&self) -> &'cfg Config {
pub fn profiles(&self) -> Option<&TomlProfiles> {
match self.root_maybe() {
MaybePackage::Package(p) => p.manifest().profiles(),
MaybePackage::Virtual(vm) => vm.profiles(),
/// Returns the root path of this workspace.
/// That is, this returns the path of the directory containing the
/// `Cargo.toml` which is the root of this workspace.
pub fn root(&self) -> &Path {
/// Returns the path of the `Cargo.toml` which is the root of this
/// workspace.
pub fn root_manifest(&self) -> &Path {
/// Returns the root Package or VirtualManifest.
pub fn root_maybe(&self) -> &MaybePackage {
pub fn target_dir(&self) -> Filesystem {
.unwrap_or_else(|| self.default_target_dir())
fn default_target_dir(&self) -> Filesystem {
if self.root_maybe().is_embedded() {
let hash = crate::util::hex::short_hash(&self.root_manifest().to_string_lossy());
let mut rel_path = PathBuf::new();
} else {
/// Returns the root `[replace]` section of this workspace.
/// This may be from a virtual crate or an actual crate.
pub fn root_replace(&self) -> &[(PackageIdSpec, Dependency)] {
match self.root_maybe() {
MaybePackage::Package(p) => p.manifest().replace(),
MaybePackage::Virtual(vm) => vm.replace(),
fn config_patch(&self) -> CargoResult<HashMap<Url, Vec<Dependency>>> {
let config_patch: Option<
BTreeMap<String, BTreeMap<String, TomlDependency<ConfigRelativePath>>>,
> = self.config.get("patch")?;
let source = SourceId::for_path(self.root())?;
let mut warnings = Vec::new();
let mut nested_paths = Vec::new();
let mut patch = HashMap::new();
for (url, deps) in config_patch.into_iter().flatten() {
let url = match &url[..] {
url => self
.or_else(|_| url.into_url())
.with_context(|| {
format!("[patch] entry `{}` should be a URL or registry name", url)
.map(|(name, dep)| {
&mut nested_paths,
&mut warnings,
/* platform */ None,
// NOTE: Since we use ConfigRelativePath, this root isn't used as
// any relative paths are resolved before they'd be joined with root.
/* kind */ None,
for message in warnings {
.warn(format!("[patch] in cargo config: {}", message))?
/// Returns the root `[patch]` section of this workspace.
/// This may be from a virtual crate or an actual crate.
pub fn root_patch(&self) -> CargoResult<HashMap<Url, Vec<Dependency>>> {
let from_manifest = match self.root_maybe() {
MaybePackage::Package(p) => p.manifest().patch(),
MaybePackage::Virtual(vm) => vm.patch(),
let from_config = self.config_patch()?;
if from_config.is_empty() {
return Ok(from_manifest.clone());
if from_manifest.is_empty() {
return Ok(from_config);
// We could just chain from_manifest and from_config,
// but that's not quite right as it won't deal with overlaps.
let mut combined = from_config;
for (url, deps_from_manifest) in from_manifest {
if let Some(deps_from_config) = combined.get_mut(url) {
// We want from_config to take precedence for each patched name.
// NOTE: This is inefficient if the number of patches is large!
let mut from_manifest_pruned = deps_from_manifest.clone();
for dep_from_config in &mut *deps_from_config {
if let Some(i) = from_manifest_pruned.iter().position(|dep_from_manifest| {
// XXX: should this also take into account version numbers?
dep_from_config.name_in_toml() == dep_from_manifest.name_in_toml()
}) {
// Whatever is left does not exist in manifest dependencies.
} else {
combined.insert(url.clone(), deps_from_manifest.clone());
/// Returns an iterator over all packages in this workspace
pub fn members(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Package> {
let packages = &self.packages;
.filter_map(move |path| match packages.get(path) {
&MaybePackage::Package(ref p) => Some(p),
_ => None,
/// Returns a mutable iterator over all packages in this workspace
pub fn members_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut Package> {
let packages = &mut self.packages.packages;
let members: HashSet<_> = self
.map(|path| path.parent().unwrap().to_owned())
packages.iter_mut().filter_map(move |(path, package)| {
if members.contains(path) {
if let MaybePackage::Package(ref mut p) = package {
return Some(p);
/// Returns an iterator over default packages in this workspace
pub fn default_members<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Package> {
let packages = &self.packages;
.filter_map(move |path| match packages.get(path) {
&MaybePackage::Package(ref p) => Some(p),
_ => None,
/// Returns an iterator over default packages in this workspace
pub fn default_members_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut Package> {
let packages = &mut self.packages.packages;
let members: HashSet<_> = self
.map(|path| path.parent().unwrap().to_owned())
packages.iter_mut().filter_map(move |(path, package)| {
if members.contains(path) {
if let MaybePackage::Package(ref mut p) = package {
return Some(p);
/// Returns true if the package is a member of the workspace.
pub fn is_member(&self, pkg: &Package) -> bool {
pub fn is_ephemeral(&self) -> bool {
pub fn require_optional_deps(&self) -> bool {
pub fn set_require_optional_deps(
&mut self,
require_optional_deps: bool,
) -> &mut Workspace<'cfg> {
self.require_optional_deps = require_optional_deps;
pub fn ignore_lock(&self) -> bool {
pub fn set_ignore_lock(&mut self, ignore_lock: bool) -> &mut Workspace<'cfg> {
self.ignore_lock = ignore_lock;
pub fn custom_metadata(&self) -> Option<&toml::Value> {
pub fn load_workspace_config(&mut self) -> CargoResult<Option<WorkspaceRootConfig>> {
// If we didn't find a root, it must mean there is no [workspace] section, and thus no
// metadata.
if let Some(root_path) = &self.root_manifest {
let root_package = self.packages.load(root_path)?;
match root_package.workspace_config() {
WorkspaceConfig::Root(ref root_config) => {
return Ok(Some(root_config.clone()));
_ => bail!(
"root of a workspace inferred but wasn't a root: {}",
/// Finds the root of a workspace for the crate whose manifest is located
/// at `manifest_path`.
/// This will parse the `Cargo.toml` at `manifest_path` and then interpret
/// the workspace configuration, optionally walking up the filesystem
/// looking for other workspace roots.
/// Returns an error if `manifest_path` isn't actually a valid manifest or
/// if some other transient error happens.
fn find_root(&mut self, manifest_path: &Path) -> CargoResult<Option<PathBuf>> {
let current = self.packages.load(manifest_path)?;
match current
.get_ws_root(manifest_path, manifest_path)
Some(root_path) => {
debug!("find_root - is root {}", manifest_path.display());
None => find_workspace_root_with_loader(manifest_path, self.config, |self_path| {
.get_ws_root(self_path, manifest_path))
/// After the root of a workspace has been located, probes for all members
/// of a workspace.
/// If the `workspace.members` configuration is present, then this just
/// verifies that those are all valid packages to point to. Otherwise, this
/// will transitively follow all `path` dependencies looking for members of
/// the workspace.
fn find_members(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()> {
let workspace_config = match self.load_workspace_config()? {
Some(workspace_config) => workspace_config,
None => {
debug!("find_members - only me as a member");
if let Ok(pkg) = self.current() {
let id = pkg.package_id();
return Ok(());
// self.root_manifest must be Some to have retrieved workspace_config
let root_manifest_path = self.root_manifest.clone().unwrap();
let members_paths =
let default_members_paths = if root_manifest_path == self.current_manifest {
if let Some(ref default) = workspace_config.default_members {
} else {
} else {
for path in &members_paths {
self.find_path_deps(&path.join("Cargo.toml"), &root_manifest_path, false)
.with_context(|| {
"failed to load manifest for workspace member `{}`",
self.find_path_deps(&root_manifest_path, &root_manifest_path, false)?;
if let Some(default) = default_members_paths {
for path in default {
let normalized_path = paths::normalize_path(&path);
let manifest_path = normalized_path.join("Cargo.toml");
if !self.members.contains(&manifest_path) {
// default-members are allowed to be excluded, but they
// still must be referred to by the original (unfiltered)
// members list. Note that we aren't testing against the
// manifest path, both because `members_paths` doesn't
// include `/Cargo.toml`, and because excluded paths may not
// be crates.
let exclude = members_paths.contains(&normalized_path)
&& workspace_config.is_excluded(&normalized_path);
if exclude {
"package `{}` is listed in workspace’s default-members \
but is not a member.",
} else if self.is_virtual() {
self.default_members = self.members.clone()
} else {
fn find_path_deps(
&mut self,
manifest_path: &Path,
root_manifest: &Path,
is_path_dep: bool,
) -> CargoResult<()> {
let manifest_path = paths::normalize_path(manifest_path);
if self.members.contains(&manifest_path) {
return Ok(());
if is_path_dep && self.root_maybe().is_embedded() {
// Embedded manifests cannot have workspace members
return Ok(());
if is_path_dep
&& !manifest_path.parent().unwrap().starts_with(self.root())
&& self.find_root(&manifest_path)? != self.root_manifest
// If `manifest_path` is a path dependency outside of the workspace,
// don't add it, or any of its dependencies, as a members.
return Ok(());
if let WorkspaceConfig::Root(ref root_config) =
if root_config.is_excluded(&manifest_path) {
return Ok(());
debug!("find_members - {}", manifest_path.display());
let candidates = {
let pkg = match *self.packages.load(&manifest_path)? {
MaybePackage::Package(ref p) => p,
MaybePackage::Virtual(_) => return Ok(()),
.map(|d| (d.source_id(), d.package_name()))
.filter(|(s, _)| s.is_path())
.filter_map(|(s, n)| s.url().to_file_path().ok().map(|p| (p, n)))
.map(|(p, n)| (p.join("Cargo.toml"), n))
for (path, name) in candidates {
self.find_path_deps(&path, root_manifest, true)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to load manifest for dependency `{}`", name))
.map_err(|err| ManifestError::new(err, manifest_path.clone()))?;
/// Returns the unstable nightly-only features enabled via `cargo-features` in the manifest.
pub fn unstable_features(&self) -> &Features {
match self.root_maybe() {
MaybePackage::Package(p) => p.manifest().unstable_features(),
MaybePackage::Virtual(vm) => vm.unstable_features(),
pub fn resolve_behavior(&self) -> ResolveBehavior {
/// Returns `true` if this workspace uses the new CLI features behavior.
/// The old behavior only allowed choosing the features from the package
/// in the current directory, regardless of which packages were chosen
/// with the -p flags. The new behavior allows selecting features from the
/// packages chosen on the command line (with -p or --workspace flags),
/// ignoring whatever is in the current directory.
pub fn allows_new_cli_feature_behavior(&self) -> bool {
|| match self.resolve_behavior() {
ResolveBehavior::V1 => false,
ResolveBehavior::V2 => true,
/// Validates a workspace, ensuring that a number of invariants are upheld:
/// 1. A workspace only has one root.
/// 2. All workspace members agree on this one root as the root.
/// 3. The current crate is a member of this workspace.
fn validate(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()> {
// The rest of the checks require a VirtualManifest or multiple members.
if self.root_manifest.is_none() {
return Ok(());
fn validate_unique_names(&self) -> CargoResult<()> {
let mut names = BTreeMap::new();
for member in self.members.iter() {
let package = self.packages.get(member);
let name = match *package {
MaybePackage::Package(ref p) =>,
MaybePackage::Virtual(_) => continue,
if let Some(prev) = names.insert(name, member) {
"two packages named `{}` in this workspace:\n\
- {}\n\
- {}",
fn validate_workspace_roots(&self) -> CargoResult<()> {
let roots: Vec<PathBuf> = self
.filter(|&member| {
let config = self.packages.get(member).workspace_config();
matches!(config, WorkspaceConfig::Root(_))
.map(|member| member.parent().unwrap().to_path_buf())
match roots.len() {
1 => Ok(()),
0 => bail!(
"`package.workspace` configuration points to a crate \
which is not configured with [workspace]: \n\
configuration at: {}\n\
points to: {}",
_ => {
"multiple workspace roots found in the same workspace:\n{}",
.map(|r| format!(" {}", r.display()))
fn validate_members(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()> {
for member in self.members.clone() {
let root = self.find_root(&member)?;
if root == self.root_manifest {
match root {
Some(root) => {
"package `{}` is a member of the wrong workspace\n\
expected: {}\n\
actual: {}",
None => {
"workspace member `{}` is not hierarchically below \
the workspace root `{}`",
fn error_if_manifest_not_in_members(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()> {
if self.members.contains(&self.current_manifest) {
return Ok(());
let root = self.root_manifest.as_ref().unwrap();
let root_dir = root.parent().unwrap();
let current_dir = self.current_manifest.parent().unwrap();
let root_pkg = self.packages.get(root);
// FIXME: Make this more generic by using a relative path resolver between member and root.
let members_msg = match current_dir.strip_prefix(root_dir) {
Ok(rel) => format!(
"this may be fixable by adding `{}` to the \
`workspace.members` array of the manifest \
located at: {}",
Err(_) => format!(
"this may be fixable by adding a member to \
the `workspace.members` array of the \
manifest located at: {}",
let extra = match *root_pkg {
MaybePackage::Virtual(_) => members_msg,
MaybePackage::Package(ref p) => {
let has_members_list = match *p.manifest().workspace_config() {
WorkspaceConfig::Root(ref root_config) => root_config.has_members_list(),
WorkspaceConfig::Member { .. } => unreachable!(),
if !has_members_list {
"this may be fixable by ensuring that this \
crate is depended on by the workspace \
root: {}",
} else {
"current package believes it's in a workspace when it's not:\n\
current: {}\n\
workspace: {}\n\n{}\n\
Alternatively, to keep it out of the workspace, add the package \
to the `workspace.exclude` array, or add an empty `[workspace]` \
table to the package's manifest.",
fn validate_manifest(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()> {
if let Some(ref root_manifest) = self.root_manifest {
for pkg in self
.filter(|p| p.manifest_path() != root_manifest)
let manifest = pkg.manifest();
let emit_warning = |what| -> CargoResult<()> {
let msg = format!(
"{} for the non root package will be ignored, \
specify {} at the workspace root:\n\
package: {}\n\
workspace: {}",
if manifest.original().has_profiles() {
if !manifest.replace().is_empty() {
if !manifest.patch().is_empty() {
if let Some(behavior) = manifest.resolve_behavior() {
if behavior != self.resolve_behavior {
// Only warn if they don't match.
if let MaybePackage::Virtual(vm) = self.root_maybe() {
if vm.resolve_behavior().is_none() {
if let Some(edition) = self
.filter(|p| p.manifest_path() != root_manifest)
.map(|p| p.manifest().edition())
.filter(|&e| e >= Edition::Edition2021)
let resolver = edition.default_resolve_behavior().to_manifest();!("some crates are on edition {edition} which defaults to `resolver = \"{resolver}\"`, but virtual workspaces default to `resolver = \"1\"`"))?;
"to keep the current resolver, specify `workspace.resolver = \"1\"` in the workspace root's manifest",
)?;!("to use the edition {edition} resolver, specify `workspace.resolver = \"{resolver}\"` in the workspace root's manifest"))?;
pub fn load(&self, manifest_path: &Path) -> CargoResult<Package> {
match self.packages.maybe_get(manifest_path) {
Some(&MaybePackage::Package(ref p)) => return Ok(p.clone()),
Some(&MaybePackage::Virtual(_)) => bail!("cannot load workspace root"),
None => {}
let mut loaded = self.loaded_packages.borrow_mut();
if let Some(p) = loaded.get(manifest_path).cloned() {
return Ok(p);
let source_id = SourceId::for_path(manifest_path.parent().unwrap())?;
let (package, _nested_paths) = ops::read_package(manifest_path, source_id, self.config)?;
loaded.insert(manifest_path.to_path_buf(), package.clone());
/// Preload the provided registry with already loaded packages.
/// A workspace may load packages during construction/parsing/early phases
/// for various operations, and this preload step avoids doubly-loading and
/// parsing crates on the filesystem by inserting them all into the registry
/// with their in-memory formats.
pub fn preload(&self, registry: &mut PackageRegistry<'cfg>) {
// These can get weird as this generally represents a workspace during
// `cargo install`. Things like git repositories will actually have a
// `PathSource` with multiple entries in it, so the logic below is
// mostly just an optimization for normal `cargo build` in workspaces
// during development.
if self.is_ephemeral {
for pkg in self.packages.packages.values() {
let pkg = match *pkg {
MaybePackage::Package(ref p) => p.clone(),
MaybePackage::Virtual(_) => continue,
let mut src = PathSource::new(pkg.root(), pkg.package_id().source_id(), self.config);
pub fn emit_warnings(&self) -> CargoResult<()> {
for (path, maybe_pkg) in &self.packages.packages {
let warnings = match maybe_pkg {
MaybePackage::Package(pkg) => pkg.manifest().warnings().warnings(),
MaybePackage::Virtual(vm) => vm.warnings().warnings(),
let path = path.join("Cargo.toml");
for warning in warnings {
if warning.is_critical {
let err = anyhow::format_err!("{}", warning.message);
let cx =
anyhow::format_err!("failed to parse manifest at `{}`", path.display());
return Err(err.context(cx));
} else {
let msg = if self.root_manifest.is_none() {
} else {
// In a workspace, it can be confusing where a warning
// originated, so include the path.
format!("{}: {}", path.display(), warning.message)
pub fn set_target_dir(&mut self, target_dir: Filesystem) {
self.target_dir = Some(target_dir);
/// Returns a Vec of `(&Package, RequestedFeatures)` tuples that
/// represent the workspace members that were requested on the command-line.
/// `specs` may be empty, which indicates it should return all workspace
/// members. In this case, `requested_features.all_features` must be
/// `true`. This is used for generating `Cargo.lock`, which must include
/// all members with all features enabled.
pub fn members_with_features(
specs: &[PackageIdSpec],
cli_features: &CliFeatures,
) -> CargoResult<Vec<(&Package, CliFeatures)>> {
!specs.is_empty() || cli_features.all_features,
"no specs requires all_features"
if specs.is_empty() {
// When resolving the entire workspace, resolve each member with
// all features enabled.
return Ok(self
.map(|m| (m, CliFeatures::new_all(true)))
if self.allows_new_cli_feature_behavior() {
self.members_with_features_new(specs, cli_features)
} else {
Ok(self.members_with_features_old(specs, cli_features))
/// Returns the requested features for the given member.
/// This filters out any named features that the member does not have.
fn collect_matching_features(
member: &Package,
cli_features: &CliFeatures,
found_features: &mut BTreeSet<FeatureValue>,
) -> CliFeatures {
if cli_features.features.is_empty() {
return cli_features.clone();
// Only include features this member defines.
let summary = member.summary();
// Features defined in the manifest
let summary_features = summary.features();
// Dependency name -> dependency
let dependencies: BTreeMap<InternedString, &Dependency> = summary
.map(|dep| (dep.name_in_toml(), dep))
// Features that enable optional dependencies
let optional_dependency_names: BTreeSet<_> = dependencies
.filter(|(_, dep)| dep.is_optional())
.map(|(name, _)| name)
let mut features = BTreeSet::new();
// Checks if a member contains the given feature.
let summary_or_opt_dependency_feature = |feature: &InternedString| -> bool {
summary_features.contains_key(feature) || optional_dependency_names.contains(feature)
for feature in cli_features.features.iter() {
match feature {
FeatureValue::Feature(f) => {
if summary_or_opt_dependency_feature(f) {
// feature exists in this member.
// This should be enforced by CliFeatures.
FeatureValue::Dep { .. } => panic!("unexpected dep: syntax {}", feature),
FeatureValue::DepFeature {
weak: _,
} => {
if dependencies.contains_key(dep_name) {
// pkg/feat for a dependency.
// Will rely on the dependency resolver to validate `dep_feature`.
} else if *dep_name ==
&& summary_or_opt_dependency_feature(dep_feature)
// member/feat where "feat" is a feature in member.
// `weak` can be ignored here, because the member
// either is or isn't being built.
CliFeatures {
features: Rc::new(features),
all_features: cli_features.all_features,
uses_default_features: cli_features.uses_default_features,
fn report_unknown_features_error(
specs: &[PackageIdSpec],
cli_features: &CliFeatures,
found_features: &BTreeSet<FeatureValue>,
) -> CargoResult<()> {
// Keeps track of which features were contained in summary of `member` to suggest similar features in errors
let mut summary_features: Vec<InternedString> = Default::default();
// Keeps track of `member` dependencies (`dep/feature`) and their features names to suggest similar features in error
let mut dependencies_features: BTreeMap<InternedString, &[InternedString]> =
// Keeps track of `member` optional dependencies names (which can be enabled with feature) to suggest similar features in error
let mut optional_dependency_names: Vec<InternedString> = Default::default();
// Keeps track of which features were contained in summary of `member` to suggest similar features in errors
let mut summary_features_per_member: BTreeMap<&Package, BTreeSet<InternedString>> =
// Keeps track of `member` optional dependencies (which can be enabled with feature) to suggest similar features in error
let mut optional_dependency_names_per_member: BTreeMap<&Package, BTreeSet<InternedString>> =
for member in self
.filter(|m| specs.iter().any(|spec| spec.matches(m.package_id())))
// Only include features this member defines.
let summary = member.summary();
// Features defined in the manifest
.insert(member, summary.features().keys().copied().collect());
// Dependency name -> dependency
let dependencies: BTreeMap<InternedString, &Dependency> = summary
.map(|dep| (dep.name_in_toml(), dep))
.map(|(name, dep)| (*name, dep.features())),
// Features that enable optional dependencies
let optional_dependency_names_raw: BTreeSet<_> = dependencies
.filter(|(_, dep)| dep.is_optional())
.map(|(name, _)| name)
optional_dependency_names_per_member.insert(member, optional_dependency_names_raw);
let edit_distance_test = |a: InternedString, b: InternedString| {
edit_distance(a.as_str(), b.as_str(), 3).is_some()
let suggestions: Vec<_> = cli_features
.map(|feature| match feature {
// Simple feature, check if any of the optional dependency features or member features are close enough
FeatureValue::Feature(typo) => {
// Finds member features which are similar to the requested feature.
let summary_features = summary_features
.filter(move |feature| edit_distance_test(**feature, *typo));
// Finds optional dependencies which name is similar to the feature
let optional_dependency_features = optional_dependency_names
.filter(move |feature| edit_distance_test(**feature, *typo));
.map(|s| s.to_string())
FeatureValue::Dep { .. } => panic!("unexpected dep: syntax {}", feature),
FeatureValue::DepFeature {
weak: _,
} => {
// Finds set of `pkg/feat` that are very similar to current `pkg/feat`.
let pkg_feat_similar = dependencies_features
.filter(|(name, _)| edit_distance_test(**name, *dep_name))
.map(|(name, features)| {
.filter(|feature| edit_distance_test(**feature, *dep_feature))
.map(|(name, features)| {
.map(move |feature| format!("{}/{}", name, feature))
// Finds set of `member/optional_dep` features which name is similar to current `pkg/feat`.
let optional_dependency_features = optional_dependency_names_per_member
.filter(|(package, _)| edit_distance_test(, *dep_name))
.map(|(package, optional_dependencies)| {
.filter(|optional_dependency| {
edit_distance_test(**optional_dependency, *dep_name)
.map(move |optional_dependency| {
format!("{}/{}",, optional_dependency)
// Finds set of `member/feat` features which name is similar to current `pkg/feat`.
let summary_features = summary_features_per_member
.filter(|(package, _)| edit_distance_test(, *dep_name))
.map(|(package, summary_features)| {
.filter(|summary_feature| {
edit_distance_test(**summary_feature, *dep_feature)
.map(move |summary_feature| {
format!("{}/{}",, summary_feature)
.map(|v| v.into_iter())
.filter(|element| {
let feature = FeatureValue::new(InternedString::new(element));
!cli_features.features.contains(&feature) && !found_features.contains(&feature)
let unknown: Vec<_> = cli_features
.map(|feature| feature.to_string())
if suggestions.is_empty() {
"none of the selected packages contains these features: {}",
unknown.join(", ")
} else {
"none of the selected packages contains these features: {}, did you mean: {}?",
unknown.join(", "),
suggestions.join(", ")
/// New command-line feature selection behavior with resolver = "2" or the
/// root of a virtual workspace. See `allows_new_cli_feature_behavior`.
fn members_with_features_new(
specs: &[PackageIdSpec],
cli_features: &CliFeatures,
) -> CargoResult<Vec<(&Package, CliFeatures)>> {
// Keeps track of which features matched `member` to produce an error
// if any of them did not match anywhere.
let mut found_features = Default::default();
let members: Vec<(&Package, CliFeatures)> = self
.filter(|m| specs.iter().any(|spec| spec.matches(m.package_id())))
.map(|m| {
Workspace::collect_matching_features(m, cli_features, &mut found_features),
if members.is_empty() {
// `cargo build -p foo`, where `foo` is not a member.
// Do not allow any command-line flags (defaults only).
if !(cli_features.features.is_empty()
&& !cli_features.all_features
&& cli_features.uses_default_features)
bail!("cannot specify features for packages outside of workspace");
// Add all members from the workspace so we can ensure `-p nonmember`
// is in the resolve graph.
return Ok(self
.map(|m| (m, CliFeatures::new_all(false)))
if *cli_features.features != found_features {
self.report_unknown_features_error(specs, cli_features, &found_features)?;
/// This is the "old" behavior for command-line feature selection.
/// See `allows_new_cli_feature_behavior`.
fn members_with_features_old(
specs: &[PackageIdSpec],
cli_features: &CliFeatures,
) -> Vec<(&Package, CliFeatures)> {
// Split off any features with the syntax `member-name/feature-name` into a map
// so that those features can be applied directly to those workspace-members.
let mut member_specific_features: HashMap<InternedString, BTreeSet<FeatureValue>> =
// Features for the member in the current directory.
let mut cwd_features = BTreeSet::new();
for feature in cli_features.features.iter() {
match feature {
FeatureValue::Feature(_) => {
// This should be enforced by CliFeatures.
FeatureValue::Dep { .. } => panic!("unexpected dep: syntax {}", feature),
FeatureValue::DepFeature {
weak: _,
} => {
// I think weak can be ignored here.
// * With `--features member?/feat -p member`, the ? doesn't
// really mean anything (either the member is built or it isn't).
// * With `--features nonmember?/feat`, cwd_features will
// handle processing it correctly.
let is_member = self.members().any(|member| {
// Check if `dep_name` is member of the workspace, but isn't associated with current package.
self.current_opt() != Some(member) && == *dep_name
if is_member && specs.iter().any(|spec| == *dep_name) {
} else {
let ms: Vec<_> = self
.filter_map(|member| {
let member_id = member.package_id();
match self.current_opt() {
// The features passed on the command-line only apply to
// the "current" package (determined by the cwd).
Some(current) if member_id == current.package_id() => {
let feats = CliFeatures {
features: Rc::new(cwd_features.clone()),
all_features: cli_features.all_features,
uses_default_features: cli_features.uses_default_features,
Some((member, feats))
_ => {
// Ignore members that are not enabled on the command-line.
if specs.iter().any(|spec| spec.matches(member_id)) {
// -p for a workspace member that is not the "current"
// one.
// The odd behavior here is due to backwards
// compatibility. `--features` and
// `--no-default-features` used to only apply to the
// "current" package. As an extension, this allows
// member-name/feature-name to set member-specific
// features, which should be backwards-compatible.
let feats = CliFeatures {
features: Rc::new(
uses_default_features: true,
all_features: cli_features.all_features,
Some((member, feats))
} else {
// This member was not requested on the command-line, skip.
// If any member specific features were not removed while iterating over members
// some features will be ignored.
/// Returns true if `unit` should depend on the output of Docscrape units.
pub fn unit_needs_doc_scrape(&self, unit: &Unit) -> bool {
// We do not add scraped units for Host units, as they're either build scripts
// (not documented) or proc macros (have no scrape-able exports). Additionally,
// naively passing a proc macro's unit_for to new_unit_dep will currently cause
// Cargo to panic, see issue #10545.
self.is_member(&unit.pkg) && !( || unit.pkg.proc_macro())
impl<'cfg> Packages<'cfg> {
fn get(&self, manifest_path: &Path) -> &MaybePackage {
fn get_mut(&mut self, manifest_path: &Path) -> &mut MaybePackage {
fn maybe_get(&self, manifest_path: &Path) -> Option<&MaybePackage> {
fn maybe_get_mut(&mut self, manifest_path: &Path) -> Option<&mut MaybePackage> {
fn load(&mut self, manifest_path: &Path) -> CargoResult<&MaybePackage> {
let key = manifest_path.parent().unwrap();
match self.packages.entry(key.to_path_buf()) {
Entry::Occupied(e) => Ok(e.into_mut()),
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
let source_id = SourceId::for_path(key)?;
let (manifest, _nested_paths) =
read_manifest(manifest_path, source_id, self.config)?;
Ok(v.insert(match manifest {
EitherManifest::Real(manifest) => {
MaybePackage::Package(Package::new(manifest, manifest_path))
EitherManifest::Virtual(vm) => MaybePackage::Virtual(vm),
impl MaybePackage {
fn workspace_config(&self) -> &WorkspaceConfig {
match *self {
MaybePackage::Package(ref p) => p.manifest().workspace_config(),
MaybePackage::Virtual(ref vm) => vm.workspace_config(),
/// Has an embedded manifest (single-file package)
pub fn is_embedded(&self) -> bool {
match self {
MaybePackage::Package(p) => p.manifest().is_embedded(),
MaybePackage::Virtual(_) => false,
impl WorkspaceRootConfig {
/// Creates a new Intermediate Workspace Root configuration.
pub fn new(
root_dir: &Path,
members: &Option<Vec<String>>,
default_members: &Option<Vec<String>>,
exclude: &Option<Vec<String>>,
inheritable: &Option<InheritableFields>,
custom_metadata: &Option<toml::Value>,
) -> WorkspaceRootConfig {
WorkspaceRootConfig {
root_dir: root_dir.to_path_buf(),
members: members.clone(),
default_members: default_members.clone(),
exclude: exclude.clone().unwrap_or_default(),
inheritable_fields: inheritable.clone().unwrap_or_default(),
custom_metadata: custom_metadata.clone(),
/// Checks the path against the `excluded` list.
/// This method does **not** consider the `members` list.
fn is_excluded(&self, manifest_path: &Path) -> bool {
let excluded = self
.any(|ex| manifest_path.starts_with(self.root_dir.join(ex)));
let explicit_member = match self.members {
Some(ref members) => members
.any(|mem| manifest_path.starts_with(self.root_dir.join(mem))),
None => false,
!explicit_member && excluded
fn has_members_list(&self) -> bool {
fn members_paths(&self, globs: &[String]) -> CargoResult<Vec<PathBuf>> {
let mut expanded_list = Vec::new();
for glob in globs {
let pathbuf = self.root_dir.join(glob);
let expanded_paths = Self::expand_member_path(&pathbuf)?;
// If glob does not find any valid paths, then put the original
// path in the expanded list to maintain backwards compatibility.
if expanded_paths.is_empty() {
} else {
// Some OS can create system support files anywhere.
// (e.g. macOS creates `.DS_Store` file if you visit a directory using Finder.)
// Such files can be reported as a member path unexpectedly.
// Check and filter out non-directory paths to prevent pushing such accidental unwanted path
// as a member.
for expanded_path in expanded_paths {
if expanded_path.is_dir() {
fn expand_member_path(path: &Path) -> CargoResult<Vec<PathBuf>> {
let path = match path.to_str() {
Some(p) => p,
None => return Ok(Vec::new()),
let res = glob(path).with_context(|| format!("could not parse pattern `{}`", &path))?;
let res = res
.map(|p| p.with_context(|| format!("unable to match path to pattern `{}`", &path)))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
pub fn inheritable(&self) -> &InheritableFields {
pub fn resolve_relative_path(
label: &str,
old_root: &Path,
new_root: &Path,
rel_path: &str,
) -> CargoResult<String> {
let joined_path = normalize_path(&old_root.join(rel_path));
match diff_paths(joined_path, new_root) {
None => Err(anyhow!(
"`{}` was defined in {} but could not be resolved with {}",
Some(path) => Ok(path
.ok_or_else(|| {
"`{}` resolved to non-UTF value (`{}`)",
/// Finds the path of the root of the workspace.
pub fn find_workspace_root(manifest_path: &Path, config: &Config) -> CargoResult<Option<PathBuf>> {
find_workspace_root_with_loader(manifest_path, config, |self_path| {
let key = self_path.parent().unwrap();
let source_id = SourceId::for_path(key)?;
let (manifest, _nested_paths) = read_manifest(self_path, source_id, config)?;
.get_ws_root(self_path, manifest_path))
/// Finds the path of the root of the workspace.
/// This uses a callback to determine if the given path tells us what the
/// workspace root is.
fn find_workspace_root_with_loader(
manifest_path: &Path,
config: &Config,
mut loader: impl FnMut(&Path) -> CargoResult<Option<PathBuf>>,
) -> CargoResult<Option<PathBuf>> {
// Check if there are any workspace roots that have already been found that would work
let roots = config.ws_roots.borrow();
// Iterate through the manifests parent directories until we find a workspace
// root. Note we skip the first item since that is just the path itself
for current in manifest_path.ancestors().skip(1) {
if let Some(ws_config) = roots.get(current) {
if !ws_config.is_excluded(manifest_path) {
// Add `Cargo.toml` since ws_root is the root and not the file
return Ok(Some(current.join("Cargo.toml")));
for ances_manifest_path in find_root_iter(manifest_path, config) {
debug!("find_root - trying {}", ances_manifest_path.display());
if let Some(ws_root_path) = loader(&ances_manifest_path)? {
return Ok(Some(ws_root_path));
fn read_root_pointer(member_manifest: &Path, root_link: &str) -> PathBuf {
let path = member_manifest
debug!("find_root - pointer {}", path.display());
fn find_root_iter<'a>(
manifest_path: &'a Path,
config: &'a Config,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = PathBuf> + 'a {
LookBehind::new(paths::ancestors(manifest_path, None).skip(2))
.take_while(|path| !path.curr.ends_with("target/package"))
// Don't walk across `CARGO_HOME` when we're looking for the
// workspace root. Sometimes a package will be organized with
// `CARGO_HOME` pointing inside of the workspace root or in the
// current package, but we don't want to mistakenly try to put
// crates into the workspace by accident.
.take_while(|path| {
if let Some(last) = path.last {
config.home() != last
} else {
.map(|path| path.curr.join("Cargo.toml"))
.filter(|ances_manifest_path| ances_manifest_path.exists())
struct LookBehindWindow<'a, T: ?Sized> {
curr: &'a T,
last: Option<&'a T>,
struct LookBehind<'a, T: ?Sized, K: Iterator<Item = &'a T>> {
iter: K,
last: Option<&'a T>,
impl<'a, T: ?Sized, K: Iterator<Item = &'a T>> LookBehind<'a, T, K> {
fn new(items: K) -> Self {
Self {
iter: items,
last: None,
impl<'a, T: ?Sized, K: Iterator<Item = &'a T>> Iterator for LookBehind<'a, T, K> {
type Item = LookBehindWindow<'a, T>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match {
None => None,
Some(next) => {
let last = self.last;
self.last = Some(next);
Some(LookBehindWindow { curr: next, last })