blob: 93b9ca4acb0898dc0cb06983c8572ceb2f7bb8b4 [file] [log] [blame]
# REQUIRES: default_triple
# RUN: rm -rf %t.dir && mkdir %t.dir && cd %t.dir
# RUN: llvm-as -o test-output-format.bc %p/Inputs/test-output-format.ll
# A .ll input file should default to text output in reduced.ll
# RUN: llvm-reduce --delta-passes=instructions --test FileCheck --test-arg %s --test-arg --input-file %p/Inputs/test-output-format.ll
# RUN: llvm-as -disable-output reduced.ll
# A .bc input file should default to bitcode output, in reduced.bc (with bitcode intermediates)
# RUN: rm -f reduced.ll reduced.bc
# RUN: llvm-reduce --delta-passes=instructions --test %python --test-arg %p/Inputs/ --test-arg llvm-dis --test-arg FileCheck --test-arg %s test-output-format.bc
# RUN: llvm-dis -disable-output reduced.bc
# A .bc input file with a requested .bc output should produce bitcode
# RUN: llvm-reduce --delta-passes=instructions -o %t.0.bc --test %python --test-arg %p/Inputs/ --test-arg llvm-dis --test-arg FileCheck --test-arg %s test-output-format.bc
# RUN: llvm-dis -disable-output %t.0.bc
# A .bc input file with a requested .ll output
# RUN: rm -f reduced.ll reduced.bc
# RUN: llvm-reduce --delta-passes=instructions -o %t.0.ll --test %python --test-arg %p/Inputs/ --test-arg llvm-dis --test-arg FileCheck --test-arg %s test-output-format.bc
# RUN: llvm-dis -disable-output %t.0.ll
# A file name ending in .bc
# RUN: llvm-reduce -o %t.1.bc --delta-passes=instructions --test FileCheck --test-arg %s --test-arg --input-file %p/Inputs/test-output-format.ll
# RUN: llvm-as -disable-output %t.1.bc
# Make sure an explicit -output-bitcode produces bitcode output regardless of suffix
# RUN: llvm-reduce -output-bitcode -o %t.2_no_suffix --delta-passes=instructions --test FileCheck --test-arg %s --test-arg --input-file %p/Inputs/test-output-format.ll
# RUN: llvm-dis -disable-output %t.2_no_suffix
# Make sure an explicit -output-bitcode overrides .ll suffix
# RUN: llvm-reduce -output-bitcode -o %t.2.ll --delta-passes=instructions --test FileCheck --test-arg %s --test-arg --input-file %p/Inputs/test-output-format.ll
# RUN: llvm-dis -disable-output %t.2.ll
# Make sure MIR ignores requests for bitcode
# RUN: llvm-reduce -output-bitcode --delta-passes=instructions -o %t.3 --test FileCheck --test-arg --check-prefix=MIR --test-arg %s --test-arg --input-file %p/Inputs/test-output-format.mir
# RUN: llc -x mir -run-pass=none -o /dev/null %t.3
# CHECK: store i32 0