blob: e94b10a68d4e9330cd3975190438d3e07569f842 [file] [log] [blame]
Create a dangling DW_AT_signature reference by stripping the debug_types
section, and make sure lldb does something reasonable.
RUN: %clangxx -target x86_64-pc-linux %S/Inputs/debug-types-basic.cpp \
RUN: -g -gdwarf-4 -fdebug-types-section -c -o %t.o
RUN: llvm-objcopy --remove-section=.debug_types %t.o %t
RUN: %lldb %t -b -o "type lookup A" | FileCheck --check-prefix=LOOKUPA %s
LOOKUPA: no type was found matching 'A'
RUN: %lldb %t -b -o "type lookup E" | FileCheck --check-prefix=LOOKUPE %s
LOOKUPE: no type was found matching 'E'
RUN: %lldb %t -b -o "type lookup EC" | FileCheck --check-prefix=LOOKUPEC %s
LOOKUPEC: no type was found matching 'EC'
RUN: not %lldb %t -b -o "expression (E) 1" 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=PRINTE %s
PRINTE: use of undeclared identifier 'E'
RUN: not %lldb %t -b -o "expression (EC) 1" 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=PRINTEC %s
PRINTEC: use of undeclared identifier 'EC'
RUN: %lldb %t -b -o "target variable a e ec" | FileCheck --check-prefix=VARS %s
VARS: (const (unnamed struct)) a = {}
VARS: (const (unnamed enum)) e = 0x1
VARS: (const (unnamed enum)) ec = 0x1