blob: 0b67955a7833c65284a81b8f939ddf6d17bf28ba [file] [log] [blame]
import lldb
from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
from lldbsuite.test.lldbpexpect import PExpectTest
class TestCase(PExpectTest):
def expect_repl(self, expr, substrs=[]):
"""Evaluates the expression in the REPL and verifies that the list
of substrs is in the REPL output."""
# Only single line expressions supported.
self.assertNotIn("\n", expr)
self.child.send(expr + "\n")
for substr in substrs:
# Look for the start of the next REPL input line.
self.current_repl_line_number += 1
self.child.expect_exact(str(self.current_repl_line_number) + ">")
# PExpect uses many timeouts internally and doesn't play well
# under ASAN on a loaded machine..
@skipIf(oslist=["linux"], archs=["arm", "aarch64"]) # Randomly fails on buildbot
def test_basic_completion(self):
"""Test that we can complete a simple multiline expression"""
self.current_repl_line_number = 1
self.launch(executable=self.getBuildArtifact("a.out"), dimensions=(100, 500))
# Try launching the REPL before we have a running target.
"expression --repl -l c --",
substrs=["REPL requires a running target process."],
self.expect("b main", substrs=["Breakpoint 1", "address ="])
self.expect("run", substrs=["stop reason = breakpoint 1"])
# Start the REPL.
self.child.send("expression --repl -l c --\n")
# Try evaluating a simple expression.
self.expect_repl("3 + 3", substrs=["(int) $0 = 6"])
# Try declaring a persistent variable.
"long $persistent = 7; 5",
substrs=["(int) $1 = 5", "(long) $persistent = 7"],
# Try using the persistent variable from before.
self.expect_repl("$persistent + 10", substrs=["(long) $2 = 17"])