blob: 42399bf4a2a05f017efda52d9eb03ec9b8b1f3f3 [file] [log] [blame]
Make sure if we have two classes with the same base name the
dynamic value calculator doesn't confuse them
import lldb
import lldbsuite.test.lldbutil as lldbutil
from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
class DynamicValueSameBaseTestCase(TestBase):
# If your test case doesn't stress debug info, then
# set this to true. That way it won't be run once for
# each debug info format.
def test_same_basename_this(self):
"""Test that the we use the full name to resolve dynamic types."""
self.main_source_file = lldb.SBFileSpec("main.cpp")
def sample_test(self):
(target, process, thread, bkpt) = lldbutil.run_to_source_breakpoint(
self, "Break here to get started", self.main_source_file
# Set breakpoints in the two class methods and run to them:
namesp_bkpt = target.BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex(
"namesp function did something.", self.main_source_file
namesp_bkpt.GetNumLocations(), 1, "Namespace breakpoint invalid"
virtual_bkpt = target.BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex(
"Virtual function did something.", self.main_source_file
virtual_bkpt.GetNumLocations(), 1, "Virtual breakpoint invalid"
threads = lldbutil.continue_to_breakpoint(process, namesp_bkpt)
self.assertEqual(len(threads), 1, "Didn't stop at namespace breakpoint")
frame = threads[0].frame[0]
namesp_this = frame.FindVariable("this", lldb.eDynamicCanRunTarget)
# Clang specifies the type of this as "T *", gcc as "T * const". This
# erases the difference.
namesp_type = namesp_this.GetType().GetUnqualifiedType()
"namesp::Virtual *",
"Didn't get the right dynamic type",
threads = lldbutil.continue_to_breakpoint(process, virtual_bkpt)
self.assertEqual(len(threads), 1, "Didn't stop at virtual breakpoint")
frame = threads[0].frame[0]
virtual_this = frame.FindVariable("this", lldb.eDynamicCanRunTarget)
virtual_type = virtual_this.GetType().GetUnqualifiedType()
virtual_type.GetName(), "Virtual *", "Didn't get the right dynamic type"