blob: efc8fd269ac29ff01ebc68a801a04d5c568228f0 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- StopInfo.cpp ------------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <string>
#include "lldb/Breakpoint/Breakpoint.h"
#include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocation.h"
#include "lldb/Breakpoint/StoppointCallbackContext.h"
#include "lldb/Breakpoint/Watchpoint.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ValueObject.h"
#include "lldb/Expression/UserExpression.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
#include "lldb/Target/StopInfo.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
#include "lldb/Target/ThreadPlan.h"
#include "lldb/Target/ThreadPlanStepInstruction.h"
#include "lldb/Target/UnixSignals.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/LLDBLog.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
StopInfo::StopInfo(Thread &thread, uint64_t value)
: m_thread_wp(thread.shared_from_this()),
m_resume_id(thread.GetProcess()->GetResumeID()), m_value(value),
m_description(), m_override_should_notify(eLazyBoolCalculate),
m_override_should_stop(eLazyBoolCalculate), m_extended_info() {}
bool StopInfo::IsValid() const {
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp)
return thread_sp->GetProcess()->GetStopID() == m_stop_id;
return false;
void StopInfo::MakeStopInfoValid() {
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp) {
m_stop_id = thread_sp->GetProcess()->GetStopID();
m_resume_id = thread_sp->GetProcess()->GetResumeID();
bool StopInfo::HasTargetRunSinceMe() {
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp) {
lldb::StateType ret_type = thread_sp->GetProcess()->GetPrivateState();
if (ret_type == eStateRunning) {
return true;
} else if (ret_type == eStateStopped) {
// This is a little tricky. We want to count "run and stopped again
// before you could ask this question as a "TRUE" answer to
// HasTargetRunSinceMe. But we don't want to include any running of the
// target done for expressions. So we track both resumes, and resumes
// caused by expressions, and check if there are any resumes
// NOT caused
// by expressions.
uint32_t curr_resume_id = thread_sp->GetProcess()->GetResumeID();
uint32_t last_user_expression_id =
if (curr_resume_id == m_resume_id) {
return false;
} else if (curr_resume_id > last_user_expression_id) {
return true;
return false;
// StopInfoBreakpoint
namespace lldb_private {
class StopInfoBreakpoint : public StopInfo {
StopInfoBreakpoint(Thread &thread, break_id_t break_id)
: StopInfo(thread, break_id), m_should_stop(false),
m_should_stop_is_valid(false), m_should_perform_action(true),
m_was_all_internal(false), m_was_one_shot(false) {
StopInfoBreakpoint(Thread &thread, break_id_t break_id, bool should_stop)
: StopInfo(thread, break_id), m_should_stop(should_stop),
m_should_stop_is_valid(true), m_should_perform_action(true),
m_was_all_internal(false), m_was_one_shot(false) {
~StopInfoBreakpoint() override = default;
void StoreBPInfo() {
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp) {
BreakpointSiteSP bp_site_sp(
if (bp_site_sp) {
uint32_t num_owners = bp_site_sp->GetNumberOfOwners();
if (num_owners == 1) {
BreakpointLocationSP bp_loc_sp = bp_site_sp->GetOwnerAtIndex(0);
if (bp_loc_sp) {
Breakpoint & bkpt = bp_loc_sp->GetBreakpoint();
m_break_id = bkpt.GetID();
m_was_one_shot = bkpt.IsOneShot();
m_was_all_internal = bkpt.IsInternal();
} else {
m_was_all_internal = true;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_owners; i++) {
if (!bp_site_sp->GetOwnerAtIndex(i)->GetBreakpoint().IsInternal()) {
m_was_all_internal = false;
m_address = bp_site_sp->GetLoadAddress();
bool IsValidForOperatingSystemThread(Thread &thread) override {
ProcessSP process_sp(thread.GetProcess());
if (process_sp) {
BreakpointSiteSP bp_site_sp(
if (bp_site_sp)
return bp_site_sp->ValidForThisThread(thread);
return false;
StopReason GetStopReason() const override { return eStopReasonBreakpoint; }
bool ShouldStopSynchronous(Event *event_ptr) override {
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp) {
if (!m_should_stop_is_valid) {
// Only check once if we should stop at a breakpoint
BreakpointSiteSP bp_site_sp(
if (bp_site_sp) {
ExecutionContext exe_ctx(thread_sp->GetStackFrameAtIndex(0));
StoppointCallbackContext context(event_ptr, exe_ctx, true);
m_should_stop = bp_site_sp->ShouldStop(&context);
} else {
Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Process);
"Process::%s could not find breakpoint site id: %" PRId64
__FUNCTION__, m_value);
m_should_stop = true;
m_should_stop_is_valid = true;
return m_should_stop;
return false;
bool DoShouldNotify(Event *event_ptr) override {
return !m_was_all_internal;
const char *GetDescription() override {
if (m_description.empty()) {
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp) {
BreakpointSiteSP bp_site_sp(
if (bp_site_sp) {
StreamString strm;
// If we have just hit an internal breakpoint, and it has a kind
// description, print that instead of the full breakpoint printing:
if (bp_site_sp->IsInternal()) {
size_t num_owners = bp_site_sp->GetNumberOfOwners();
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_owners; idx++) {
const char *kind = bp_site_sp->GetOwnerAtIndex(idx)
if (kind != nullptr) {
return kind;
strm.Printf("breakpoint ");
bp_site_sp->GetDescription(&strm, eDescriptionLevelBrief);
m_description = std::string(strm.GetString());
} else {
StreamString strm;
if (m_break_id != LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID) {
BreakpointSP break_sp =
if (break_sp) {
if (break_sp->IsInternal()) {
const char *kind = break_sp->GetBreakpointKind();
if (kind)
strm.Printf("internal %s breakpoint(%d).", kind, m_break_id);
strm.Printf("internal breakpoint(%d).", m_break_id);
} else {
strm.Printf("breakpoint %d.", m_break_id);
} else {
if (m_was_one_shot)
strm.Printf("one-shot breakpoint %d", m_break_id);
strm.Printf("breakpoint %d which has been deleted.",
} else if (m_address == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
strm.Printf("breakpoint site %" PRIi64
" which has been deleted - unknown address",
strm.Printf("breakpoint site %" PRIi64
" which has been deleted - was at 0x%" PRIx64,
m_value, m_address);
m_description = std::string(strm.GetString());
return m_description.c_str();
bool ShouldStop(Event *event_ptr) override {
// This just reports the work done by PerformAction or the synchronous
// stop. It should only ever get called after they have had a chance to
// run.
return m_should_stop;
void PerformAction(Event *event_ptr) override {
if (!m_should_perform_action)
m_should_perform_action = false;
bool all_stopping_locs_internal = true;
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp) {
Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Breakpoints | LLDBLog::Step);
if (!thread_sp->IsValid()) {
// This shouldn't ever happen, but just in case, don't do more harm.
if (log) {
LLDB_LOGF(log, "PerformAction got called with an invalid thread.");
m_should_stop = true;
m_should_stop_is_valid = true;
BreakpointSiteSP bp_site_sp(
std::unordered_set<break_id_t> precondition_breakpoints;
// Breakpoints that fail their condition check are not considered to
// have been hit. If the only locations at this site have failed their
// conditions, we should change the stop-info to none. Otherwise, if we
// hit another breakpoint on a different thread which does stop, users
// will see a breakpont hit with a failed condition, which is wrong.
// Use this variable to tell us if that is true.
bool actually_hit_any_locations = false;
if (bp_site_sp) {
// Let's copy the owners list out of the site and store them in a local
// list. That way if one of the breakpoint actions changes the site,
// then we won't be operating on a bad list.
BreakpointLocationCollection site_locations;
size_t num_owners = bp_site_sp->CopyOwnersList(site_locations);
if (num_owners == 0) {
m_should_stop = true;
actually_hit_any_locations = true; // We're going to stop, don't
// change the stop info.
} else {
// We go through each location, and test first its precondition -
// this overrides everything. Note, we only do this once per
// breakpoint - not once per location... Then check the condition.
// If the condition says to stop, then we run the callback for that
// location. If that callback says to stop as well, then we set
// m_should_stop to true; we are going to stop. But we still want to
// give all the breakpoints whose conditions say we are going to stop
// a chance to run their callbacks. Of course if any callback
// restarts the target by putting "continue" in the callback, then
// we're going to restart, without running the rest of the callbacks.
// And in this case we will end up not stopping even if another
// location said we should stop. But that's better than not running
// all the callbacks.
// There's one other complication here. We may have run an async
// breakpoint callback that said we should stop. We only want to
// override that if another breakpoint action says we shouldn't
// stop. If nobody else has an opinion, then we should stop if the
// async callback says we should. An example of this is the async
// shared library load notification breakpoint and the setting
// stop-on-sharedlibrary-events.
// We'll keep the async value in async_should_stop, and track whether
// anyone said we should NOT stop in actually_said_continue.
bool async_should_stop = false;
if (m_should_stop_is_valid)
async_should_stop = m_should_stop;
bool actually_said_continue = false;
m_should_stop = false;
// We don't select threads as we go through them testing breakpoint
// conditions and running commands. So we need to set the thread for
// expression evaluation here:
ThreadList::ExpressionExecutionThreadPusher thread_pusher(thread_sp);
ExecutionContext exe_ctx(thread_sp->GetStackFrameAtIndex(0));
Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
if (process->GetModIDRef().IsRunningExpression()) {
// If we are in the middle of evaluating an expression, don't run
// asynchronous breakpoint commands or expressions. That could
// lead to infinite recursion if the command or condition re-calls
// the function with this breakpoint.
// TODO: We can keep a list of the breakpoints we've seen while
// running expressions in the nested
// PerformAction calls that can arise when the action runs a
// function that hits another breakpoint, and only stop running
// commands when we see the same breakpoint hit a second time.
m_should_stop_is_valid = true;
// It is possible that the user has a breakpoint at the same site
// as the completed plan had (e.g. user has a breakpoint
// on a module entry point, and `ThreadPlanCallFunction` ends
// also there). We can't find an internal breakpoint in the loop
// later because it was already removed on the plan completion.
// So check if the plan was completed, and stop if so.
if (thread_sp->CompletedPlanOverridesBreakpoint()) {
m_should_stop = true;
LLDB_LOGF(log, "StopInfoBreakpoint::PerformAction - Hit a "
"breakpoint while running an expression,"
" not running commands to avoid recursion.");
bool ignoring_breakpoints =
// Internal breakpoints should be allowed to do their job, we
// can make sure they don't do anything that would cause recursive
// command execution:
if (!m_was_all_internal) {
m_should_stop = !ignoring_breakpoints;
"StopInfoBreakpoint::PerformAction - in expression, "
"continuing: %s.",
m_should_stop ? "true" : "false");
"hit breakpoint while running function, skipping commands "
"and conditions to prevent recursion",
StoppointCallbackContext context(event_ptr, exe_ctx, false);
// For safety's sake let's also grab an extra reference to the
// breakpoint owners of the locations we're going to examine, since
// the locations are going to have to get back to their breakpoints,
// and the locations don't keep their owners alive. I'm just
// sticking the BreakpointSP's in a vector since I'm only using it to
// locally increment their retain counts.
std::vector<lldb::BreakpointSP> location_owners;
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_owners; j++) {
BreakpointLocationSP loc(site_locations.GetByIndex(j));
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_owners; j++) {
lldb::BreakpointLocationSP bp_loc_sp = site_locations.GetByIndex(j);
StreamString loc_desc;
if (log) {
bp_loc_sp->GetDescription(&loc_desc, eDescriptionLevelBrief);
// If another action disabled this breakpoint or its location, then
// don't run the actions.
if (!bp_loc_sp->IsEnabled() ||
// The breakpoint site may have many locations associated with it,
// not all of them valid for this thread. Skip the ones that
// aren't:
if (!bp_loc_sp->ValidForThisThread(*thread_sp)) {
if (log) {
"Breakpoint %s hit on thread 0x%llx but it was not "
"for this thread, continuing.",
static_cast<unsigned long long>(thread_sp->GetID()));
// First run the precondition, but since the precondition is per
// breakpoint, only run it once per breakpoint.
std::pair<std::unordered_set<break_id_t>::iterator, bool> result =
if (!result.second)
bool precondition_result =
if (!precondition_result) {
actually_said_continue = true;
// Next run the condition for the breakpoint. If that says we
// should stop, then we'll run the callback for the breakpoint. If
// the callback says we shouldn't stop that will win.
if (bp_loc_sp->GetConditionText() == nullptr)
actually_hit_any_locations = true;
else {
Status condition_error;
bool condition_says_stop =
bp_loc_sp->ConditionSaysStop(exe_ctx, condition_error);
if (!condition_error.Success()) {
// If the condition fails to evaluate, we are going to stop
// at it, so the location was hit.
actually_hit_any_locations = true;
const char *err_str =
condition_error.AsCString("<unknown error>");
LLDB_LOGF(log, "Error evaluating condition: \"%s\"\n", err_str);
StreamString strm;
strm << "stopped due to an error evaluating condition of "
"breakpoint ";
bp_loc_sp->GetDescription(&strm, eDescriptionLevelBrief);
strm << ": \"" << bp_loc_sp->GetConditionText() << "\"\n";
strm << err_str;
} else {
"Condition evaluated for breakpoint %s on thread "
"0x%llx condition_says_stop: %i.",
static_cast<unsigned long long>(thread_sp->GetID()),
if (condition_says_stop)
actually_hit_any_locations = true;
else {
// We don't want to increment the hit count of breakpoints if
// the condition fails. We've already bumped it by the time
// we get here, so undo the bump:
actually_said_continue = true;
// We've done all the checks whose failure means "we consider lldb
// not to have hit the breakpoint". Now we're going to check for
// conditions that might continue after hitting. Start with the
// ignore count:
if (!bp_loc_sp->IgnoreCountShouldStop()) {
actually_said_continue = true;
// Check the auto-continue bit on the location, do this before the
// callback since it may change this, but that would be for the
// NEXT hit. Note, you might think you could check auto-continue
// before the condition, and not evaluate the condition if it says
// to continue. But failing the condition means the breakpoint was
// effectively NOT HIT. So these two states are different.
bool auto_continue_says_stop = true;
if (bp_loc_sp->IsAutoContinue())
"Continuing breakpoint %s as AutoContinue was set.",
// We want this stop reported, so you will know we auto-continued
// but only for external breakpoints:
if (!bp_loc_sp->GetBreakpoint().IsInternal())
auto_continue_says_stop = false;
bool callback_says_stop = true;
// FIXME: For now the callbacks have to run in async mode - the
// first time we restart we need
// to get out of there. So set it here.
// When we figure out how to nest breakpoint hits then this will
// change.
// Don't run async callbacks in PerformAction. They have already
// been taken into account with async_should_stop.
if (!bp_loc_sp->IsCallbackSynchronous()) {
Debugger &debugger = thread_sp->CalculateTarget()->GetDebugger();
bool old_async = debugger.GetAsyncExecution();
callback_says_stop = bp_loc_sp->InvokeCallback(&context);
if (callback_says_stop && auto_continue_says_stop)
m_should_stop = true;
actually_said_continue = true;
if (m_should_stop && !bp_loc_sp->GetBreakpoint().IsInternal())
all_stopping_locs_internal = false;
// If we are going to stop for this breakpoint, then remove the
// breakpoint.
if (callback_says_stop && bp_loc_sp &&
bp_loc_sp->GetBreakpoint().IsOneShot()) {
// Also make sure that the callback hasn't continued the target. If
// it did, when we'll set m_should_start to false and get out of
// here.
if (HasTargetRunSinceMe()) {
m_should_stop = false;
actually_said_continue = true;
// At this point if nobody actually told us to continue, we should
// give the async breakpoint callback a chance to weigh in:
if (!actually_said_continue && !m_should_stop) {
m_should_stop = async_should_stop;
// We've figured out what this stop wants to do, so mark it as valid so
// we don't compute it again.
m_should_stop_is_valid = true;
} else {
m_should_stop = true;
m_should_stop_is_valid = true;
actually_hit_any_locations = true;
Log *log_process(GetLog(LLDBLog::Process));
"Process::%s could not find breakpoint site id: %" PRId64
__FUNCTION__, m_value);
if ((!m_should_stop || all_stopping_locs_internal) &&
thread_sp->CompletedPlanOverridesBreakpoint()) {
// Override should_stop decision when we have completed step plan
// additionally to the breakpoint
m_should_stop = true;
// We know we're stopping for a completed plan and we don't want to
// show the breakpoint stop, so compute the public stop info immediately
// here.
} else if (!actually_hit_any_locations) {
// In the end, we didn't actually have any locations that passed their
// "was I hit" checks. So say we aren't stopped.
LLDB_LOGF(log, "Process::%s all locations failed condition checks.",
"Process::%s returning from action with m_should_stop: %d.",
__FUNCTION__, m_should_stop);
bool m_should_stop;
bool m_should_stop_is_valid;
bool m_should_perform_action; // Since we are trying to preserve the "state"
// of the system even if we run functions
// etc. behind the users backs, we need to make sure we only REALLY perform
// the action once.
lldb::addr_t m_address; // We use this to capture the breakpoint site address
// when we create the StopInfo,
// in case somebody deletes it between the time the StopInfo is made and the
// description is asked for.
lldb::break_id_t m_break_id;
bool m_was_all_internal;
bool m_was_one_shot;
// StopInfoWatchpoint
class StopInfoWatchpoint : public StopInfo {
// Make sure watchpoint is properly disabled and subsequently enabled while
// performing watchpoint actions.
class WatchpointSentry {
WatchpointSentry(ProcessSP p_sp, WatchpointSP w_sp) : process_sp(p_sp),
watchpoint_sp(w_sp) {
if (process_sp && watchpoint_sp) {
const bool notify = false;
process_sp->DisableWatchpoint(watchpoint_sp.get(), notify);
process_sp->AddPreResumeAction(SentryPreResumeAction, this);
void DoReenable() {
if (process_sp && watchpoint_sp) {
bool was_disabled = watchpoint_sp->IsDisabledDuringEphemeralMode();
const bool notify = false;
if (was_disabled) {
process_sp->DisableWatchpoint(watchpoint_sp.get(), notify);
} else {
process_sp->EnableWatchpoint(watchpoint_sp.get(), notify);
~WatchpointSentry() {
if (process_sp)
process_sp->ClearPreResumeAction(SentryPreResumeAction, this);
static bool SentryPreResumeAction(void *sentry_void) {
WatchpointSentry *sentry = (WatchpointSentry *) sentry_void;
return true;
ProcessSP process_sp;
WatchpointSP watchpoint_sp;
StopInfoWatchpoint(Thread &thread, break_id_t watch_id, bool silently_skip_wp)
: StopInfo(thread, watch_id), m_silently_skip_wp(silently_skip_wp) {}
~StopInfoWatchpoint() override = default;
StopReason GetStopReason() const override { return eStopReasonWatchpoint; }
const char *GetDescription() override {
if (m_description.empty()) {
StreamString strm;
strm.Printf("watchpoint %" PRIi64, m_value);
m_description = std::string(strm.GetString());
return m_description.c_str();
using StopInfoWatchpointSP = std::shared_ptr<StopInfoWatchpoint>;
// This plan is used to orchestrate stepping over the watchpoint for
// architectures (e.g. ARM) that report the watch before running the watched
// access. This is the sort of job you have to defer to the thread plans,
// if you try to do it directly in the stop info and there are other threads
// that needed to process this stop you will have yanked control away from
// them and they won't behave correctly.
class ThreadPlanStepOverWatchpoint : public ThreadPlanStepInstruction {
ThreadPlanStepOverWatchpoint(Thread &thread,
StopInfoWatchpointSP stop_info_sp,
WatchpointSP watch_sp)
: ThreadPlanStepInstruction(thread, false, true, eVoteNoOpinion,
m_stop_info_sp(stop_info_sp), m_watch_sp(watch_sp) {
m_watch_index = watch_sp->GetHardwareIndex();
bool DoWillResume(lldb::StateType resume_state,
bool current_plan) override {
if (resume_state == eStateSuspended)
return true;
if (!m_did_disable_wp) {
GetThread().GetProcess()->DisableWatchpoint(m_watch_sp.get(), false);
m_did_disable_wp = true;
return true;
bool DoPlanExplainsStop(Event *event_ptr) override {
if (ThreadPlanStepInstruction::DoPlanExplainsStop(event_ptr))
return true;
StopInfoSP stop_info_sp = GetThread().GetPrivateStopInfo();
// lldb-server resets the stop info for threads that didn't get to run,
// so we might have not gotten to run, but still have a watchpoint stop
// reason, in which case this will indeed be for us.
if (stop_info_sp
&& stop_info_sp->GetStopReason() == eStopReasonWatchpoint)
return true;
return false;
void DidPop() override {
// Don't artifically keep the watchpoint alive.
bool ShouldStop(Event *event_ptr) override {
bool should_stop = ThreadPlanStepInstruction::ShouldStop(event_ptr);
bool plan_done = MischiefManaged();
if (plan_done) {
return should_stop;
bool ShouldRunBeforePublicStop() override {
return true;
void ResetWatchpoint() {
if (!m_did_disable_wp)
m_did_disable_wp = true;
GetThread().GetProcess()->EnableWatchpoint(m_watch_sp.get(), true);
StopInfoWatchpointSP m_stop_info_sp;
WatchpointSP m_watch_sp;
uint32_t m_watch_index = LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
bool m_did_disable_wp = false;
bool ShouldStopSynchronous(Event *event_ptr) override {
// If we are running our step-over the watchpoint plan, stop if it's done
// and continue if it's not:
if (m_should_stop_is_valid)
return m_should_stop;
// If we are running our step over plan, then stop here and let the regular
// ShouldStop figure out what we should do: Otherwise, give our plan
// more time to get run:
if (m_using_step_over_plan)
return m_step_over_plan_complete;
Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Process);
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp->GetTemporaryResumeState() == eStateSuspended) {
// This is the second firing of a watchpoint so don't process it again.
LLDB_LOG(log, "We didn't run but stopped with a StopInfoWatchpoint, we "
"have already handled this one, don't do it again.");
m_should_stop = false;
m_should_stop_is_valid = true;
return m_should_stop;
WatchpointSP wp_sp(
// If we can no longer find the watchpoint, we just have to stop:
if (!wp_sp) {
"Process::%s could not find watchpoint location id: %" PRId64
__FUNCTION__, GetValue());
m_should_stop = true;
m_should_stop_is_valid = true;
return true;
ExecutionContext exe_ctx(thread_sp->GetStackFrameAtIndex(0));
StoppointCallbackContext context(event_ptr, exe_ctx, true);
m_should_stop = wp_sp->ShouldStop(&context);
if (!m_should_stop) {
// This won't happen at present because we only allow one watchpoint per
// watched range. So we won't stop at a watched address with a disabled
// watchpoint. If we start allowing overlapping watchpoints, then we
// will have to make watchpoints be real "WatchpointSite" and delegate to
// all the watchpoints sharing the site. In that case, the code below
// would be the right thing to do.
m_should_stop_is_valid = true;
return m_should_stop;
// If this is a system where we need to execute the watchpoint by hand
// after the hit, queue a thread plan to do that, and then say not to stop.
// Otherwise, let the async action figure out whether the watchpoint should
// stop
ProcessSP process_sp = exe_ctx.GetProcessSP();
bool wp_triggers_after = process_sp->GetWatchpointReportedAfter();
if (!wp_triggers_after) {
// We have to step over the watchpoint before we know what to do:
StopInfoWatchpointSP me_as_siwp_sp
= std::static_pointer_cast<StopInfoWatchpoint>(shared_from_this());
ThreadPlanSP step_over_wp_sp(new ThreadPlanStepOverWatchpoint(
*(thread_sp.get()), me_as_siwp_sp, wp_sp));
// When this plan is done we want to stop, so set this as a Controlling
// plan.
Status error;
error = thread_sp->QueueThreadPlan(step_over_wp_sp, false);
// If we couldn't push the thread plan, just stop here:
if (!error.Success()) {
LLDB_LOGF(log, "Could not push our step over watchpoint plan: %s",
m_should_stop = true;
m_should_stop_is_valid = true;
return true;
} else {
// Otherwise, don't set m_should_stop, we don't know that yet. Just
// say we should continue, and tell the thread we really should do so:
m_using_step_over_plan = true;
return false;
} else {
// We didn't have to do anything special
m_should_stop_is_valid = true;
return m_should_stop;
return m_should_stop;
bool ShouldStop(Event *event_ptr) override {
// This just reports the work done by PerformAction or the synchronous
// stop. It should only ever get called after they have had a chance to
// run.
return m_should_stop;
void PerformAction(Event *event_ptr) override {
Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Watchpoints);
// We're going to calculate if we should stop or not in some way during the
// course of this code. Also by default we're going to stop, so set that
// here.
m_should_stop = true;
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp) {
WatchpointSP wp_sp(
if (wp_sp) {
// This sentry object makes sure the current watchpoint is disabled
// while performing watchpoint actions, and it is then enabled after we
// are finished.
ExecutionContext exe_ctx(thread_sp->GetStackFrameAtIndex(0));
ProcessSP process_sp = exe_ctx.GetProcessSP();
WatchpointSentry sentry(process_sp, wp_sp);
if (m_silently_skip_wp) {
m_should_stop = false;
if (wp_sp->GetHitCount() <= wp_sp->GetIgnoreCount()) {
m_should_stop = false;
m_should_stop_is_valid = true;
Debugger &debugger = exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().GetDebugger();
if (m_should_stop && wp_sp->GetConditionText() != nullptr) {
// We need to make sure the user sees any parse errors in their
// condition, so we'll hook the constructor errors up to the
// debugger's Async I/O.
ExpressionResults result_code;
EvaluateExpressionOptions expr_options;
ValueObjectSP result_value_sp;
Status error;
result_code = UserExpression::Evaluate(
exe_ctx, expr_options, wp_sp->GetConditionText(),
llvm::StringRef(), result_value_sp, error);
if (result_code == eExpressionCompleted) {
if (result_value_sp) {
Scalar scalar_value;
if (result_value_sp->ResolveValue(scalar_value)) {
if (scalar_value.ULongLong(1) == 0) {
// The condition failed, which we consider "not having hit
// the watchpoint" so undo the hit count here.
m_should_stop = false;
} else
m_should_stop = true;
"Condition successfully evaluated, result is %s.\n",
m_should_stop ? "true" : "false");
} else {
m_should_stop = true;
"Failed to get an integer result from the expression.");
} else {
const char *err_str = error.AsCString("<unknown error>");
LLDB_LOGF(log, "Error evaluating condition: \"%s\"\n", err_str);
StreamString strm;
strm << "stopped due to an error evaluating condition of "
"watchpoint ";
wp_sp->GetDescription(&strm, eDescriptionLevelBrief);
strm << ": \"" << wp_sp->GetConditionText() << "\"\n";
strm << err_str;
// If the condition says to stop, we run the callback to further decide
// whether to stop.
if (m_should_stop) {
// FIXME: For now the callbacks have to run in async mode - the
// first time we restart we need
// to get out of there. So set it here.
// When we figure out how to nest watchpoint hits then this will
// change.
bool old_async = debugger.GetAsyncExecution();
StoppointCallbackContext context(event_ptr, exe_ctx, false);
bool stop_requested = wp_sp->InvokeCallback(&context);
// Also make sure that the callback hasn't continued the target. If
// it did, when we'll set m_should_stop to false and get out of here.
if (HasTargetRunSinceMe())
m_should_stop = false;
if (m_should_stop && !stop_requested) {
// We have been vetoed by the callback mechanism.
m_should_stop = false;
// Finally, if we are going to stop, print out the new & old values:
if (m_should_stop) {
Debugger &debugger = exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().GetDebugger();
StreamSP output_sp = debugger.GetAsyncOutputStream();
} else {
Log *log_process(GetLog(LLDBLog::Process));
"Process::%s could not find watchpoint id: %" PRId64 "...",
__FUNCTION__, m_value);
"Process::%s returning from action with m_should_stop: %d.",
__FUNCTION__, m_should_stop);
m_should_stop_is_valid = true;
void SetStepOverPlanComplete() {
m_step_over_plan_complete = true;
bool m_should_stop = false;
bool m_should_stop_is_valid = false;
// A false watchpoint hit has happened -
// the thread stopped with a watchpoint
// hit notification, but the watched region
// was not actually accessed (as determined
// by the gdb stub we're talking to).
// Continue past this watchpoint without
// notifying the user; on some targets this
// may mean disable wp, instruction step,
// re-enable wp, continue.
// On others, just continue.
bool m_silently_skip_wp = false;
bool m_step_over_plan_complete = false;
bool m_using_step_over_plan = false;
// StopInfoUnixSignal
class StopInfoUnixSignal : public StopInfo {
StopInfoUnixSignal(Thread &thread, int signo, const char *description,
std::optional<int> code)
: StopInfo(thread, signo), m_code(code) {
~StopInfoUnixSignal() override = default;
StopReason GetStopReason() const override { return eStopReasonSignal; }
bool ShouldStopSynchronous(Event *event_ptr) override {
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp)
return thread_sp->GetProcess()->GetUnixSignals()->GetShouldStop(m_value);
return false;
bool ShouldStop(Event *event_ptr) override {
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp)
return thread_sp->GetProcess()->GetUnixSignals()->GetShouldStop(m_value);
return false;
// If should stop returns false, check if we should notify of this event
bool DoShouldNotify(Event *event_ptr) override {
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp) {
bool should_notify =
if (should_notify) {
StreamString strm;
"thread %d received signal: %s", thread_sp->GetIndexID(),
return should_notify;
return true;
void WillResume(lldb::StateType resume_state) override {
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp) {
if (!thread_sp->GetProcess()->GetUnixSignals()->GetShouldSuppress(
const char *GetDescription() override {
if (m_description.empty()) {
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp) {
UnixSignalsSP unix_signals = thread_sp->GetProcess()->GetUnixSignals();
StreamString strm;
strm << "signal ";
std::string signal_name =
unix_signals->GetSignalDescription(m_value, m_code);
if (signal_name.size())
strm << signal_name;
strm.Printf("%" PRIi64, m_value);
m_description = std::string(strm.GetString());
return m_description.c_str();
// In siginfo_t terms, if m_value is si_signo, m_code is si_code.
std::optional<int> m_code;
// StopInfoTrace
class StopInfoTrace : public StopInfo {
StopInfoTrace(Thread &thread) : StopInfo(thread, LLDB_INVALID_UID) {}
~StopInfoTrace() override = default;
StopReason GetStopReason() const override { return eStopReasonTrace; }
const char *GetDescription() override {
if (m_description.empty())
return "trace";
return m_description.c_str();
// StopInfoException
class StopInfoException : public StopInfo {
StopInfoException(Thread &thread, const char *description)
: StopInfo(thread, LLDB_INVALID_UID) {
if (description)
~StopInfoException() override = default;
StopReason GetStopReason() const override { return eStopReasonException; }
const char *GetDescription() override {
if (m_description.empty())
return "exception";
return m_description.c_str();
// StopInfoProcessorTrace
class StopInfoProcessorTrace : public StopInfo {
StopInfoProcessorTrace(Thread &thread, const char *description)
: StopInfo(thread, LLDB_INVALID_UID) {
if (description)
~StopInfoProcessorTrace() override = default;
StopReason GetStopReason() const override {
return eStopReasonProcessorTrace;
const char *GetDescription() override {
if (m_description.empty())
return "processor trace event";
return m_description.c_str();
// StopInfoThreadPlan
class StopInfoThreadPlan : public StopInfo {
StopInfoThreadPlan(ThreadPlanSP &plan_sp, ValueObjectSP &return_valobj_sp,
ExpressionVariableSP &expression_variable_sp)
: StopInfo(plan_sp->GetThread(), LLDB_INVALID_UID), m_plan_sp(plan_sp),
m_expression_variable_sp(expression_variable_sp) {}
~StopInfoThreadPlan() override = default;
StopReason GetStopReason() const override { return eStopReasonPlanComplete; }
const char *GetDescription() override {
if (m_description.empty()) {
StreamString strm;
m_plan_sp->GetDescription(&strm, eDescriptionLevelBrief);
m_description = std::string(strm.GetString());
return m_description.c_str();
ValueObjectSP GetReturnValueObject() { return m_return_valobj_sp; }
ExpressionVariableSP GetExpressionVariable() {
return m_expression_variable_sp;
bool ShouldStop(Event *event_ptr) override {
if (m_plan_sp)
return m_plan_sp->ShouldStop(event_ptr);
return StopInfo::ShouldStop(event_ptr);
ThreadPlanSP m_plan_sp;
ValueObjectSP m_return_valobj_sp;
ExpressionVariableSP m_expression_variable_sp;
// StopInfoExec
class StopInfoExec : public StopInfo {
StopInfoExec(Thread &thread) : StopInfo(thread, LLDB_INVALID_UID) {}
~StopInfoExec() override = default;
bool ShouldStop(Event *event_ptr) override {
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp)
return thread_sp->GetProcess()->GetStopOnExec();
return false;
StopReason GetStopReason() const override { return eStopReasonExec; }
const char *GetDescription() override { return "exec"; }
void PerformAction(Event *event_ptr) override {
// Only perform the action once
if (m_performed_action)
m_performed_action = true;
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp)
bool m_performed_action = false;
// StopInfoFork
class StopInfoFork : public StopInfo {
StopInfoFork(Thread &thread, lldb::pid_t child_pid, lldb::tid_t child_tid)
: StopInfo(thread, child_pid), m_child_pid(child_pid),
m_child_tid(child_tid) {}
~StopInfoFork() override = default;
bool ShouldStop(Event *event_ptr) override { return false; }
StopReason GetStopReason() const override { return eStopReasonFork; }
const char *GetDescription() override { return "fork"; }
void PerformAction(Event *event_ptr) override {
// Only perform the action once
if (m_performed_action)
m_performed_action = true;
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp)
thread_sp->GetProcess()->DidFork(m_child_pid, m_child_tid);
bool m_performed_action = false;
lldb::pid_t m_child_pid;
lldb::tid_t m_child_tid;
// StopInfoVFork
class StopInfoVFork : public StopInfo {
StopInfoVFork(Thread &thread, lldb::pid_t child_pid, lldb::tid_t child_tid)
: StopInfo(thread, child_pid), m_child_pid(child_pid),
m_child_tid(child_tid) {}
~StopInfoVFork() override = default;
bool ShouldStop(Event *event_ptr) override { return false; }
StopReason GetStopReason() const override { return eStopReasonVFork; }
const char *GetDescription() override { return "vfork"; }
void PerformAction(Event *event_ptr) override {
// Only perform the action once
if (m_performed_action)
m_performed_action = true;
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp)
thread_sp->GetProcess()->DidVFork(m_child_pid, m_child_tid);
bool m_performed_action = false;
lldb::pid_t m_child_pid;
lldb::tid_t m_child_tid;
// StopInfoVForkDone
class StopInfoVForkDone : public StopInfo {
StopInfoVForkDone(Thread &thread) : StopInfo(thread, 0) {}
~StopInfoVForkDone() override = default;
bool ShouldStop(Event *event_ptr) override { return false; }
StopReason GetStopReason() const override { return eStopReasonVForkDone; }
const char *GetDescription() override { return "vforkdone"; }
void PerformAction(Event *event_ptr) override {
// Only perform the action once
if (m_performed_action)
m_performed_action = true;
ThreadSP thread_sp(m_thread_wp.lock());
if (thread_sp)
bool m_performed_action = false;
} // namespace lldb_private
StopInfoSP StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithBreakpointSiteID(Thread &thread,
break_id_t break_id) {
return StopInfoSP(new StopInfoBreakpoint(thread, break_id));
StopInfoSP StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithBreakpointSiteID(Thread &thread,
break_id_t break_id,
bool should_stop) {
return StopInfoSP(new StopInfoBreakpoint(thread, break_id, should_stop));
StopInfoSP StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithWatchpointID(Thread &thread,
break_id_t watch_id,
bool silently_continue) {
return StopInfoSP(
new StopInfoWatchpoint(thread, watch_id, silently_continue));
StopInfoSP StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithSignal(Thread &thread, int signo,
const char *description,
std::optional<int> code) {
return StopInfoSP(new StopInfoUnixSignal(thread, signo, description, code));
StopInfoSP StopInfo::CreateStopReasonToTrace(Thread &thread) {
return StopInfoSP(new StopInfoTrace(thread));
StopInfoSP StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithPlan(
ThreadPlanSP &plan_sp, ValueObjectSP return_valobj_sp,
ExpressionVariableSP expression_variable_sp) {
return StopInfoSP(new StopInfoThreadPlan(plan_sp, return_valobj_sp,
StopInfoSP StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithException(Thread &thread,
const char *description) {
return StopInfoSP(new StopInfoException(thread, description));
StopInfoSP StopInfo::CreateStopReasonProcessorTrace(Thread &thread,
const char *description) {
return StopInfoSP(new StopInfoProcessorTrace(thread, description));
StopInfoSP StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithExec(Thread &thread) {
return StopInfoSP(new StopInfoExec(thread));
StopInfoSP StopInfo::CreateStopReasonFork(Thread &thread,
lldb::pid_t child_pid,
lldb::tid_t child_tid) {
return StopInfoSP(new StopInfoFork(thread, child_pid, child_tid));
StopInfoSP StopInfo::CreateStopReasonVFork(Thread &thread,
lldb::pid_t child_pid,
lldb::tid_t child_tid) {
return StopInfoSP(new StopInfoVFork(thread, child_pid, child_tid));
StopInfoSP StopInfo::CreateStopReasonVForkDone(Thread &thread) {
return StopInfoSP(new StopInfoVForkDone(thread));
ValueObjectSP StopInfo::GetReturnValueObject(StopInfoSP &stop_info_sp) {
if (stop_info_sp &&
stop_info_sp->GetStopReason() == eStopReasonPlanComplete) {
StopInfoThreadPlan *plan_stop_info =
static_cast<StopInfoThreadPlan *>(stop_info_sp.get());
return plan_stop_info->GetReturnValueObject();
} else
return ValueObjectSP();
ExpressionVariableSP StopInfo::GetExpressionVariable(StopInfoSP &stop_info_sp) {
if (stop_info_sp &&
stop_info_sp->GetStopReason() == eStopReasonPlanComplete) {
StopInfoThreadPlan *plan_stop_info =
static_cast<StopInfoThreadPlan *>(stop_info_sp.get());
return plan_stop_info->GetExpressionVariable();
} else
return ExpressionVariableSP();
StopInfo::GetCrashingDereference(StopInfoSP &stop_info_sp,
lldb::addr_t *crashing_address) {
if (!stop_info_sp) {
return ValueObjectSP();
const char *description = stop_info_sp->GetDescription();
if (!description) {
return ValueObjectSP();
ThreadSP thread_sp = stop_info_sp->GetThread();
if (!thread_sp) {
return ValueObjectSP();
StackFrameSP frame_sp =
if (!frame_sp) {
return ValueObjectSP();
const char address_string[] = "address=";
const char *address_loc = strstr(description, address_string);
if (!address_loc) {
return ValueObjectSP();
address_loc += (sizeof(address_string) - 1);
uint64_t address = strtoull(address_loc, nullptr, 0);
if (crashing_address) {
*crashing_address = address;
return frame_sp->GuessValueForAddress(address);