blob: 06fb45d777ec36f5c09434b6eea4f903901c726b [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- RegisterFlags.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lldb/Target/RegisterFlags.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h"
#include <numeric>
#include <optional>
using namespace lldb_private;
void RegisterFlags::Field::log(Log *log) const {
LLDB_LOG(log, " Name: \"{0}\" Start: {1} End: {2}", m_name.c_str(), m_start,
bool RegisterFlags::Field::Overlaps(const Field &other) const {
unsigned overlap_start = std::max(GetStart(), other.GetStart());
unsigned overlap_end = std::min(GetEnd(), other.GetEnd());
return overlap_start <= overlap_end;
unsigned RegisterFlags::Field::PaddingDistance(const Field &other) const {
assert(!Overlaps(other) &&
"Cannot get padding distance for overlapping fields.");
assert((other < (*this)) && "Expected fields in MSB to LSB order.");
// If they don't overlap they are either next to each other or separated
// by some number of bits.
// Where left will be the MSB and right will be the LSB.
unsigned lhs_start = GetStart();
unsigned rhs_end = other.GetStart() + other.GetSizeInBits() - 1;
if (*this < other) {
lhs_start = other.GetStart();
rhs_end = GetStart() + GetSizeInBits() - 1;
return lhs_start - rhs_end - 1;
RegisterFlags::RegisterFlags(std::string id, unsigned size,
const std::vector<Field> &fields)
: m_id(std::move(id)), m_size(size) {
// We expect that the XML processor will discard anything describing flags but
// with no fields.
assert(fields.size() && "Some fields must be provided.");
// We expect that these are unsorted but do not overlap.
// They could fill the register but may have gaps.
std::vector<Field> provided_fields = fields;
// ProcessGDBRemote should have sorted these in descending order already.
assert(std::is_sorted(provided_fields.rbegin(), provided_fields.rend()));
// Build a new list of fields that includes anonymous (empty name) fields
// wherever there is a gap. This will simplify processing later.
std::optional<Field> previous_field;
unsigned register_msb = (size * 8) - 1;
for (auto field : provided_fields) {
if (previous_field) {
unsigned padding = previous_field->PaddingDistance(field);
if (padding) {
// -1 to end just before the previous field.
unsigned end = previous_field->GetStart() - 1;
// +1 because if you want to pad 1 bit you want to start and end
// on the same bit.
m_fields.push_back(Field("", field.GetEnd() + 1, end));
} else {
// This is the first field. Check that it starts at the register's MSB.
if (field.GetEnd() != register_msb)
m_fields.push_back(Field("", field.GetEnd() + 1, register_msb));
previous_field = field;
// The last field may not extend all the way to bit 0.
if (previous_field && previous_field->GetStart() != 0)
m_fields.push_back(Field("", 0, previous_field->GetStart() - 1));
void RegisterFlags::log(Log *log) const {
LLDB_LOG(log, "ID: \"{0}\" Size: {1}", m_id.c_str(), m_size);
for (const Field &field : m_fields)
static StreamString FormatCell(const StreamString &content,
unsigned column_width) {
unsigned pad = column_width - content.GetString().size();
std::string pad_l;
std::string pad_r;
if (pad) {
pad_l = std::string(pad / 2, ' ');
pad_r = std::string((pad / 2) + (pad % 2), ' ');
StreamString aligned;
aligned.Printf("|%s%s%s", pad_l.c_str(), content.GetString().data(),
return aligned;
static void EmitTable(std::string &out, std::array<std::string, 3> &table) {
// Close the table.
for (std::string &line : table)
line += '|';
out += std::accumulate(table.begin() + 1, table.end(), table.front(),
[](std::string lhs, const auto &rhs) {
return std::move(lhs) + "\n" + rhs;
std::string RegisterFlags::AsTable(uint32_t max_width) const {
std::string table;
// position / gridline / name
std::array<std::string, 3> lines;
uint32_t current_width = 0;
for (const RegisterFlags::Field &field : m_fields) {
StreamString position;
if (field.GetEnd() == field.GetStart())
position.Printf(" %d ", field.GetEnd());
position.Printf(" %d-%d ", field.GetEnd(), field.GetStart());
StreamString name;
name.Printf(" %s ", field.GetName().c_str());
unsigned column_width = position.GetString().size();
unsigned name_width = name.GetString().size();
if (name_width > column_width)
column_width = name_width;
// If the next column would overflow and we have already formatted at least
// one column, put out what we have and move to a new table on the next line
// (+1 here because we need to cap the ends with '|'). If this is the first
// column, just let it overflow and we'll wrap next time around. There's not
// much we can do with a very small terminal.
if (current_width && ((current_width + column_width + 1) >= max_width)) {
EmitTable(table, lines);
// Blank line between each.
table += "\n\n";
for (std::string &line : lines)
current_width = 0;
StreamString aligned_position = FormatCell(position, column_width);
lines[0] += aligned_position.GetString();
StreamString grid;
grid << '|' << std::string(column_width, '-');
lines[1] += grid.GetString();
StreamString aligned_name = FormatCell(name, column_width);
lines[2] += aligned_name.GetString();
// +1 for the left side '|'.
current_width += column_width + 1;
// If we didn't overflow and still have table to print out.
if (lines[0].size())
EmitTable(table, lines);
return table;