blob: 219119d1a4cd087368e4dad08e395257e50e991d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++98 %s -verify -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 %s -verify -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++14 %s -verify -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++17 %s -verify -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 %s -verify -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++23 %s -verify -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++2c %s -verify -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
namespace dr1710 { // dr1710: no
// FIXME: all of the following is well-formed
template <typename T> struct D1 : T::template B<int>::template C<int> {};
template <typename T> struct D2 : T::B<int>::template C<int> {};
// expected-error@-1 {{use 'template' keyword to treat 'B' as a dependent template name}}
template <typename T> struct D3 : T::template B<int>::C<int> {};
// expected-error@-1 {{use 'template' keyword to treat 'C' as a dependent template name}}
template <typename T> struct D4 : T::B<int>::C<int> {};
// expected-error@-1 {{use 'template' keyword to treat 'B' as a dependent template name}}
// expected-error@-2 {{use 'template' keyword to treat 'C' as a dependent template name}}
} // namespace dr1710
namespace dr1715 { // dr1715: 3.9
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
struct B {
template<class T> B(T, typename T::Q);
class S {
using Q = int;
template<class T> friend B::B(T, typename T::Q);
struct D : B {
using B::B;
struct E : B { // expected-note 2{{candidate}}
template<class T> E(T t, typename T::Q q) : B(t, q) {} // expected-note {{'Q' is a private member}}
B b(S(), 1);
D d(S(), 2);
E e(S(), 3); // expected-error {{no match}}
namespace dr1722 { // dr1722: 9
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
void f() {
const auto lambda = [](int x) { return x + 1; };
// Without the DR applied, this static_assert would fail.
noexcept((int (*)(int))(lambda)),
"Lambda-to-function-pointer conversion is expected to be noexcept");
} // namespace dr1722
namespace dr1734 { // dr1734: no
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
struct A {
A(const A&) = delete;
// FIXME: 'A' should not be trivially copyable because the class lacks at least
// one non-deleted copy constructor, move constructor, copy assignment
// operator, or move assignment operator.
static_assert(__is_trivially_copyable(A), "");
namespace dr1736 { // dr1736: 3.9
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
struct S {
template <class T> S(T t) {
struct L : S {
using S::S;
typename T::type value; // expected-error {{no member}}
L l(value); // expected-note {{instantiation of}}
struct Q { typedef int type; } q;
S s(q); // expected-note {{instantiation of}}
namespace dr1753 { // dr1753: 11
typedef int T;
struct A { typedef int T; };
namespace B { typedef int T; }
void f(T n) {
n.dr1753::~T(); // expected-error {{'dr1753' does not refer to a type name in pseudo-destructor}}
n.A::~T(); // expected-error {{the type of object expression ('T' (aka 'int')) does not match the type being destroyed ('A') in pseudo-destructor expression}}
n.B::~T(); // expected-error {{'B' does not refer to a type name in pseudo-destructor expression}}
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
n.decltype(n)::~T(); // expected-error {{not a class, namespace, or enumeration}}
n.T::~decltype(n)(); // expected-error {{expected a class name after '~'}}
n.~decltype(n)(); // OK
namespace dr1756 { // dr1756: 3.7
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
// Direct-list-initialization of a non-class object
int a{0};
struct X { operator int(); } x;
int b{x};
namespace dr1758 { // dr1758: 3.7
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
// Explicit conversion in copy/move list initialization
struct X { X(); };
struct Y { explicit operator X(); } y;
X x{y};
struct A {
A() {}
A(const A &) {}
struct B {
operator A() { return A(); }
} b;
A a{b};
namespace dr1762 { // dr1762: 14
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
float operator ""_E(const char *);
// expected-error@+2 {{invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier}}
// expected-warning@+1 {{user-defined literal suffixes not starting with '_' are reserved; no literal will invoke this operator}}
float operator ""E(const char *);
namespace dr1778 { // dr1778: 9
// Superseded by P1286R2.
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
struct A { A() noexcept(true) = default; };
struct B { B() noexcept(false) = default; };
static_assert(noexcept(A()), "");
static_assert(!noexcept(B()), "");
struct C { A a; C() noexcept(false) = default; };
struct D { B b; D() noexcept(true) = default; };
static_assert(!noexcept(C()), "");
static_assert(noexcept(D()), "");
namespace dr1794 { // dr1794: yes
// NB: dup 1710
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
template <template <typename> class Template> struct Internal {
template <typename Arg> using Bind = Template<Arg>;
template <template <typename> class Template, typename Arg>
using Instantiate = Template<Arg>;
template <template <typename> class Template, typename Argument>
using Bind = Instantiate<Internal<Template>::template Bind, Argument>;
} // namespace dr1794