blob: 5dd06c6ca4f407f974ac8cb0331c7081f439500e [file] [log] [blame]
//! Debugging code to test fingerprints computed for query results. For each node marked with
//! `#[rustc_clean]` we will compare the fingerprint from the current and from the previous
//! compilation session as appropriate:
//! - `#[rustc_clean(cfg="rev2", except="typeck")]` if we are
//! in `#[cfg(rev2)]`, then the fingerprints associated with
//! `DepNode::typeck(X)` must be DIFFERENT (`X` is the `DefId` of the
//! current node).
//! - `#[rustc_clean(cfg="rev2")]` same as above, except that the
//! fingerprints must be the SAME (along with all other fingerprints).
//! - `#[rustc_clean(cfg="rev2", loaded_from_disk='typeck")]` asserts that
//! the query result for `DepNode::typeck(X)` was actually
//! loaded from disk (not just marked green). This can be useful
//! to ensure that a test is actually exercising the deserialization
//! logic for a particular query result. This can be combined with
//! `except`
//! Errors are reported if we are in the suitable configuration but
//! the required condition is not met.
use crate::errors;
use rustc_ast::{self as ast, Attribute, NestedMetaItem};
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
use rustc_data_structures::unord::UnordSet;
use rustc_hir::def_id::LocalDefId;
use rustc_hir::intravisit;
use rustc_hir::Node as HirNode;
use rustc_hir::{ImplItemKind, ItemKind as HirItem, TraitItemKind};
use rustc_middle::dep_graph::{label_strs, DepNode, DepNodeExt};
use rustc_middle::hir::nested_filter;
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use rustc_span::symbol::{sym, Symbol};
use rustc_span::Span;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use thin_vec::ThinVec;
const LOADED_FROM_DISK: Symbol = sym::loaded_from_disk;
const EXCEPT: Symbol = sym::except;
const CFG: Symbol = sym::cfg;
// Base and Extra labels to build up the labels
/// For typedef, constants, and statics
const BASE_CONST: &[&str] = &[label_strs::type_of];
/// DepNodes for functions + methods
const BASE_FN: &[&str] = &[
// Callers will depend on the signature of these items, so we better test
// And a big part of compilation (that we eventually want to cache) is type inference
// information:
/// DepNodes for Hir, which is pretty much everything
const BASE_HIR: &[&str] = &[
// hir_owner and hir_owner_nodes should be computed for all nodes
/// `impl` implementation of struct/trait
const BASE_IMPL: &[&str] =
&[label_strs::associated_item_def_ids, label_strs::generics_of, label_strs::impl_trait_ref];
/// DepNodes for mir_built/Optimized, which is relevant in "executable"
/// code, i.e., functions+methods
const BASE_MIR: &[&str] = &[label_strs::optimized_mir, label_strs::promoted_mir];
/// Struct, Enum and Union DepNodes
/// Note that changing the type of a field does not change the type of the struct or enum, but
/// adding/removing fields or changing a fields name or visibility does.
const BASE_STRUCT: &[&str] =
&[label_strs::generics_of, label_strs::predicates_of, label_strs::type_of];
/// Trait definition `DepNode`s.
/// Extra `DepNode`s for functions and methods.
const EXTRA_ASSOCIATED: &[&str] = &[label_strs::associated_item];
const EXTRA_TRAIT: &[&str] = &[];
// Fully Built Labels
const LABELS_CONST: &[&[&str]] = &[BASE_HIR, BASE_CONST];
/// Constant/Typedef in an impl
/// Trait-Const/Typedef DepNodes
/// Function `DepNode`s.
const LABELS_FN: &[&[&str]] = &[BASE_HIR, BASE_MIR, BASE_FN];
/// Method `DepNode`s.
/// Trait method `DepNode`s.
const LABELS_FN_IN_TRAIT: &[&[&str]] =
/// For generic cases like inline-assembly, modules, etc.
const LABELS_HIR_ONLY: &[&[&str]] = &[BASE_HIR];
/// Impl `DepNode`s.
const LABELS_TRAIT: &[&[&str]] = &[
&[label_strs::associated_item_def_ids, label_strs::predicates_of, label_strs::generics_of],
/// Impl `DepNode`s.
const LABELS_IMPL: &[&[&str]] = &[BASE_HIR, BASE_IMPL];
/// Abstract data type (struct, enum, union) `DepNode`s.
const LABELS_ADT: &[&[&str]] = &[BASE_HIR, BASE_STRUCT];
// FIXME: Struct/Enum/Unions Fields (there is currently no way to attach these)
// Fields are kind of separate from their containers, as they can change independently from
// them. We should at least check
// type_of for these.
type Labels = UnordSet<String>;
/// Represents the requested configuration by rustc_clean/dirty
struct Assertion {
clean: Labels,
dirty: Labels,
loaded_from_disk: Labels,
pub fn check_dirty_clean_annotations(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) {
if !tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts.query_dep_graph {
// can't add `#[rustc_clean]` etc without opting into this feature
if !tcx.features().rustc_attrs {
tcx.dep_graph.with_ignore(|| {
let mut dirty_clean_visitor = DirtyCleanVisitor { tcx, checked_attrs: Default::default() };
let crate_items = tcx.hir_crate_items(());
for id in crate_items.items() {
for id in crate_items.trait_items() {
for id in crate_items.impl_items() {
for id in crate_items.foreign_items() {
let mut all_attrs = FindAllAttrs { tcx, found_attrs: vec![] };
tcx.hir().walk_attributes(&mut all_attrs);
// Note that we cannot use the existing "unused attribute"-infrastructure
// here, since that is running before codegen. This is also the reason why
// all codegen-specific attributes are `AssumedUsed` in rustc_ast::feature_gate.
pub struct DirtyCleanVisitor<'tcx> {
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
checked_attrs: FxHashSet<ast::AttrId>,
impl<'tcx> DirtyCleanVisitor<'tcx> {
/// Possibly "deserialize" the attribute into a clean/dirty assertion
fn assertion_maybe(&mut self, item_id: LocalDefId, attr: &Attribute) -> Option<Assertion> {
if !check_config(self.tcx, attr) {
// skip: not the correct `cfg=`
return None;
let assertion = self.assertion_auto(item_id, attr);
/// Gets the "auto" assertion on pre-validated attr, along with the `except` labels.
fn assertion_auto(&mut self, item_id: LocalDefId, attr: &Attribute) -> Assertion {
let (name, mut auto) = self.auto_labels(item_id, attr);
let except = self.except(attr);
let loaded_from_disk = self.loaded_from_disk(attr);
for e in except.items().into_sorted_stable_ord() {
if !auto.remove(e) {
self.tcx.sess.emit_fatal(errors::AssertionAuto { span: attr.span, name, e });
Assertion { clean: auto, dirty: except, loaded_from_disk }
/// `loaded_from_disk=` attribute value
fn loaded_from_disk(&self, attr: &Attribute) -> Labels {
for item in attr.meta_item_list().unwrap_or_else(ThinVec::new) {
if item.has_name(LOADED_FROM_DISK) {
let value = expect_associated_value(self.tcx, &item);
return self.resolve_labels(&item, value);
// If `loaded_from_disk=` is not specified, don't assert anything
/// `except=` attribute value
fn except(&self, attr: &Attribute) -> Labels {
for item in attr.meta_item_list().unwrap_or_else(ThinVec::new) {
if item.has_name(EXCEPT) {
let value = expect_associated_value(self.tcx, &item);
return self.resolve_labels(&item, value);
// if no `label` or `except` is given, only the node's group are asserted
/// Return all DepNode labels that should be asserted for this item.
/// index=0 is the "name" used for error messages
fn auto_labels(&mut self, item_id: LocalDefId, attr: &Attribute) -> (&'static str, Labels) {
let node = self.tcx.hir().get_by_def_id(item_id);
let (name, labels) = match node {
HirNode::Item(item) => {
match item.kind {
// note: these are in the same order as hir::Item_;
// FIXME(michaelwoerister): do commented out ones
// // An `extern crate` item, with optional original crate name,
// HirItem::ExternCrate(..), // intentionally no assertions
// // `use foo::bar::*;` or `use foo::bar::baz as quux;`
// HirItem::Use(..), // intentionally no assertions
// A `static` item
HirItem::Static(..) => ("ItemStatic", LABELS_CONST),
// A `const` item
HirItem::Const(..) => ("ItemConst", LABELS_CONST),
// A function declaration
HirItem::Fn(..) => ("ItemFn", LABELS_FN),
// // A module
HirItem::Mod(..) => ("ItemMod", LABELS_HIR_ONLY),
// // An external module
HirItem::ForeignMod { .. } => ("ItemForeignMod", LABELS_HIR_ONLY),
// Module-level inline assembly (from global_asm!)
HirItem::GlobalAsm(..) => ("ItemGlobalAsm", LABELS_HIR_ONLY),
// A type alias, e.g., `type Foo = Bar<u8>`
HirItem::TyAlias(..) => ("ItemTy", LABELS_HIR_ONLY),
// An enum definition, e.g., `enum Foo<A, B> {C<A>, D<B>}`
HirItem::Enum(..) => ("ItemEnum", LABELS_ADT),
// A struct definition, e.g., `struct Foo<A> {x: A}`
HirItem::Struct(..) => ("ItemStruct", LABELS_ADT),
// A union definition, e.g., `union Foo<A, B> {x: A, y: B}`
HirItem::Union(..) => ("ItemUnion", LABELS_ADT),
// Represents a Trait Declaration
HirItem::Trait(..) => ("ItemTrait", LABELS_TRAIT),
// An implementation, eg `impl<A> Trait for Foo { .. }`
HirItem::Impl { .. } => ("ItemKind::Impl", LABELS_IMPL),
_ => self.tcx.sess.emit_fatal(errors::UndefinedCleanDirtyItem {
span: attr.span,
kind: format!("{:?}", item.kind),
HirNode::TraitItem(item) => match item.kind {
TraitItemKind::Fn(..) => ("Node::TraitItem", LABELS_FN_IN_TRAIT),
TraitItemKind::Const(..) => ("NodeTraitConst", LABELS_CONST_IN_TRAIT),
TraitItemKind::Type(..) => ("NodeTraitType", LABELS_CONST_IN_TRAIT),
HirNode::ImplItem(item) => match item.kind {
ImplItemKind::Fn(..) => ("Node::ImplItem", LABELS_FN_IN_IMPL),
ImplItemKind::Const(..) => ("NodeImplConst", LABELS_CONST_IN_IMPL),
ImplItemKind::Type(..) => ("NodeImplType", LABELS_CONST_IN_IMPL),
_ => self.tcx.sess.emit_fatal(errors::UndefinedCleanDirty {
span: attr.span,
kind: format!("{node:?}"),
let labels =
Labels::from_iter(labels.iter().flat_map(|s| s.iter().map(|l| (*l).to_string())));
(name, labels)
fn resolve_labels(&self, item: &NestedMetaItem, value: Symbol) -> Labels {
let mut out = Labels::default();
for label in value.as_str().split(',') {
let label = label.trim();
if DepNode::has_label_string(label) {
if out.contains(label) {
.emit_fatal(errors::RepeatedDepNodeLabel { span: item.span(), label });
} else {
.emit_fatal(errors::UnrecognizedDepNodeLabel { span: item.span(), label });
fn dep_node_str(&self, dep_node: &DepNode) -> String {
if let Some(def_id) = dep_node.extract_def_id(self.tcx) {
format!("{:?}({})", dep_node.kind, self.tcx.def_path_str(def_id))
} else {
format!("{:?}({:?})", dep_node.kind, dep_node.hash)
fn assert_dirty(&self, item_span: Span, dep_node: DepNode) {
debug!("assert_dirty({:?})", dep_node);
if self.tcx.dep_graph.is_green(&dep_node) {
let dep_node_str = self.dep_node_str(&dep_node);
.emit_err(errors::NotDirty { span: item_span, dep_node_str: &dep_node_str });
fn assert_clean(&self, item_span: Span, dep_node: DepNode) {
debug!("assert_clean({:?})", dep_node);
if self.tcx.dep_graph.is_red(&dep_node) {
let dep_node_str = self.dep_node_str(&dep_node);
.emit_err(errors::NotClean { span: item_span, dep_node_str: &dep_node_str });
fn assert_loaded_from_disk(&self, item_span: Span, dep_node: DepNode) {
debug!("assert_loaded_from_disk({:?})", dep_node);
if !self.tcx.dep_graph.debug_was_loaded_from_disk(dep_node) {
let dep_node_str = self.dep_node_str(&dep_node);
.emit_err(errors::NotLoaded { span: item_span, dep_node_str: &dep_node_str });
fn check_item(&mut self, item_id: LocalDefId) {
let item_span = self.tcx.def_span(item_id.to_def_id());
let def_path_hash = self.tcx.def_path_hash(item_id.to_def_id());
for attr in self.tcx.get_attrs(item_id, sym::rustc_clean) {
let Some(assertion) = self.assertion_maybe(item_id, attr) else {
for label in assertion.clean.items().into_sorted_stable_ord() {
let dep_node = DepNode::from_label_string(self.tcx, &label, def_path_hash).unwrap();
self.assert_clean(item_span, dep_node);
for label in assertion.dirty.items().into_sorted_stable_ord() {
let dep_node = DepNode::from_label_string(self.tcx, &label, def_path_hash).unwrap();
self.assert_dirty(item_span, dep_node);
for label in assertion.loaded_from_disk.items().into_sorted_stable_ord() {
let dep_node = DepNode::from_label_string(self.tcx, &label, def_path_hash).unwrap();
self.assert_loaded_from_disk(item_span, dep_node);
/// Given a `#[rustc_clean]` attribute, scan for a `cfg="foo"` attribute and check whether we have
/// a cfg flag called `foo`.
fn check_config(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, attr: &Attribute) -> bool {
debug!("check_config(attr={:?})", attr);
let config = &tcx.sess.parse_sess.config;
debug!("check_config: config={:?}", config);
let mut cfg = None;
for item in attr.meta_item_list().unwrap_or_else(ThinVec::new) {
if item.has_name(CFG) {
let value = expect_associated_value(tcx, &item);
debug!("check_config: searching for cfg {:?}", value);
cfg = Some(config.contains(&(value, None)));
} else if !(item.has_name(EXCEPT) || item.has_name(LOADED_FROM_DISK)) {
tcx.sess.emit_err(errors::UnknownItem { span: attr.span, name: item.name_or_empty() });
match cfg {
None => tcx.sess.emit_fatal(errors::NoCfg { span: attr.span }),
Some(c) => c,
fn expect_associated_value(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, item: &NestedMetaItem) -> Symbol {
if let Some(value) = item.value_str() {
} else {
if let Some(ident) = item.ident() {
tcx.sess.emit_fatal(errors::AssociatedValueExpectedFor { span: item.span(), ident });
} else {
tcx.sess.emit_fatal(errors::AssociatedValueExpected { span: item.span() });
/// A visitor that collects all `#[rustc_clean]` attributes from
/// the HIR. It is used to verify that we really ran checks for all annotated
/// nodes.
pub struct FindAllAttrs<'tcx> {
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
found_attrs: Vec<&'tcx Attribute>,
impl<'tcx> FindAllAttrs<'tcx> {
fn is_active_attr(&mut self, attr: &Attribute) -> bool {
if attr.has_name(sym::rustc_clean) && check_config(self.tcx, attr) {
return true;
fn report_unchecked_attrs(&self, mut checked_attrs: FxHashSet<ast::AttrId>) {
for attr in &self.found_attrs {
if !checked_attrs.contains(& {
self.tcx.sess.emit_err(errors::UncheckedClean { span: attr.span });
impl<'tcx> intravisit::Visitor<'tcx> for FindAllAttrs<'tcx> {
type NestedFilter = nested_filter::All;
fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> Self::Map {
fn visit_attribute(&mut self, attr: &'tcx Attribute) {
if self.is_active_attr(attr) {