blob: c1202f70fd3338d83b473ee813a185b29ead7404 [file] [log] [blame]
//! This module contains object which can be used to limit a cell to a given width:
//! - [`Truncate`] cuts a cell content to limit width.
//! - [`Wrap`] split the content via new lines in order to fit max width.
//! - [`Justify`] sets columns width to the same value.
//! To set a a table width, a combination of [`Width::truncate`] or [`Width::wrap`] and [`Width::increase`] can be used.
//! ## Example
//! ```
//! use tabled::{Table, settings::Width};
//! let table = Table::new(&["Hello World!"])
//! .with(Width::wrap(7))
//! .with(Width::increase(7))
//! .to_string();
//! assert_eq!(
//! table,
//! concat!(
//! "+-----+\n",
//! "| &st |\n",
//! "| r |\n",
//! "+-----+\n",
//! "| Hel |\n",
//! "| lo |\n",
//! "| Wor |\n",
//! "| ld! |\n",
//! "+-----+",
//! )
//! );
//! ```
mod justify;
mod min_width;
mod truncate;
mod util;
mod width_list;
mod wrap;
use crate::settings::measurement::Measurement;
pub use self::{
truncate::{SuffixLimit, Truncate},
/// Width allows you to set a min and max width of an object on a [`Table`]
/// using different strategies.
/// It also allows you to set a min and max width for a whole table.
/// You can apply a min and max strategy at the same time with the same value,
/// the value will be a total table width.
/// It is an abstract factory.
/// Beware that borders are not removed when you set a size value to very small.
/// For example if you set size to 0 the table still be rendered but with all content removed.
/// Also be aware that it doesn't changes [`Padding`] settings nor it considers them.
/// The function is color aware if a `color` feature is on.
/// ## Examples
/// ### Cell change
/// ```
/// use tabled::{Table, settings::{object::Segment, Width, Style, Modify}};
/// let data = ["Hello", "World", "!"];
/// let table = Table::new(&data)
/// .with(Style::markdown())
/// .with(Modify::new(Segment::all()).with(Width::truncate(3).suffix("...")));
/// ```
/// ### Table change
/// ```
/// use tabled::{Table, settings::Width};
/// let table = Table::new(&["Hello World!"]).with(Width::wrap(5));
/// ```
/// ### Total width
/// ```
/// use tabled::{Table, settings::Width};
/// let table = Table::new(&["Hello World!"])
/// .with(Width::wrap(5))
/// .with(Width::increase(5));
/// ```
/// [`Padding`]: crate::settings::Padding
/// [`Table`]: crate::Table
pub struct Width;
impl Width {
/// Returns a [`Wrap`] structure.
pub fn wrap<W: Measurement<Width>>(width: W) -> Wrap<W> {
/// Returns a [`Truncate`] structure.
pub fn truncate<W: Measurement<Width>>(width: W) -> Truncate<'static, W> {
/// Returns a [`MinWidth`] structure.
pub fn increase<W: Measurement<Width>>(width: W) -> MinWidth<W> {
/// Returns a [`Justify`] structure.
pub fn justify<W: Measurement<Width>>(width: W) -> Justify<W> {
/// Create [`WidthList`] to set a table width to a constant list of column widths.
/// Notice if you provide a list with `.len()` smaller than `Table::count_columns` then it will have no affect.
/// Also notice that you must provide values bigger than or equal to a real content width, otherwise it may panic.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use tabled::{Table, settings::Width};
/// let data = vec![
/// ("Some\ndata", "here", "and here"),
/// ("Some\ndata on a next", "line", "right here"),
/// ];
/// let table = Table::new(data)
/// .with(Width::list([20, 10, 12]))
/// .to_string();
/// assert_eq!(
/// table,
/// "+--------------------+----------+------------+\n\
/// | &str | &str | &str |\n\
/// +--------------------+----------+------------+\n\
/// | Some | here | and here |\n\
/// | data | | |\n\
/// +--------------------+----------+------------+\n\
/// | Some | line | right here |\n\
/// | data on a next | | |\n\
/// +--------------------+----------+------------+"
/// )
/// ```
pub fn list<I: IntoIterator<Item = usize>>(rows: I) -> WidthList {