blob: afb9ae302e18cf8c1ac08fbdd8d765c1f70a5b6a [file] [log] [blame]
//! This module contains [`MinWidth`] structure, used to increase width of a [`Table`]s or a cell on a [`Table`].
//! [`Table`]: crate::Table
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use crate::{
grid::records::{ExactRecords, PeekableRecords, Records, RecordsMut},
grid::util::string::{get_lines, string_width_multiline},
peaker::{Peaker, PriorityNone},
CellOption, TableOption, Width,
use super::util::get_table_widths_with_total;
/// [`MinWidth`] changes a content in case if it's length is lower then the boundary.
/// It can be applied to a whole table.
/// It does nothing in case if the content's length is bigger then the boundary.
/// Be aware that further changes of the table may cause the width being not set.
/// For example applying [`Padding`] after applying [`MinWidth`] will make the former have no affect.
/// (You should use [`Padding`] first).
/// Be aware that it doesn't consider padding.
/// So if you want to set a exact width you might need to use [`Padding`] to set it to 0.
/// ## Examples
/// Cell change
/// ```
/// use tabled::{Table, settings::{object::Segment, Width, Style, Modify}};
/// let data = ["Hello", "World", "!"];
/// let table = Table::new(&data)
/// .with(Style::markdown())
/// .with(Modify::new(Segment::all()).with(Width::increase(10)));
/// ```
/// Table change
/// ```
/// use tabled::{Table, settings::Width};
/// let table = Table::new(&["Hello World!"]).with(Width::increase(5));
/// ```
/// [`Padding`]: crate::settings::Padding
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct MinWidth<W = usize, P = PriorityNone> {
width: W,
fill: char,
_priority: PhantomData<P>,
impl<W> MinWidth<W>
W: Measurement<Width>,
/// Creates a new instance of [`MinWidth`].
pub fn new(width: W) -> Self {
Self {
fill: ' ',
_priority: PhantomData,
impl<W, P> MinWidth<W, P> {
/// Set's a fill character which will be used to fill the space
/// when increasing the length of the string to the set boundary.
/// Used only if chaning cells.
pub fn fill_with(mut self, c: char) -> Self {
self.fill = c;
/// Priority defines the logic by which a increase of width will be applied when is done for the whole table.
/// - [`PriorityNone`] which inc the columns one after another.
/// - [`PriorityMax`] inc the biggest columns first.
/// - [`PriorityMin`] inc the lowest columns first.
/// [`PriorityMax`]: crate::settings::peaker::PriorityMax
/// [`PriorityMin`]: crate::settings::peaker::PriorityMin
pub fn priority<PP: Peaker>(self) -> MinWidth<W, PP> {
MinWidth {
fill: self.fill,
width: self.width,
_priority: PhantomData,
impl<W, R> CellOption<R, ColoredConfig> for MinWidth<W>
W: Measurement<Width>,
R: Records + ExactRecords + PeekableRecords + RecordsMut<String>,
for<'a> &'a R: Records,
fn change(self, records: &mut R, cfg: &mut ColoredConfig, entity: Entity) {
let width = self.width.measure(&*records, cfg);
let count_rows = records.count_rows();
let count_columns = records.count_columns();
for pos in entity.iter(count_rows, count_columns) {
let is_valid_pos = pos.0 < count_rows && pos.1 < count_columns;
if !is_valid_pos {
let cell = records.get_text(pos);
let cell_width = string_width_multiline(cell);
if cell_width >= width {
let content = increase_width(cell, width, self.fill);
records.set(pos, content);
impl<W, P, R> TableOption<R, CompleteDimensionVecRecords<'static>, ColoredConfig> for MinWidth<W, P>
W: Measurement<Width>,
P: Peaker,
R: Records + ExactRecords + PeekableRecords,
for<'a> &'a R: Records,
fn change(
records: &mut R,
cfg: &mut ColoredConfig,
dims: &mut CompleteDimensionVecRecords<'static>,
) {
if records.count_rows() == 0 || records.count_columns() == 0 {
let nessary_width = self.width.measure(&*records, cfg);
let (widths, total_width) = get_table_widths_with_total(&*records, cfg);
if total_width >= nessary_width {
let widths = get_increase_list(widths, nessary_width, total_width, P::create());
let _ = dims.set_widths(widths);
fn get_increase_list<F>(
mut widths: Vec<usize>,
need: usize,
mut current: usize,
mut peaker: F,
) -> Vec<usize>
F: Peaker,
while need != current {
let col = match peaker.peak(&[], &widths) {
Some(col) => col,
None => break,
widths[col] += 1;
current += 1;
fn increase_width(s: &str, width: usize, fill_with: char) -> String {
use crate::grid::util::string::string_width;
use std::{borrow::Cow, iter::repeat};
.map(|line| {
let length = string_width(&line);
if length < width {
let mut line = line.into_owned();
let remain = width - length;
} else {