blob: 02848166de739a3a53d9730f643b73f8889b2638 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::{
config::{AlignmentHorizontal, ColoredConfig},
dimension::{CompleteDimensionVecRecords, Dimension, Estimate},
vec_records::{CellInfo, VecRecords},
ExactRecords, PeekableRecords, Records, Resizable,
style::{BorderText, Offset},
Color, TableOption,
/// [`ColumnNames`] sets strings on horizontal lines for the columns.
/// Notice that using a [`Default`] would reuse a names from the first row.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::iter::FromIterator;
/// use tabled::{Table, settings::themes::ColumnNames};
/// let data = vec![
/// vec!["Hello", "World"],
/// vec!["Hello", "World"],
/// ];
/// let mut table = Table::from_iter(data);
/// table.with(ColumnNames::new(["head1", "head2"]).set_offset(3).set_line(2));
/// assert_eq!(
/// table.to_string(),
/// "+--------+--------+\n\
/// | Hello | World |\n\
/// +--------+--------+\n\
/// | Hello | World |\n\
/// +---head1+---head2+"
/// );
/// ```
/// [`Default`] usage.
/// ```
/// use std::iter::FromIterator;
/// use tabled::{Table, settings::themes::ColumnNames};
/// let data = vec![
/// vec!["Hello", "World"],
/// vec!["Hello", "World"],
/// ];
/// let mut table = Table::from_iter(data);
/// table.with(ColumnNames::default());
/// assert_eq!(
/// table.to_string(),
/// "+Hello--+World--+\n\
/// | Hello | World |\n\
/// +-------+-------+"
/// );
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ColumnNames {
names: Option<Vec<String>>,
colors: Vec<Option<Color>>,
offset: usize,
line: usize,
alignment: AlignmentHorizontal,
impl Default for ColumnNames {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
names: Default::default(),
colors: Default::default(),
offset: Default::default(),
line: Default::default(),
alignment: AlignmentHorizontal::Left,
impl ColumnNames {
/// Creates a [`ColumnNames`] with a given names.
/// Using a [`Default`] would reuse a names from the first row.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use std::iter::FromIterator;
/// use tabled::{Table, settings::themes::ColumnNames};
/// let mut table = Table::from_iter(vec![vec!["Hello", "World"]]);
/// table.with(ColumnNames::new(["head1", "head2"]));
/// assert_eq!(
/// table.to_string(),
/// "+head1--+head2--+\n\
/// | Hello | World |\n\
/// +-------+-------+"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn new<I>(names: I) -> Self
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Into<String>,
let names = names.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect::<Vec<_>>();
Self {
names: Some(names),
colors: Vec::new(),
offset: 0,
line: 0,
alignment: AlignmentHorizontal::Left,
/// Set color for the column names.
/// By default there's no colors.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use std::iter::FromIterator;
/// use tabled::Table;
/// use tabled::settings::{Color, themes::ColumnNames};
/// let mut table = Table::from_iter(vec![vec!["Hello", "World"]]);
/// table.with(ColumnNames::new(["head1", "head2"]).set_colors([Color::FG_RED]));
/// assert_eq!(
/// table.to_string(),
/// "+\u{1b}[31mh\u{1b}[39m\u{1b}[31me\u{1b}[39m\u{1b}[31ma\u{1b}[39m\u{1b}[31md\u{1b}[39m\u{1b}[31m1\u{1b}[39m--+head2--+\n\
/// | Hello | World |\n\
/// +-------+-------+"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn set_colors<I>(self, colors: I) -> Self
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Into<Option<Color>>,
let colors = colors.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect::<Vec<_>>();
Self {
names: self.names,
offset: self.offset,
line: self.line,
alignment: self.alignment,
/// Set a left offset after which the names will be used.
/// By default there's no offset.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use std::iter::FromIterator;
/// use tabled::{Table, settings::themes::ColumnNames};
/// let mut table = Table::from_iter(vec![vec!["Hello", "World"]]);
/// table.with(ColumnNames::new(["head1", "head2"]).set_offset(1));
/// assert_eq!(
/// table.to_string(),
/// "+-head1-+-head2-+\n\
/// | Hello | World |\n\
/// +-------+-------+"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn set_offset(self, i: usize) -> Self {
Self {
names: self.names,
colors: self.colors,
line: self.line,
alignment: self.alignment,
offset: i,
/// Set a horizontal line the names will be applied to.
/// The default value is 0 (the top horizontal line).
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use std::iter::FromIterator;
/// use tabled::{Table, settings::themes::ColumnNames};
/// let mut table = Table::from_iter(vec![vec!["Hello", "World"]]);
/// table.with(ColumnNames::new(["head1", "head2"]).set_line(1));
/// assert_eq!(
/// table.to_string(),
/// "+-------+-------+\n\
/// | Hello | World |\n\
/// +head1--+head2--+"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn set_line(self, i: usize) -> Self {
Self {
names: self.names,
colors: self.colors,
offset: self.offset,
alignment: self.alignment,
line: i,
/// Set an alignment for the names.
/// By default it's left aligned.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use std::iter::FromIterator;
/// use tabled::{
/// Table,
/// settings::themes::ColumnNames,
/// grid::config::AlignmentHorizontal,
/// };
/// let mut table = Table::from_iter(vec![vec!["Hello", "World"]]);
/// table.with(ColumnNames::new(["head1", "head2"]).set_alignment(AlignmentHorizontal::Right));
/// assert_eq!(
/// table.to_string(),
/// "+--head1+--head2+\n\
/// | Hello | World |\n\
/// +-------+-------+"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn set_alignment(self, alignment: AlignmentHorizontal) -> Self {
Self {
names: self.names,
colors: self.colors,
offset: self.offset,
line: self.line,
impl TableOption<VecRecords<CellInfo<String>>, CompleteDimensionVecRecords<'static>, ColoredConfig>
for ColumnNames
fn change(
records: &mut VecRecords<CellInfo<String>>,
cfg: &mut ColoredConfig,
dims: &mut CompleteDimensionVecRecords<'static>,
) {
let names = match self.names {
Some(names) => names,
None => {
if records.count_rows() == 0 || records.count_columns() == 0 {
let names = (0..records.count_columns())
.map(|column| records.get_text((0, column)))
let names = names.iter().map(|name| name.lines().next().unwrap_or(""));
dims.estimate(&*records, cfg);
let mut widths = (0..records.count_columns())
.map(|column| dims.get_width(column))
let names = names.take(widths.len());
let offset = self.offset;
.for_each(|(width, text)| {
let name_width = string_width(text) + offset;
*width = std::cmp::max(name_width, *width);
let _ = dims.set_widths(widths.clone());
let mut total_width = 0;
for (i, (width, name)) in widths.iter().zip(names).enumerate() {
let color = get_color(&self.colors, i);
let offset = total_width + 1;
let btext = get_border_text(
btext.change(records, cfg, dims);
total_width += width + 1;
fn get_border_text(
text: &str,
offset: usize,
available: usize,
alignment: AlignmentHorizontal,
alignment_offset: usize,
line: usize,
color: Option<&Color>,
) -> BorderText<usize> {
let name = text.to_string();
let left_indent = get_indent(text, alignment, alignment_offset, available);
let left_offset = Offset::Begin(offset + left_indent);
let mut btext = BorderText::new(name).horizontal(line).offset(left_offset);
if let Some(color) = color {
btext = btext.color(color.clone());
fn get_color(colors: &[Option<Color>], i: usize) -> Option<&Color> {
colors.get(i).and_then(|color| match color {
Some(color) => Some(color),
None => None,
fn get_indent(text: &str, align: AlignmentHorizontal, offset: usize, available: usize) -> usize {
match align {
AlignmentHorizontal::Left => offset,
AlignmentHorizontal::Right => available - string_width(text) - offset,
AlignmentHorizontal::Center => (available - string_width(text)) / 2,