blob: bba90a0dbd1c7c772f1c856c7110953f20614d2d [file] [log] [blame]
//! This module contains an [`Extract`] structure which is used to
//! obtain an ordinary segment from the [`Table`].
//! There's a similar structure [`Highlight`] which does a highlighting a of segments.
//! [`Table`]: crate::Table
//! [`Highlight`]: crate::settings::highlight::Highlight
use core::cmp::min;
use core::ops::{Bound, RangeBounds, RangeFull};
use crate::{
grid::records::{ExactRecords, Records, Resizable},
/// Returns a new [`Table`] that reflects a segment of the referenced [`Table`]
/// # Example
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", doc = "```")]
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), doc = "```ignore")]
/// use tabled::{Table, settings::{Format, object::Rows, Modify, Extract}};
/// let data = vec![
/// (0, "Grodno", true),
/// (1, "Minsk", true),
/// (2, "Hamburg", false),
/// (3, "Brest", true),
/// ];
/// let table = Table::new(&data)
/// .with(Modify::new(Rows::new(1..)).with(Format::content(|s| format!(": {} :", s))))
/// .with(Extract::segment(1..=2, 1..))
/// .to_string();
/// assert_eq!(table, "+------------+----------+\n\
/// | : Grodno : | : true : |\n\
/// +------------+----------+\n\
/// | : Minsk : | : true : |\n\
/// +------------+----------+");
/// ```
/// [`Table`]: crate::Table
pub struct Extract<R, C> {
rows: R,
columns: C,
impl<R, C> Extract<R, C>
R: RangeBounds<usize>,
C: RangeBounds<usize>,
/// Returns a new [`Table`] that reflects a segment of the referenced [`Table`]
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use tabled::settings::Extract;
/// let rows = 1..3;
/// let columns = 1..;
/// Extract::segment(rows, columns);
/// ```
/// # Range
/// A [`RangeBounds`] argument can be less than or equal to the shape of a [`Table`]
/// If a [`RangeBounds`] argument is malformed or too large the thread will panic
/// ```text
/// // Empty Full Out of bounds
/// Extract::segment(0..0, 0..0) Extract::segment(.., ..) Extract::segment(0..1, ..4)
/// []. . . [O O O [O O O X] //ERROR
/// . . . O O O . . .
/// . . . O O O] . . .
/// ```
/// [`Table`]: crate::Table
pub fn segment(rows: R, columns: C) -> Self {
Extract { rows, columns }
impl<R> Extract<R, RangeFull>
R: RangeBounds<usize>,
/// Returns a new [`Table`] that reflects a segment of the referenced [`Table`]
/// The segment is defined by [`RangeBounds`] for Rows
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use tabled::settings::Extract;
/// Extract::rows(1..3);
/// ```
/// # Range
/// A [`RangeBounds`] argument can be less than or equal to the shape of a [`Table`]
/// If a [`RangeBounds`] argument is malformed or too large the thread will panic
/// ```text
/// // Empty Full Out of bounds
/// Extract::rows(0..0) Extract::rows(..) Extract::rows(0..4)
/// []. . . [O O O [O O O
/// . . . O O O O O O
/// . . . O O O] O O O
/// X X X] // ERROR
/// ```
/// [`Table`]: crate::Table
pub fn rows(rows: R) -> Self {
Extract { rows, columns: .. }
impl<C> Extract<RangeFull, C>
C: RangeBounds<usize>,
/// Returns a new [`Table`] that reflects a segment of the referenced [`Table`]
/// The segment is defined by [`RangeBounds`] for columns.
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use tabled::settings::Extract;
/// Extract::columns(1..3);
/// ```
/// # Range
/// A [`RangeBounds`] argument can be less than or equal to the shape of a [`Table`]
/// If a [`RangeBounds`] argument is malformed or too large the thread will panic
/// ```text
/// // Empty Full Out of bounds
/// Extract::columns(0..0) Extract::columns(..) Extract::columns(0..4)
/// []. . . [O O O [O O O X
/// . . . O O O O O O X
/// . . . O O O] O O O X] // ERROR
/// ```
/// [`Table`]: crate::Table
pub fn columns(columns: C) -> Self {
Extract { rows: .., columns }
impl<R, C, RR, D, Cfg> TableOption<RR, D, Cfg> for Extract<R, C>
R: RangeBounds<usize> + Clone,
C: RangeBounds<usize> + Clone,
RR: Records + ExactRecords + Resizable,
fn change(self, records: &mut RR, _: &mut Cfg, _: &mut D) {
let count_rows = records.count_rows();
let count_columns = records.count_columns();
let mut rows = bounds_to_usize(self.rows.start_bound(), self.rows.end_bound(), count_rows);
let mut cols = bounds_to_usize(
// Cleanup table in case if boundaries are exceeded.
// todo: can be optimized by adding a clear() method to Resizable
rows.0 = min(rows.0, count_rows);
cols.0 = min(cols.0, count_columns);
extract(records, (count_rows, count_columns), rows, cols);
/// Returns a new [`Grid`] that reflects a segment of the referenced [`Grid`].
/// # Example
/// ```text
/// grid
/// +---+---+---+
/// |0-0|0-1|0-2|
/// +---+---+---+
/// |1-0|1-1|1-2|
/// +---+---+---+
/// |2-0|2-1|2-2|
/// +---+---+---+
/// let rows = ..;
/// let columns = ..1;
/// grid.extract(rows, columns)
/// grid
/// +---+
/// |0-0|
/// +---+
/// |1-0|
/// +---+
/// |2-0|
/// +---+
/// ```
fn extract<R>(
records: &mut R,
(count_rows, count_cols): (usize, usize),
(start_row, end_row): (usize, usize),
(start_col, end_col): (usize, usize),
) where
R: Resizable,
for (i, row) in (0..start_row).enumerate() {
let row = row - i;
let count_rows = count_rows - start_row;
let end_row = end_row - start_row;
for (i, row) in (end_row..count_rows).enumerate() {
let row = row - i;
for (i, col) in (0..start_col).enumerate() {
let col = col - i;
let count_cols = count_cols - start_col;
let end_col = end_col - start_col;
for (i, col) in (end_col..count_cols).enumerate() {
let col = col - i;
fn bounds_to_usize(
left: Bound<&usize>,
right: Bound<&usize>,
count_elements: usize,
) -> (usize, usize) {
match (left, right) {
(Bound::Included(x), Bound::Included(y)) => (*x, y + 1),
(Bound::Included(x), Bound::Excluded(y)) => (*x, *y),
(Bound::Included(x), Bound::Unbounded) => (*x, count_elements),
(Bound::Unbounded, Bound::Unbounded) => (0, count_elements),
(Bound::Unbounded, Bound::Included(y)) => (0, y + 1),
(Bound::Unbounded, Bound::Excluded(y)) => (0, *y),
(Bound::Excluded(_), Bound::Unbounded)
| (Bound::Excluded(_), Bound::Included(_))
| (Bound::Excluded(_), Bound::Excluded(_)) => {
unreachable!("A start bound can't be excluded")