blob: 20f7089ce2e38bd924a8e4eaa7b01854fa0cebd8 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
// Refs:
// Generated asm:
// - armv5te
use core::arch::asm;
// - 0x80 - I (IRQ mask) bit (1 << 7)
// - 0x40 - F (FIQ mask) bit (1 << 6)
// We disable only IRQs by default. See also
macro_rules! mask {
() => {
macro_rules! mask {
() => {
"0xC0" // 0x80 | 0x40
pub(super) type State = u32;
/// Disables interrupts and returns the previous interrupt state.
pub(super) fn disable() -> State {
let cpsr: State;
// SAFETY: reading CPSR and disabling interrupts are safe.
// (see module-level comments of interrupt/ on the safety of using privileged instructions)
unsafe {
"mrs {prev}, cpsr",
concat!("orr {new}, {prev}, ", mask!()),
"msr cpsr_c, {new}",
prev = out(reg) cpsr,
new = out(reg) _,
// Do not use `nomem` and `readonly` because prevent subsequent memory accesses from being reordered before interrupts are disabled.
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
/// Restores the previous interrupt state.
/// # Safety
/// The state must be the one retrieved by the previous `disable`.
pub(super) unsafe fn restore(cpsr: State) {
// SAFETY: the caller must guarantee that the state was retrieved by the previous `disable`,
// This clobbers the control field mask byte of CPSR. See to safety on this.
// (preserves_flags is fine because we only clobber the I, F, T, and M bits of CPSR.)
// Refs:
unsafe {
// Do not use `nomem` and `readonly` because prevent preceding memory accesses from being reordered after interrupts are enabled.
asm!("msr cpsr_c, {0}", in(reg) cpsr, options(nostack, preserves_flags));
// On pre-v6 ARM, we cannot use core::sync::atomic here because they call the
// `__sync_*` builtins for non-relaxed load/store (because pre-v6 ARM doesn't
// have Data Memory Barrier).
// Generated asm:
// - armv5te
pub(crate) mod atomic {
use core::arch::asm;
use core::{cell::UnsafeCell, sync::atomic::Ordering};
macro_rules! atomic {
($([$($generics:tt)*])? $atomic_type:ident, $value_type:ty, $asm_suffix:tt) => {
pub(crate) struct $atomic_type $(<$($generics)*>)? {
v: UnsafeCell<$value_type>,
// Send is implicitly implemented for atomic integers, but not for atomic pointers.
// SAFETY: any data races are prevented by atomic operations.
unsafe impl $(<$($generics)*>)? Send for $atomic_type $(<$($generics)*>)? {}
// SAFETY: any data races are prevented by atomic operations.
unsafe impl $(<$($generics)*>)? Sync for $atomic_type $(<$($generics)*>)? {}
impl $(<$($generics)*>)? $atomic_type $(<$($generics)*>)? {
pub(crate) fn load(&self, order: Ordering) -> $value_type {
let src = self.v.get();
// SAFETY: any data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics and the raw
// pointer passed in is valid because we got it from a reference.
unsafe {
let out;
match order {
Ordering::Relaxed => {
concat!("ldr", $asm_suffix, " {out}, [{src}]"),
src = in(reg) src,
out = lateout(reg) out,
options(nostack, preserves_flags, readonly),
Ordering::Acquire | Ordering::SeqCst => {
// inline asm without nomem/readonly implies compiler fence.
// And compiler fence is fine because the user explicitly declares that
// the system is single-core by using an unsafe cfg.
concat!("ldr", $asm_suffix, " {out}, [{src}]"),
src = in(reg) src,
out = lateout(reg) out,
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
_ => unreachable!("{:?}", order),
pub(crate) fn store(&self, val: $value_type, _order: Ordering) {
let dst = self.v.get();
// SAFETY: any data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics and the raw
// pointer passed in is valid because we got it from a reference.
unsafe {
// inline asm without nomem/readonly implies compiler fence.
// And compiler fence is fine because the user explicitly declares that
// the system is single-core by using an unsafe cfg.
concat!("str", $asm_suffix, " {val}, [{dst}]"),
dst = in(reg) dst,
val = in(reg) val,
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
atomic!(AtomicI8, i8, "b");
atomic!(AtomicU8, u8, "b");
atomic!(AtomicI16, i16, "h");
atomic!(AtomicU16, u16, "h");
atomic!(AtomicI32, i32, "");
atomic!(AtomicU32, u32, "");
atomic!(AtomicIsize, isize, "");
atomic!(AtomicUsize, usize, "");
atomic!([T] AtomicPtr, *mut T, "");