blob: 75e85a850b6f8aa51a4c8625c15d73f8df634800 [file] [log] [blame]
//! The module contains a [`SpannedVecRecordsDimension`] for [`Grid`] height/width estimation.
//! [`Grid`]: crate::grid::iterable::Grid
use std::{
cmp::{max, Ordering},
use crate::{
dimension::{Dimension, Estimate},
vec_records::{Cell, VecRecords},
use crate::config::spanned::SpannedConfig;
/// A [`Dimension`] implementation which calculates exact column/row width/height for [`VecRecords`].
/// It is a specialization of [`SpannedGridDimension`] for [`VecRecords`].
/// [`SpannedGridDimension`]: crate::dimension::spanned::SpannedGridDimension
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct SpannedVecRecordsDimension {
height: Vec<usize>,
width: Vec<usize>,
impl SpannedVecRecordsDimension {
/// Calculates height of rows.
pub fn height<T: Cell + AsRef<str>>(
records: &VecRecords<T>,
cfg: &SpannedConfig,
) -> Vec<usize> {
build_height(records, cfg)
/// Calculates width of columns.
pub fn width<T: Cell + AsRef<str>>(records: &VecRecords<T>, cfg: &SpannedConfig) -> Vec<usize> {
build_width(records, cfg)
/// Return width and height lists.
pub fn get_values(self) -> (Vec<usize>, Vec<usize>) {
(self.width, self.height)
impl Dimension for SpannedVecRecordsDimension {
fn get_width(&self, column: usize) -> usize {
fn get_height(&self, row: usize) -> usize {
impl<T> Estimate<&VecRecords<T>, SpannedConfig> for SpannedVecRecordsDimension
T: Cell + AsRef<str>,
fn estimate(&mut self, records: &VecRecords<T>, cfg: &SpannedConfig) {
let (width, height) = build_dimensions(records, cfg);
self.width = width;
self.height = height;
fn build_dimensions<T: Cell + AsRef<str>>(
records: &VecRecords<T>,
cfg: &SpannedConfig,
) -> (Vec<usize>, Vec<usize>) {
let count_columns = records.count_columns();
let mut widths = vec![0; count_columns];
let mut heights = vec![];
let mut vspans = HashMap::new();
let mut hspans = HashMap::new();
for (row, columns) in records.iter_rows().enumerate() {
let mut row_height = 0;
for (col, cell) in columns.iter().enumerate() {
let pos = (row, col);
if !cfg.is_cell_visible(pos) {
let width = cell.width();
let height = cell.count_lines();
let pad = cfg.get_padding(pos.into());
let width = width + pad.left.size + pad.right.size;
let height = height + + pad.bottom.size;
match cfg.get_column_span(pos) {
Some(n) if n > 1 => {
vspans.insert(pos, (n, width));
_ => widths[col] = max(widths[col], width),
match cfg.get_row_span(pos) {
Some(n) if n > 1 => {
hspans.insert(pos, (n, height));
_ => row_height = max(row_height, height),
let count_rows = heights.len();
adjust_vspans(cfg, count_columns, &vspans, &mut widths);
adjust_hspans(cfg, count_rows, &hspans, &mut heights);
(widths, heights)
fn adjust_hspans(
cfg: &SpannedConfig,
len: usize,
spans: &HashMap<Position, (usize, usize)>,
heights: &mut [usize],
) {
if spans.is_empty() {
let mut spans_ordered = spans
.map(|(k, v)| ((k.0, k.1), *v))
spans_ordered.sort_unstable_by(|(arow, acol), (brow, bcol)| match arow.cmp(brow) {
Ordering::Equal => acol.cmp(bcol),
ord => ord,
for ((row, _), (span, height)) in spans_ordered {
adjust_row_range(cfg, height, len, row, row + span, heights);
fn adjust_row_range(
cfg: &SpannedConfig,
max_span_height: usize,
len: usize,
start: usize,
end: usize,
heights: &mut [usize],
) {
let range_height = range_height(cfg, len, start, end, heights);
if range_height >= max_span_height {
inc_range(heights, max_span_height - range_height, start, end);
fn range_height(
cfg: &SpannedConfig,
len: usize,
start: usize,
end: usize,
heights: &[usize],
) -> usize {
let count_borders = count_horizontal_borders(cfg, len, start, end);
let range_height = heights[start..end].iter().sum::<usize>();
count_borders + range_height
fn count_horizontal_borders(cfg: &SpannedConfig, len: usize, start: usize, end: usize) -> usize {
.filter(|&i| cfg.has_horizontal(i, len))
fn inc_range(list: &mut [usize], size: usize, start: usize, end: usize) {
if list.is_empty() {
let span = end - start;
let one = size / span;
let rest = size - span * one;
let mut i = start;
while i < end {
if i == start {
list[i] += one + rest;
} else {
list[i] += one;
i += 1;
fn adjust_vspans(
cfg: &SpannedConfig,
len: usize,
spans: &HashMap<Position, (usize, usize)>,
widths: &mut [usize],
) {
if spans.is_empty() {
// The overall width distribution will be different depend on the order.
// We sort spans in order to prioritize the smaller spans first.
let mut spans_ordered = spans
.map(|(k, v)| ((k.0, k.1), *v))
spans_ordered.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| match a.1 .0.cmp(&b.1 .0) {
Ordering::Equal => a.0.cmp(&b.0),
o => o,
for ((_, col), (span, width)) in spans_ordered {
adjust_column_range(cfg, width, len, col, col + span, widths);
fn adjust_column_range(
cfg: &SpannedConfig,
max_span_width: usize,
len: usize,
start: usize,
end: usize,
widths: &mut [usize],
) {
let range_width = range_width(cfg, len, start, end, widths);
if range_width >= max_span_width {
inc_range(widths, max_span_width - range_width, start, end);
fn get_cell_padding_horizontal(cfg: &SpannedConfig, pos: Position) -> usize {
let padding = cfg.get_padding(pos.into());
padding.left.size + padding.right.size
fn get_cell_vertical_padding(cfg: &SpannedConfig, pos: Position) -> usize {
let padding = cfg.get_padding(pos.into()); + padding.bottom.size
fn range_width(
cfg: &SpannedConfig,
len: usize,
start: usize,
end: usize,
widths: &[usize],
) -> usize {
let count_borders = count_vertical_borders(cfg, len, start, end);
let range_width = widths[start..end].iter().sum::<usize>();
count_borders + range_width
fn count_vertical_borders(cfg: &SpannedConfig, len: usize, start: usize, end: usize) -> usize {
.filter(|&i| cfg.has_vertical(i, len))
fn build_height<T: Cell + AsRef<str>>(records: &VecRecords<T>, cfg: &SpannedConfig) -> Vec<usize> {
let mut heights = vec![];
let mut hspans = HashMap::new();
for (row, columns) in records.iter_rows().enumerate() {
let mut row_height = 0;
for (col, cell) in columns.iter().enumerate() {
let pos = (row, col);
if !cfg.is_cell_visible(pos) {
let height = cell.count_lines() + get_cell_vertical_padding(cfg, pos);
match cfg.get_row_span(pos) {
Some(n) if n > 1 => {
hspans.insert(pos, (n, height));
_ => row_height = max(row_height, height),
adjust_hspans(cfg, heights.len(), &hspans, &mut heights);
fn build_width<T: Cell + AsRef<str>>(records: &VecRecords<T>, cfg: &SpannedConfig) -> Vec<usize> {
let count_columns = records.count_columns();
let mut widths = vec![0; count_columns];
let mut vspans = HashMap::new();
for (row, columns) in records.iter_rows().enumerate() {
for (col, cell) in columns.iter().enumerate() {
let pos = (row, col);
if !cfg.is_cell_visible(pos) {
let width = cell.width() + get_cell_padding_horizontal(cfg, (row, col));
match cfg.get_column_span(pos) {
Some(n) if n > 1 => {
vspans.insert(pos, (n, width));
_ => widths[col] = max(widths[col], width),
adjust_vspans(cfg, count_columns, &vspans, &mut widths);