blob: 265ab34ae0f3b8222de870586cfebee37a50d6f0 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Macros implementing `FromBits`
macro_rules! impl_from_bits_ {
($id:ident[$test_tt:tt]: $from_ty:ident) => {
impl crate::api::into_bits::FromBits<$from_ty> for $id {
fn from_bits(x: $from_ty) -> Self {
unsafe { crate::mem::transmute(x) }
test_if! {
paste::item! {
pub mod [<$id _from_bits_ $from_ty>] {
use super::*;
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
fn test() {
use crate::{
mem::{size_of, zeroed}
use crate::IntoBits;
// This is safe because we never create a reference to
// uninitialized memory:
let a: $from_ty = unsafe { zeroed() };
let b_0: $id = crate::FromBits::from_bits(a);
let b_1: $id = a.into_bits();
// Check that these are byte-wise equal, that is,
// that the bit patterns are identical:
for i in 0..size_of::<$id>() {
// This is safe because we only read initialized
// memory in bounds. Also, taking a reference to
// `b_i` is ok because the fields are initialized.
unsafe {
let b_0_v: u8 = read_unaligned(
(&b_0 as *const $id as *const u8)
let b_1_v: u8 = read_unaligned(
(&b_1 as *const $id as *const u8)
assert_eq!(b_0_v, b_1_v);
macro_rules! impl_from_bits {
($id:ident[$test_tt:tt]: $($from_ty:ident),*) => {
impl_from_bits_!($id[$test_tt]: $from_ty);
macro_rules! impl_into_bits {
($id:ident[$test_tt:tt]: $($from_ty:ident),*) => {
impl_from_bits_!($from_ty[$test_tt]: $id);