blob: 2a3459e1e7d77a391930680602d1923db6d811d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
use crate::css::minify;
/*enum Element {
/// Rule starting with `@`:
/// * charset
/// * font-face
/// * import
/// * keyframes
/// * media
/// Any "normal" CSS rule block.
/// Contains the selector(s) and its content.
ElementRule(Vec<&'a str>, Vec<Property<'a>>),
fn get_property<'a>(source: &'a str, iterator: &mut Peekable<CharIndices>,
start_pos: &mut usize) -> Option<Property<'a>> {
let mut end_pos = None;
// First we get the property name.
while let Some((pos, c)) = {
if let Ok(c) = ReservedChar::try_from(c) {
if c.is_useless() {
} else if c == ReservedChar::OpenCurlyBrace {
return None
} else if c == ReservedChar::Colon {
end_pos = Some(pos);
} else { // Invalid character.
return None;
} else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '-' {
// everything's fine for now...
} else {
return None; // invalid character
if end_pos.is_none() || end_pos == Some(*start_pos + 1) {
return None;
while let Some((pos, c)) = {
if let Ok(c) = ReservedChar::try_from(c) {
if c == ReservedChar::DoubleQuote || c == ReservedChar::Quote {
get_string(source, iterator, &mut 0, c)
} else if c == ReservedChar::SemiColon {
// we reached the end!
let end_pos = end_pos.unwrap();
*start_pos = pos;
return Property {
name: &source[start_pos..end_pos],
value: &source[end_pos..pos],
enum Selector<'a> {
Tag(&'a str),
/// '.'
Class(&'a str),
/// '#'
Id(&'a str),
/// '<', '>', '(', ')', '+', ' ', '[', ']'
struct ElementRule<'a> {
selectors: Vec<Selector<'a>>,
properties: Vec<Property<'a>>,
fn get_element_rule<'a>(source: &'a str, iterator: &mut Peekable<CharIndices>,
c: char) -> Option<Token<'a>> {
let mut selectors = Vec::with_capacity(2);
while let Some(s) = get_next_selector(source, iterator, c) {
if !selectors.is_empty() || !s.empty_operator() {
fn get_media_query<'a>(source: &'a str, iterator: &mut Peekable<CharIndices>,
start_pos: &mut usize) -> Option<Token<'a>> {
while let Some((pos, c)) = {
if c == '{' {
None // An error occurred, sad life...
fn get_properties<'a>(source: &'a str, iterator: &mut Peekable<CharIndices>,
start_pos: &mut usize) -> Vec<Property> {
let mut ret = Vec::with_capacity(2);
while let Some(property) = get_property(source, iterator, start_pos) {
pub struct Property<'a> {
name: &'a str,
value: &'a str,
pub enum AtRule<'a> {
/// Contains the charset. Supposed to be the first rule in the style sheet and be present
/// only once.
Charset(&'a str),
/// font-face rule.
/// Contains the import.
Import(&'a str),
/// Contains the rule and the block.
Keyframes(&'a str, Tokens<'a>),
/// Contains the rules and the block.
Media(Vec<&'a str>, Tokens<'a>),
impl fmt::Display for AtRule {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "@{}", &match *self {
AtRule::Charset(c) => format!("charset {};", c),
AtRule::FontFace(t) => format!("font-face {{{}}};", t),
AtRule::Import(i) => format!("import {};", i),
AtRule::Keyframes(r, t) => format!("keyframes {} {{{}}}", r, t),
AtRule::Media(r, t) => format!("media {} {{{}}}", r.join(" ").collect::<String>(), t),
fn check_minification() {
let s = r#"
/** Baguette! */
.b > p + div:hover {
background: #fff;
a[target = "_blank"] {
/* I like weird tests. */
border: 1px solid yellow ;
let expected = r#"/*! Baguette! */
.b>p+div:hover{background:#fff;}a[target="_blank"]{border:1px solid yellow;}"#;
assert_eq!(minify(s).expect("minify failed").to_string(), expected);
fn check_minification2() {
let s = r#"
h2, h3:not(.impl):not(.method):not(.type) {
background-color: #0a042f !important;
:target { background: #494a3d; }
.table-display tr td:first-child {
float: right;
/* just some
* long
* very
* long
* comment :)
@media (max-width: 700px) {
.theme-picker {
left: 10px;
top: 54px;
z-index: 1;
background-color: rgba(0, 0 , 0 , 0);
font: 15px "SFMono-Regular", Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace;
let expected = "h2,h3:not(.impl):not(.method):not(.type){background-color:#0a042f !important;}\
:target{background:#494a3d;}.table-display tr td:first-child{float:right;}\
@media (max-width:700px){.theme-picker{left:10px;top:54px;z-index:1;\
background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);font:15px \"SFMono-Regular\",Consolas,\
\"Liberation Mono\",Menlo,Courier,monospace;}}";
assert_eq!(minify(s).expect("minify failed").to_string(), expected);
fn check_calc() {
let s = ".foo { width: calc(100% - 34px); }";
let expected = ".foo{width:calc(100% - 34px);}";
assert_eq!(minify(s).expect("minify failed").to_string(), expected);
fn check_container() {
let s = "@container rustdoc (min-width: 1250px) { .foo { width: 100px; } }";
let expected = "@container rustdoc (min-width:1250px){.foo{width:100px;}}";
assert_eq!(minify(s).expect("minify failed").to_string(), expected);
fn check_spaces() {
let s = ".line-numbers .line-highlighted { color: #0a042f !important; }";
let expected = ".line-numbers .line-highlighted{color:#0a042f !important;}";
assert_eq!(minify(s).expect("minify failed").to_string(), expected);
fn check_space_after_paren() {
let s = ".docblock:not(.type-decl) a:not(.srclink) {}";
let expected = ".docblock:not(.type-decl) a:not(.srclink){}";
assert_eq!(minify(s).expect("minify failed").to_string(), expected);
fn check_space_after_and() {
let s = "@media only screen and (max-width : 600px) {}";
let expected = "@media only screen and (max-width:600px){}";
assert_eq!(minify(s).expect("minify failed").to_string(), expected);
fn check_space_after_or_not() {
let s = "@supports not ((text-align-last: justify) or (-moz-text-align-last: justify)) {}";
let expected = "@supports not ((text-align-last:justify) or (-moz-text-align-last:justify)){}";
assert_eq!(minify(s).expect("minify failed").to_string(), expected);
fn check_space_after_brackets() {
let s = "#main[data-behavior = \"1\"] {}";
let expected = "#main[data-behavior=\"1\"]{}";
assert_eq!(minify(s).expect("minify failed").to_string(), expected);
let s = "#main[data-behavior = \"1\"] .aclass";
let expected = "#main[data-behavior=\"1\"] .aclass";
assert_eq!(minify(s).expect("minify failed").to_string(), expected);
let s = "#main[data-behavior = \"1\"] ul.aclass";
let expected = "#main[data-behavior=\"1\"] ul.aclass";
assert_eq!(minify(s).expect("minify failed").to_string(), expected);
fn check_whitespaces_in_calc() {
let s = ".foo { width: calc(130px + 10%); }";
let expected = ".foo{width:calc(130px + 10%);}";
assert_eq!(minify(s).expect("minify failed").to_string(), expected);
let s = ".foo { width: calc(130px + (45% - 10% + (12 * 2px))); }";
let expected = ".foo{width:calc(130px + (45% - 10% + (12 * 2px)));}";
assert_eq!(minify(s).expect("minify failed").to_string(), expected);
fn check_weird_comments() {
let s = ".test1 {
font-weight: 30em;
.test2 {
font-weight: 30em;
.test3 {
font-weight: 30em;
let expected = ".test1{font-weight:30em;}.test2{font-weight:30em;}.test3{font-weight:30em;}";
assert_eq!(minify(s).expect("minify failed").to_string(), expected);
fn check_slash_slash() {
let s = "body {
background-image: url();
let expected = "body{background-image:url();}";
assert_eq!(minify(s).expect("minify failed").to_string(), expected);
fn issue_80() {
minify("@import 'i';t{x: #fff;}").unwrap().to_string(),
"@import 'i';t{x:#fff;}",