blob: e57ca63c039cbd5a1f6b3513d3d2440d4c385d74 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::convert::TryInto;
use gix_hash::ObjectId;
use gix_macros::momo;
use gix_ref::{
transaction::{Change, LogChange, PreviousValue, RefEdit, RefLog},
FullName, PartialNameRef, Target,
use crate::{bstr::BString, ext::ReferenceExt, reference, Reference};
/// Obtain and alter references comfortably
impl crate::Repository {
/// Create a lightweight tag with given `name` (and without `refs/tags/` prefix) pointing to the given `target`, and return it as reference.
/// It will be created with `constraint` which is most commonly to [only create it][PreviousValue::MustNotExist]
/// or to [force overwriting a possibly existing tag](PreviousValue::Any).
pub fn tag_reference(
name: impl AsRef<str>,
target: impl Into<ObjectId>,
constraint: PreviousValue,
) -> Result<Reference<'_>, reference::edit::Error> {
let id = target.into();
let mut edits = self.edit_reference(RefEdit {
change: Change::Update {
log: Default::default(),
expected: constraint,
new: Target::Peeled(id),
name: format!("refs/tags/{}", name.as_ref()).try_into()?,
deref: false,
assert_eq!(edits.len(), 1, "reference splits should ever happen");
let edit = edits.pop().expect("exactly one item");
Ok(Reference {
inner: gix_ref::Reference {
target: id.into(),
peeled: None,
repo: self,
/// Returns the currently set namespace for references, or `None` if it is not set.
/// Namespaces allow to partition references, and is configured per `Easy`.
pub fn namespace(&self) -> Option<&gix_ref::Namespace> {
/// Remove the currently set reference namespace and return it, affecting only this `Easy`.
pub fn clear_namespace(&mut self) -> Option<gix_ref::Namespace> {
/// Set the reference namespace to the given value, like `"foo"` or `"foo/bar"`.
/// Note that this value is shared across all `Easy…` instances as the value is stored in the shared `Repository`.
pub fn set_namespace<'a, Name, E>(
&mut self,
namespace: Name,
) -> Result<Option<gix_ref::Namespace>, gix_validate::reference::name::Error>
Name: TryInto<&'a PartialNameRef, Error = E>,
gix_validate::reference::name::Error: From<E>,
let namespace = gix_ref::namespace::expand(namespace)?;
// TODO: more tests or usage
/// Create a new reference with `name`, like `refs/heads/branch`, pointing to `target`, adhering to `constraint`
/// during creation and writing `log_message` into the reflog. Note that a ref-log will be written even if `log_message` is empty.
/// The newly created Reference is returned.
pub fn reference<Name, E>(
name: Name,
target: impl Into<ObjectId>,
constraint: PreviousValue,
log_message: impl Into<BString>,
) -> Result<Reference<'_>, reference::edit::Error>
Name: TryInto<FullName, Error = E>,
gix_validate::reference::name::Error: From<E>,
fn reference_inner(
name: FullName,
id: ObjectId,
constraint: PreviousValue,
log_message: BString,
) -> Result<Reference<'_>, reference::edit::Error> {
let mut edits = self.edit_reference(RefEdit {
change: Change::Update {
log: LogChange {
mode: RefLog::AndReference,
force_create_reflog: false,
message: log_message,
expected: constraint,
new: Target::Peeled(id),
deref: false,
"only one reference can be created, splits aren't possible"
Ok(gix_ref::Reference {
name: edits.pop().expect("exactly one edit").name,
target: Target::Peeled(id),
peeled: None,
/// Edit a single reference as described in `edit`, and write reference logs as `log_committer`.
/// One or more `RefEdit`s are returned - symbolic reference splits can cause more edits to be performed. All edits have the previous
/// reference values set to the ones encountered at rest after acquiring the respective reference's lock.
pub fn edit_reference(&self, edit: RefEdit) -> Result<Vec<RefEdit>, reference::edit::Error> {
/// Edit one or more references as described by their `edits`.
/// Note that one can set the committer name for use in the ref-log by temporarily
/// [overriding the git-config][crate::Repository::config_snapshot_mut()].
/// Returns all reference edits, which might be more than where provided due the splitting of symbolic references, and
/// whose previous (_old_) values are the ones seen on in storage after the reference was locked.
pub fn edit_references(
edits: impl IntoIterator<Item = RefEdit>,
) -> Result<Vec<RefEdit>, reference::edit::Error> {
let (file_lock_fail, packed_refs_lock_fail) = self.config.lock_timeout()?;
.prepare(edits, file_lock_fail, packed_refs_lock_fail)?
/// Return the repository head, an abstraction to help dealing with the `HEAD` reference.
/// The `HEAD` reference can be in various states, for more information, the documentation of [`Head`][crate::Head].
pub fn head(&self) -> Result<crate::Head<'_>, reference::find::existing::Error> {
let head = self.find_reference("HEAD")?;
Ok(match {
Target::Symbolic(branch) => match self.find_reference(&branch) {
Ok(r) => crate::head::Kind::Symbolic(r.detach()),
Err(reference::find::existing::Error::NotFound) => crate::head::Kind::Unborn(branch),
Err(err) => return Err(err),
Target::Peeled(target) => crate::head::Kind::Detached {
peeled: head.inner.peeled,
/// Resolve the `HEAD` reference, follow and peel its target and obtain its object id.
/// Note that this may fail for various reasons, most notably because the repository
/// is freshly initialized and doesn't have any commits yet.
/// Also note that the returned id is likely to point to a commit, but could also
/// point to a tree or blob. It won't, however, point to a tag as these are always peeled.
pub fn head_id(&self) -> Result<crate::Id<'_>, reference::head_id::Error> {
let mut head = self.head()?;
.ok_or_else(|| reference::head_id::Error::Unborn {
name: head.referent_name().expect("unborn").to_owned(),
/// Return the name to the symbolic reference `HEAD` points to, or `None` if the head is detached.
/// The difference to [`head_ref()`][Self::head_ref()] is that the latter requires the reference to exist,
/// whereas here we merely return a the name of the possibly unborn reference.
pub fn head_name(&self) -> Result<Option<FullName>, reference::find::existing::Error> {
/// Return the reference that `HEAD` points to, or `None` if the head is detached or unborn.
pub fn head_ref(&self) -> Result<Option<Reference<'_>>, reference::find::existing::Error> {
/// Return the commit object the `HEAD` reference currently points to after peeling it fully.
/// Note that this may fail for various reasons, most notably because the repository
/// is freshly initialized and doesn't have any commits yet. It could also fail if the
/// head does not point to a commit.
pub fn head_commit(&self) -> Result<crate::Commit<'_>, reference::head_commit::Error> {
/// Return the tree id the `HEAD` reference currently points to after peeling it fully.
/// Note that this may fail for various reasons, most notably because the repository
/// is freshly initialized and doesn't have any commits yet. It could also fail if the
/// head does not point to a commit.
pub fn head_tree_id(&self) -> Result<crate::Id<'_>, reference::head_tree_id::Error> {
/// Find the reference with the given partial or full `name`, like `main`, `HEAD`, `heads/branch` or `origin/other`,
/// or return an error if it wasn't found.
/// Consider [`try_find_reference(…)`][crate::Repository::try_find_reference()] if the reference might not exist
/// without that being considered an error.
pub fn find_reference<'a, Name, E>(&self, name: Name) -> Result<Reference<'_>, reference::find::existing::Error>
Name: TryInto<&'a PartialNameRef, Error = E>,
gix_ref::file::find::Error: From<E>,
/// Return a platform for iterating references.
/// Common kinds of iteration are [all][crate::reference::iter::Platform::all()] or [prefixed][crate::reference::iter::Platform::prefixed()]
/// references.
pub fn references(&self) -> Result<reference::iter::Platform<'_>, reference::iter::Error> {
Ok(reference::iter::Platform {
platform: self.refs.iter()?,
repo: self,
/// Try to find the reference named `name`, like `main`, `heads/branch`, `HEAD` or `origin/other`, and return it.
/// Otherwise return `None` if the reference wasn't found.
/// If the reference is expected to exist, use [`find_reference()`][crate::Repository::find_reference()].
pub fn try_find_reference<'a, Name, E>(&self, name: Name) -> Result<Option<Reference<'_>>, reference::find::Error>
Name: TryInto<&'a PartialNameRef, Error = E>,
gix_ref::file::find::Error: From<E>,
let state = self;
match state.refs.try_find(name) {
Ok(r) => match r {
Some(r) => Ok(Some(Reference::from_ref(r, self))),
None => Ok(None),
Err(err) => Err(err.into()),